She'd slipped away from chores early. It wasn't really that Sanctuary was housing guests again. No, it was more like it was summer and breeding was over, foaling was over, and for a brief period they had a break in the torrent of activity that usually surrounded the facility and there was time to escape. The headaches she got from the reimancy kept her from working much past noon on building projects elsewise she'd be suffering in the afternoon with mind numbing cranal poundings that told her she'd pushed too much. And the afternoons were very full between training young horses, rebuilding, and getting ready to open the school. There was still so much to do, but Kavala was pacing herself. She was enjoying things before the end of summer came around where the frantic need to get hay put away for winter overtook her and she went on mad gathering sprees to get the herbal supplies up in the clinic.
So, having went in search of Ronan and not having found him, she'd gave in to Tasi's demands for her time and had decided some swimming off the beach was in order. So, with the slow measured steps of a toddler, Kavala and her son headed out the sea doors and onto the brightly lit edge of their world. The sand was warm underfoot, the sky an incredible shade of blue above, and her little boy was laughing with eagerness both to have his mother's undivided attention and at the promise of some time in the ocean.
She hadn't yet spotted Ronan or the stranger. Instead her head was tilted down, cocked sideways, and listening to Tasival ramble on and on in his nonsensical lyrical childs babble.