After clearing the guard who is staring and yelling some obscenity after narrowly avoiding a hit in the head from the staff 'Ryuss' balances on his shoulders, Napua continues up the street, expelling a breath of relief. She looks over her shoulder at the red-headed blind man, not moving too far away from him after she released his Lontev but when the blind Inartan pokes jest at her about carrying her, Napua narrows her eyes at him a moment and smacks his shoulder, "Oh hush and come on. I'm helping you, it's not the other petching way around, you get that?"
She starts to walk off then stops, Ryuss almost colliding with her but she balls a bit of his Lontev in her hand and speaks quietly but firmly to his face, "And don't -ever- call me mistress, do you -want- people to get the wrong idea and start asking questions? Do you -want- to be found out when people start wondering why a dek is calling another dek mistress? You're the one with something to hide not me, so don't be stupid 'Ryuss'." She says the name harshly, to remind him bluntly that she is aware he needs her to pull off whatever this is he was doing. She figured by now he was no Dek at all and she knew she was tipping the line dangerously because she doesn't know if he was a Chiet, Avora or even an Endal but here she was in this blind Inartan's face, staring at him and being rough with her manner and words. She only hoped she did not pay for it later but also part of her knew she had a mild advantage. "Come."
She releases the fabric of the Lontev and turns, walking away, her bare feet touching the ground and she doesn't say another word nor does she care to look back to see if he's still coming or not. She was pissed off by even agreeing to be in this situation now and she rubbed her face and kneaded her forehead. She hope she didn't make the wrong decision here and that Miri better hold up to her end of the deal or she would beat that girl to a pulp.