Wart followed, setting down on the table the two books she still held but keeping a hand on them just in case. Her other hand held tight to Tock's, a still trembling thumb lightly rubbing hers in an effort to give some comfort. She nodded at Tock's request, giving a slight smirk. Funny for big ol' "scary" ghost to get all touchy over a petchin lil' book. In her mind it was, in fact, not funny, but utterly terrifying to say the least. Whether it was believable or not, she would put up an unaffected and critical front, even if it was just to deceive herself.
As Tock moved closer, Wart placed an arm around her shoulder and leaned her head against hers. She didn't respond to the ghosts greeting, but continued to watch him suspiciously. The woman mentally scoffed at his saying he apologized for the "impression" (lotsa dark lookin' shyke for not meanin' to give an impression of hurtin' someone) but she couldn't help the relief when he went back to, as Tock had called it, the nice politics ghost. And now, sitting on a chair like a normal person, she felt at least a little more at ease, though choosing to remain on her guard. As a last stubborn, if not immature, gesture she responded to the ghosts hand gesture by sticking out her tongue.
After pulling out the chair Tock had been sitting at before, Wart moved to the one next to it and sat down, pulling her books so that they lay in front of her. She wasn't exactly knowledgeable when it came to politics, but she was eager for the atmosphere to go back to whatever non-spookiness it had been before.
"'Wha sorta politic stuff you two talkin' bout?"