Flashback A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Two woman with murderous intentions meeting the first time.

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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 20th, 2012, 7:11 pm

She heard the footsteps behind gain rhythm; causing Clareen to smile. She had the woman under her control, at least, mostly. Clareen began to think about all the supple possibilities. This woman could push her on a wall and attempt to control her, Clareen could spin around and attempt to take the follower's life, they could walk till the stairs and once there converge along the narrower corridors, the options were almost endless.

She yearned for the black haired woman's body, she wanted to see it, to feel it, to bleed it. Clareen had already exposed her entire body to the woman, so in a sense, the visitor had the upper hand, as she was wearing the clothing that Clareen was missing. I could turn around and take her right now, petch her right here on the floor. Now what would be the attraction in that.

Shouldn't there be a level of foreplay, a time when the two exchange angered and lustful glances, thinking of how they both intended to abuse the others body, wasn't that the fun part? A taunt came from the woman's splendid lips, a taunt that claimed she would control Clareen, as well as a request for the destination.

Not looking back, Clareen responded, “If you believe for a second that you will be the one using me, then you are in for...an awakening. We have...arrived at our goal already.” She found herself anxious yet again, curious of what was to come and who would actually be using who. How much more blood would be spilled tonight? Oh, I sure do hope plenty of the crimson water will flow from our veins and mingle on the floor as our bodies do the same..
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 21st, 2012, 5:58 am

A clawed finger ran itself across the lower back of the Inarta, just ghosting along the pale skin as the two seductresses made their way through the city. The other hand reached up to unclip the braids that ringed the vulture's crown, the ebony and gold locks tumbling their way down her back in thick waves.

He jacket had opened further, exposing more of her breasts, and the torn section of her skirt had continued to rip; the skirt now had a large slit going up the right side of her body and exposing the majority of one milky thigh. It was as if her clothing were begging to be taken off, begging to be thrown to the floor in a flurry of heated action.

So much anger in the Kelvic's mind, so much heat in her loins, so much tension in every muscle - every step was a torture, every moment where the woman was not hers.

Every agonizing moment...

And they had arrived.

"And where in the petching world are we, now?"
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Clareen on August 21st, 2012, 6:20 am

As they walked it appeared that the black haired woman continued to lose clothing. Clareen felt the touch of the seductive woman on her lower back, sliding across her skin, begging to be petched. She could be mine, I could just take her now, as she is.

Clareen turned into the woman's arm as she let down her hair, it was too much, She had been over whelmed. Placing her hands on the woman's waist, Clareen walked towards her, making the enthralling woman walk backwards, until her back met a wall with a sufficient thud. She slowly ran her left hand down her thigh, making contact with the exposed flesh from the ripped skirt. She slid her hand into the whole. Placing her right hand on to the Succubus' lower back, forcing herself upon the woman by a strong pull.

At first she posed a kiss, only to retreat, she wanted to tease the woman, to play with her, after all, she couldn't just let her have it her way. In her right hand she clutched her knives, both sheathed within each other. She brought her lips to the woman's ears, “We are deep within the Inner Wardens, no one can bother me here, here I can abuse you as I want.” She then kissed her cheek and returned her face to eye to eye level.

Her body ached from head to toe, each bone, each joint, each and every muscle yearned to take control of this woman, the claim her, to own her. This will be the most fun I will have in a long time, and for petching's sake I'm going to thoroughly enjoy it. Clareen slid her left hand up her thigh on the inside of her skirt, lifting her skirt upwards on her body.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye]

Postby Dye on August 22nd, 2012, 12:56 am


The wall took Dye's breath, Clareen's soft touch on her waist, the ghost of a caress on her thigh, her body being savagely pulled into the Inarta's. Decadent action led to decadent action, the master had totally slipped from her mind.

For once, her mind was silent. Clouded.

The cat and mouse game of passion had begun; almost kissing, teasing and retreating, making the other beg, whimper, crave.

"Funny, the prey fancies itself a predator. Quite sad, if you think about it. You're nothing more to me than azo. Meat" The symenos swear was being used incorrectly, but it worked in the situation. She really saw the fierce woman as nothing more than meat. Something to be used.

Her skirt was lifted, and Dye smiled ferociously. She leaned her head forward, capturing Clareen's lips with her own and moving her hands up to gently cup her ample bosom.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Clareen on August 22nd, 2012, 3:31 am

Clareen felt each touch of the woman's flesh, it's soft texture causing friction on Clareen's own skin. She needed to get those clothes off, they weren't needed anyway. She wanted to tease her more, before she would please her. Then the woman insulted her yet again, saying that Clareen was the prey and that she was predator. What a false world she lives in, I could take her life any time I wanted to.

Looking into her piercing blue eyes it was as if the entire future was put on hold, as if this woman was all that mattered. Her blood, her body, her taste, her lips, it was all that came into the equation. That it was all that mattered right now, that it was all that needed to be taken into consideration. A huge smile crossed the strange woman's lips, before Clareen could question the smile, She was assaulted by the woman.

Clareen's lips were entrapped by the woman's and Clareen definitely enjoyed it, maybe too much for just a kiss. She felt the woman's bountiful bosom under her hand and gave it a hard a squeeze. Sliding her own tongue between the woman's lips and slamming her back into the wall yet again, but this time with more force.

Sliding her tongue out for a second she retorted, “I am not your prey tonight pretty, you are mine, and I can't wait to eat you up.” At the last word her lips were upon the other's yet again, not allowing her to respond or to even take a breath. The hand on her lower back against the wall slowly began to slide downwards, to remove the oh so bothersome clothing that covered that wonderful body.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Dye on August 22nd, 2012, 4:33 am

It had been so long since she had been touched...

This little Vagik... Her mind was unfocusing, but the vulture had to stay in control.

This woman couldn't get the upper hand... I need to assert my dominance, but how? Her mind reeled at the scent of the woman, the sight of her, her skin taking on a slightly purple sheen in the vulture's tetrachromatic sight. Her eyes played between yellow and a shade the vulture could never accurately explain to someone who saw things in a way different from herself; the beautiful irises were sometimes an elegant mixture of blue and yellow, but not exactly green. The shade was more of a true mix of the two.

Dye would never admit it, but she loved when the woman slammed her into the wall, scratched, squeezed too hard, inflicted pain instead of accepted it. She would never admit it, but pain excited her in all situations. And she was quite excited now.

Her skirt was removed, and the voluptuous Kelvic suddenly felt trapped. This woman knew what she wanted, and her thick jacket was too much clothing for her now...

She shrugged it off, never breaking off the deep, fierce kiss with the Dek.

They were both bare.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Clareen on August 22nd, 2012, 5:02 am

Clareen watched as the skirt fell to the floor, the black haired woman almost instantly removed her jacket, the last piece of clothing that she had on. They now both stood, naked in the midst of the Inner Wardens, their lips clasped together. Damn, this woman is absolutely ravishing, I thought she was before but....just damn!

A gap had grown between their bodies as the woman had removed her clothing and a gap between her and the wall had formed as well from removing her own jacket. Her hands had been moving as the clothing had been removed. Her right hand now sat on the woman's thigh and her left on her breast, squeezing occasionally, far harder than could only bring enjoyment. She then forced her body upon her again and lightly pushed the visitor against the wall, only to slam her head against the wall when her tongue slid between the lips of the stunning woman.

You thought you were the predator? Hah! Watch, as I dominate you. Clareen's right hand still held her knives, sheathed withing each other and she began to wish that they weren't sheathed, she wanted to draw more of her blood. To create a gash that she would forever remember, one that she could see. Sadly, they weren't unsheathed, but eventually they would be.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Dye on August 22nd, 2012, 5:41 am

It was odd, how similar their bodies looked... But Dye didn't care, couldn't care, she was touched by this luscious miss, kissed by her cool red lips.

Red and purple collided, the feelings became colours in the mind of the vulture. She felt things as she saw them, especially in this heightened mode of passion: colours no one else knows, she felt as if every touch was in the unltraviolet, and she needed more.

This vile creature, this... This... Temptress... Her head slammed against the wall, accompanied by a beautifully melodious moan from the Kelvic.
Dye felt the knives against her back, sheathed, cold, hard...

The Kelvic's left hand continued to explore the beautiful body while her right hand dipped below her waist, trailing a single sharp nail up one thigh to go between those supple legs...
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Clareen on August 22nd, 2012, 5:52 am

She could feel the visitor's hands as they groped the Inartan's body, each fondling her body as they went. Although her right hand was the one that had Clareen's attention, it slid along her inner thigh, pushing against it, almost breaking skin anyway. It traveled upwards though and what could occur next would change the entire situation.

She could feel the woman bending under her hands, giving into every whim and into every desire that Clareen placed before her. The moan that accompanied the woman's head slamming against the wall was only more gratifying. With each sound Clareen gained confidence, and with confidence came pleasure, to the both of them she was sure.

Her right hand remained on the woman's thigh, while her left continued to grope the woman's breast, although now she played between her fingers as well as squeezed more periodically.

She is all mine now, she shows no whim to fight the pleasure. Their tongues battled for dominance still, but as far as Clareen was concerned, who controlled who was obvious in their bodies.
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[Flashback] A Murderous Meeting [Dye] [Mature Content]

Postby Dye on August 24th, 2012, 3:27 am

She tries to be dominant, but do I have to make every move? The action was moving much too slowly, the woman wasn't succumbing to the passion that most of her victims did.

It was infuriating.

The vulture pulled back from the kiss, her eyes displaying her displeasure with the girl.
"Petching woman, move!" Heaving, the Kelvic turned and slammed the Inarta into the wall right next to where they had been standing. Her hand never moved from its very comfortable spot between the woman's legs, her head darting in to lick her collar, biting into the nape of her neck with a cringe-worthy force. She intended to mix pain and pleasure, and her actions were all feral, ferocious, sudden, angry.

I expect to win, beauty.
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