Flashback A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Two woman with murderous intentions meeting the first time.

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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 19th, 2012, 2:39 am

The black haired woman, offering her back the item seemed odd, as if there was a trick deep down within the offer, and so she ignored the offer for now. Calreen watched as the visitor examined her nude body. She want's to petch me! But I also want to petch her all the same. She knew then and there that the black haired, beautiful, shackled, woman wanted to abuse her body, but she also was pretty okay with the idea.

The word distracted set something off inside of Calreen's head though, “Distracted?! I was Distracted!? I commanded by a foul bea..beast of a man!.” Her trouble with common was evident, and she hated appearing to be dumber than the people around her, especially this one. As she thought“this one” she eyed the woman from head to toe again, damn she loved this woman's body.

At the compliment of her own body Calreen hesitated and almost froze for a moment, she wasn't used to compliments, not even in the slightest. The Vagik is trying to keep my Daggers, I'll Kill her! She ignored what her brain told her to do and tried to continue the conversation, “Yes, I know my body is...is...delectable, but will not distract me yourself.”

Clareen took a step closer to the woman, their lips were now inches apart and their bodies were pressed slightly against each others. Reaching up, she took the baton from her up risen hand. Whispering into her ear, Clareen continued, “You may not keep them, they are mine.” After she finished the statement she kissed the visitor's dark red lips, nicking her bottom lip with her teeth intentionally; drawing blood. She then withdrew her lips, but stayed the same distance away from the woman.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 19th, 2012, 4:18 am

"Commanded? Those weak men could never make you do something like that, you could have killed them." The thought of a powerful woman like the one before her being dominated was a confusing one - until it led to thoughts of domination in terms of herself and the nude body pressed up against her.

And in that strange moment, she thought of all the people watching them. Women shielding the eyes of their husbands, children peeking out of corners, husbands peeking between wives' fingers. Now why should she care, she could petch the woman in front of all of them without a second thought!

Dye's jacket had slipped open a bit, and those luscious breasts with their tattoo of a vulture - wings outstretched - were uncovered just a bit. A tantalizing view if ever there was one, aside from the view of the fully nude, flaming haired, violently alluring woman so close, pressed into her.

She heard a whistle, and her cheeks gained a violently red blush; it almost looked comical on a face as pale as her own, and it further embarrassed her as she realized she was acting so foolishly. The whistler must be killed, of course.

The woman's words in her ear sent a shiver down the back of the vulture to which she clung, and the bite to Dye's lip elicited a sound, somewhere between a growl, moan, and whimper.
"I almost cannot decide whether to kill you here or petch you in front of our crowd." She smiled evilly and mischievously, passion burning in her eyes as her hands set gently on the woman's hips; yet her sharply pointed nails rested ready to dig into that sweet, milky skin.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 20th, 2012, 1:22 am

Placing her hands on the woman's waist, above the woman's arms, Clareen looked into those mystifying blue eyes; dropping her own robe and broach behind the woman. Now she mocks me for not taking the lives of all of those that commanded me, how infuriating; she must not understand. “You believe I wouldn't kill them if it was possible!.” Leaning closer, back into the woman's ear; as not to threaten the beauty again, she continued. “I would happily slit throats slowly after a long...agonizingly painful torture.” She put more emphasis on the three adjectives to torture, to draw out her point.

Clareen saw that the black haired woman's jacket had peeked open slightly, allowing a tease to show, making more of her breasts visible. The sight almost made Clareen shiver, the thought of seeing the rest of her body was almost TOO appealing. A male whistle sounded behind her, cheering on the nude woman and her new found enemy. This only made her want to take his life, but she couldn't, for the same reason she couldn't kill the rest of them. You Vagik! Your gonna kill him aren't you, then it's gonna be blamed on me. I must distract you first.

Listening to what the woman said, it took a moment for Clareen to process it. This time, keeping eye contact, she wrapped her arms around the woman's waist to where she could reach her daggers with both hands. Sliding them out of their holsters, she pointed them towards the woman's lower back; out of her sight. Clareen promptly poked both into her clothing, on the verge of piercing her skin; positioned right on her spine. “If you believe you, ...ravishing as you may be, could do either option without my... consent , then you aren't nearly as bright as I believed.”

She felt the woman's nails fall upon her skin, a silent threat, or perhaps a silent promise. No matter, she couldn't wait, regardless of the intent. “I could paralyze you where you stand, from the waist down; it would be gorgeous.” In the sentence there was not only a threat, but also a silent truth. The truth that if she were to take the beautiful woman's life, that she would find it gorgeous, although what a pity that would be. Not being able to defile her body would be rather depressing in itself.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 20th, 2012, 3:43 am

The mention of torture, sending shivers down her back, was the trigger for the feral side of the vulture in captivity. Her tongue shot out, licking the blood from her full lip, the red of her tongue and the purplish tint of her lips so tantalizingly like the colours of blood and bruises, the thoughts in their minds in the same vein as those colours...

Never before had making an enemy been so fascinating for the Kelvic; all the men she so hated, she killed. Strangled them with cords, clawed their throats in their sleep, even one she killed mid-petch. But this woman, this bemusing miss, she was different. She was interesting, she knew how Dye thought and thought the same things, she was a woman after her own heart.

Now why did she have to worry? Oh, right. She wants to kill me! I want the same for her... And she truly did, she wanted the blood of the flaming haired woman on her hands, she wanted to hear her cry and beg, she wanted her to put up more of a fight than all the worthless men she had encountered. She wanted fun.

There was a pricking feeling in her lower back, and she just knew the woman had pulled blades on her. But where had they come from? Was it... The petching club hid blades! Her nails were her best bet now, either those or the spiked on the bracelets she wore; either way, she'd likely need to use something to defend herself from this dangerous psychopath.

"Hurt me, Vagik." And she leaned in, taking the bottom lip of the other woman between her teeth, slowly dragging them across the flesh in as gentle a manner as she could; teasing, decadent, and absolutely infuriating.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 20th, 2012, 4:11 am

Clareen felt the eyes of the city upon her, watching her, it was all just a show to them. Well I can give them a great petching show! The horribly ravishing woman before her lashed her tongue out, licking the blood from her lip. Each movement the woman made just made Clareen want to fall to her knees, but she couldn't let it show., she couldn't let the woman win. This crazy woman must die, like all the rest before her.

She was no different than the rest, Right..? Her thoughts trailed off as she contemplated it, she WAS different. She wasn't like the rest, but Clareen couldn't see why, why this woman was so much petching different than all her previous victims. After all, the rest she killed without a single problem.

She wanted more than a kill out of this one though, more than a petching. She wanted something extreme, something new. Clareen still felt the presence of the nails, claws better yet, upon her bare thighs, but that was irrelevant. If the woman wanted to cut her, then let her; she would only enjoy the pain far too much for her own good.

The woman taunted her, taunted her to follow through and push the knife deep into her flesh. Then she felt the dark lips upon her own again, this time by the others choice. They became teeth on her own lips, teasing her, taunting her still. Clareen quickly and smoothly pulled their bodies against one another using her arms, breast to breast, eye to eye. Her daggers still posing a threat.

“You think I won't...” Her voice quieting. “You think I won't harm you, your just another Vagik, just cause your body is ...enthralling, doesn't change that.” Clareen pushed the knives slightly into her, drawing only drops of blood. “You are only a toy to me, only another murder, another victim..” She turned her knives outwards, away from the woman's spine, as not to cause any real damage. Out towards her thighs. “You wanna play sweetie, we can play.” At the last word Clareen pressed her lips against the woman's and in the same instant, put an inch of two daggers into her back.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 20th, 2012, 5:21 am

Yes, love, let's give the vagiks a show.

She saw the wheels turn in the woman's mind, saw the way her eyes unfocused as she thought, and the vulture's own mind started to wander. What sane person wouldn't wonder about what could happen with a beautiful, nude woman pressed against you?

The blades slipped barely into her skin, and Dye gasped suddenly. She was so used to pain, her current master beat her, her former master beat her, she was so often abused. Only because they are weak, they knew I could not fight back. This one... She knows I could hurt her. She's excited by it! In fact, it was quite exciting. This woman could seriously hurt her, torture her for hours.

Then the daggers sunk in, and inch for each. It elicited a low sound from the vulture, a sound skin to the screech of a wounded bird, but lower, quieter, and much, much angrier. This little vagik, this piece of offal, deigned to hurt her? Their lips pressed together, the vengeful side of the Kelvic came out. Her viciously sharpened nails dug into the sides of the Inarta's legs, about a half inch of vile, pointed hate puncturing the skin of her sweet thighs in ten different spots.

Dye kissed Clareen vigorously, savagely, like the animal she truly was. No one cared who was watching... Anymore.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 20th, 2012, 5:43 am

Clareen's kiss was filled wish a passionate hate, if there was ever such a thing. She longed for more, more of the strange woman's body, more of her flesh, more of her mind, more of her blood. I mustn't let them observe me do this, it will only push me further away from the promotion I desire. She knew that she must take it somewhere else, but how, and did she truly want to?

The sound of the woman's gasp of pain was enough to push Clareen to the edge, she wanted more. She would've smiled at the idea that she was about to feel the same pain, had her lips not been plastered to hers. She could tell that the new found creature was angry, good, she better be.

Then Clareen felt her thighs be punctured in ten different spots, one per nail. Each dug into her skin, sending chills through her body and up her spine. Her lips detached and let out the sound of an agonizing moan, that was a good name for it. It was a moan, yes, but if you only listened to it for a second all you would hear is the pain that covered the pleasure. The very agony that made her only want to indulge further.

The kiss between them became amplified, by anger, by pain, by pleasure, by hate. These were all factors, but Clareen knew that she must drag the woman away. She yanked the knives out of the woman's back, sheathing them back in themselves. Then pulled away from the bewitching kiss, flicking her own tongue across the woman's lips, as if to tease about the upcoming pleasure.

She then stepped back from the nook in the wall, raising a hand, she signaled for the woman to follow her. Then she turned left and, oh so very slowly, began to walk. Towards the Inner Wardens, such hallways would be cleared of people other than the random passerby, and they would simply cover their eyes and move along.

Leaving her robe and broach behind she walked, they were irrelevant, she would get them later and they would be there, no one would steal such meaningless things. She moved at a crawling pace, allowing whatever would happen to happen as it would.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 20th, 2012, 6:43 am

Gods, this woman is ravishing... The moan was unbelievable, Dye could hear the mixture of pain and utter pleasure behind that deep tone, the indulgent, rich sound of what both of them wanted, craved.

Her feral nature lent itself well to the kiss the women shared. She had to have what she wanted, everything was an opportunity, and the day had gone in such an unexpected direction; she obviously wasn't going to be getting the master's items, but that mattered little. After the events of this day, she would likely kill him and easily escape. She could fly out of the city and hide so easily; the huge eagles native to the are would never catch a smaller bird such as herself, especially if she could leave the city long before the body was found.

Clareen pulled from the kiss, and a small sound was torn from the purplish lips of her newly discovered enemy... Lover... Rival. That is the word for it.

Dye stood for a moment, watching the woman's luscious behind move sensuously as she slowly walked away, gesturing over her shoulder for the vulture to follow. This could go so well, or they could scrap and one could die. So much could happen, it was so exhilarating.

Dye knelt, grabbing the robe and broach. She looked at the piece of jewelry, slipping it into her coinpurse while the Inarta wasn't looking, and made her way along, following the nude beauty further into the city.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 20th, 2012, 7:08 am

Footsteps could be heard behind her as Clareen moved. The strange new visitor was definitely following her, what would happen once they reached their destination was a mystery; but she guessed that it would be utterly exhilarating. She could try to kill me from behind, but she won't, she desires my body too much. She made sure with each step she shook her hips, drawing out her bodies attraction, her own blood trickling down her thighs.

As she calmed her paranoid self she glanced behind her, the woman was carrying her robe, but no broach, perhaps it had fallen away from the robe. Clareen quickened her pace as she became anxious, longing for the touch of her lustrous skin, to feel her lips, to taste her blood. Blood...she ran both her hands up her thighs and along her body, picking up the traces of dripping blood that covered her now. Scarred by the desire she felt towards another being.

She didn't lick her fingers, no, she would leave the taste of her own blood a mystery to her, besides; the one she truly wanted to Taste was following not far behind her. She reached the Inner Wardens, entering the now mostly empty hallway. She ignored her arrival and continued walking, curious as to what the female that followed would do.

Clareen couldn't wait to remove the being's clothing, to abuse her body, to taste her blood, to taste her skin, to slice her flesh. Everything within her wanted to spin around and leap upon the alluring thing that followed her, but she restrained herself. Letting the other female choose what to do.

Although her mind wandered still, what could she possibly be, she couldn't be human. Such a shape, such a mind, such arousal, what could it possibly be that brought this upon Clareen, what kind of pheromone, what kind of tricky can do this to you. She had no answer for herself, all she knew was that she wanted it and that she would have it, one way, or another.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 20th, 2012, 7:37 am

I could try to kill her from behind, but I won't; I desire her body too much.

Dye followed that supple behind, the rough robe in her right hand. She had completely forgotten the wounds in her back; they would heal soon enough, and there were more interesting things to focus on. The robe was light, and that confused the vulture. It's so cold outside, does she only have this thin thing for protection? Nothing was making sense of this woman's actions in this volcanic city. She was so powerful, but she lived in such a horrible manner, why? Why would she tolerate it - why should she?

The woman's hands ran up her bloodied thighs, which was all the more alluring. She was taunting the Kelvic, and every moment was worth millions of the seconds of her so bland life. The masters were all the same, and not enough people were a challenge, an opportunity, and none were as fun to hurt, torture, taste...

Even simply following this creature was an adventure.

Dye quickened her pace to close the gap, and ended up walking slightly behind and to the right of the still nude body before her. She smiled, and began whispering softly to the woman as they walked, taunting and flippant - Strange for the Kelvic.

"Excited to be used, princess? Where are we going?"
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