Flash Back) Omega man (Dye)


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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Flash Back) Omega man (Dye)

Postby Race Banner on August 20th, 2012, 7:03 am

Sunberth Libary 511 Fall Day 29


To say the library in Sunberth was anything but odd was an understatement one would almost take the place abandon by the amount of dust which has built up on most of the books. To a city who prides itself on life’s vices reading had taken a back burner and many of the books were then put in a state of slow sad decay. There knowledge lost to a society who’s main goal was self-gratification they had no time to question there morals by some silly man in a book. Who should he tell them what is right and what is wrong.

Race was surprised he didn’t see and prostitutes around the area he had finally learned why the women were all over him when he get to the city. He had at first thought he was just that good looking but he was quick to see they wanted money. He didn’t want to spend his money on something he never had he really didn’t understand the point of sex. He had always viewed the world as a bit to hectic to raise a child in and god forbid he let someone in close they would run once they found out who he truly was.
Walking through the door across the ancient marble floor Race peered around adjusting his glasses for a moment as he gathered his bearings.

“Medical…medical…ah here we go.” He said to himself as he pointed down a hall way full of books and grabbed a book that caught his eye. He had a strange theory about the human body that blood could be transferred among people and perhaps even organs. He studied were other experiments who mirrored his ideas however results were less that great. He wanted to know what he was missing he had a lot of people riding on it.
Flipping through the pages he sat with his legs up on a wooden desk in one of the libraries many corridors. The place was errierly quiet and Race began to absorb the information he was reading. Apparently a hundred years ago a Nuit attempted to mix body parts but the study determined to be a failure and the Nuit died in its host body. “God this book is huge.” He mummered. His eyes starting to get heavy.
Race Banner
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Flash Back) Omega man (Dye)

Postby Dye on August 22nd, 2012, 2:37 am

ImageThese men send me on nothing but useless errands. Dye rubbed her aching wrists, looking around the streets she knew nothing of. I can't tell if I've been here before, or if I'm going insane.

Only the vulture would find herself lost deep in an alley, when the old man had simply sent her to retrieve some water for his cough. Now she hadn't a clue where she was!

There was a small building there, at the end of the alley, it looked quite dilapidated - moreso than the city as a whole. She hated this place so much; however, this small structure caught her eye.

She couldn't help but to explore.

A few more steps, and the Kelvic found herself in the tiny library. Books surrounded her, and Dye found herself confused.

Who needs all of these? No person could need to read that badly - she could only read a bit because of one of her masters. He had kept an extensive collection of erotic books, and one of his favourite things to do was to use her body while she read to him.

But this, this was unnecessary. She wandered the stacks, looking for something to occupy herself until she could leave, find her way back, get back to that master she so wanted to massacre.

She needed fun.
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Storyteller secrets

Flash Back) Omega man (Dye)

Postby Race Banner on August 22nd, 2012, 11:37 pm

The large wooden table was covered in about twelve different books pages displaying ink art work of human antimony and text accompanying it. However the most bizarre image was that of race shirtless his shirt and vest neatly folded on the table as he stood running a finger of his chest while looking down at a page that appeared to be the sketch of a Charoda body. “The biology on this creature is nuts Tanner.” Tanner stood in front of Race measuring out what appeared to be a larger lunge system “This proves our theory that the lungs of most creatures are similar.” Tanner responded a splitting image of Race however besides blonde wavy hair his was pure white.

“If this herbal formula works it will be used to thicken any species blood into the bronchi and spread through the body.” Race took off his glasses rubbing his temples of his head. Tanner moved in front of Races face his clothing changed to a blood soaked apron and two leather gloves soaked red and in his hands a pair or lungs split open. Race opened his eyes looking at what Tanner was showing him. “However the Larynx of the Charoda should be taken into account any formula should be reproduced.” Tanner spoke pulling the lungs further apart; Race looked closer putting his finger into the Charoda lungs. “To formulate this for it to be used by the masses we would need allot of finical backing and the herbs required are in disputing territories I doubt we will be able to do this in our life time perhaps by the time our bones become dust our studies will be found and save children of the future.”

Race laughed sadly as he put his elbow on the wooden arm rest and held his head up as he stared out at the ocean of information in front of him. Having so much information but not being able to do things because of technology or politics. Tanner was gone but he could hear him whispering in his ear. “Life is full of disappointments and horrors the misery you know this first hand you cannot save them all and you can’t save yourself. It’s about the journey seek not to know all the answers but to understand the questions.” Tanner spoke Race nodded with a sigh Tanner always knew what to say to cheer him up and protected him.

Race was startled when he saw a women starting at him her appearance took Race’s breath away. Her icy eyes, long lashes and long hair which was a milk of gold and black which was braided across her head. Her pale skin flawless skin begged to be caressed. “Don’t let this get in between your fantasy Race but this girl is either Dira herself or kill you or you’ve scored bit time oh…I forgot to mention she did see you talking to me.” Tanner laughed in Race’s ear and Race started blankly at her as he awkwardly moved forward grabbing his pair of glasses. “erm uh ….uh Hi?” Race spoke setting up going over to his shirt and vest and attempting to get dressed and leave these women thinking him insane or a goddess. His chest was toned however there were several fresh bruises and cuts.

Race Banner
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