Closed Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Aidara gets drunk and makes some poor decisions.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Aidara on July 20th, 2012, 9:10 am

Timestamp: 7th of Summer, 512 AV
Where: The Archery Ranges
Who: Syn

"Watch'chit!" The slurred shout rebounded off the offending wall, the one that only moments before had gotten in Addy's way; unsteady feet carrying her back and forth across through the hallway, causing Dek and Avora alike to scamper from her path. Though none dared say a word as the healer staggered by, looks were traded behind the woman's back as she passed. It was not everyday that one witnessed one of the Endal wandering around in shambles. Passersby were bound to take notice.

Oh, and then there was the fact that she was completely naked. Naturally. Really, who doesn't get drunk in the early bells of morning? Before Syna hardly had the chance to reach her bright fingers into the deepest of Leth's shadows, scattering them as day once more overtakes night, Addy had awoken with the sudden, if now normal, urge to drink and forget. It had been a hard couple seasons.

It wasn't that Addy was hard to look at; quite the contrary actually. Pale and lightly muscled, the woman was quite simply beautiful, if in a slightly unique way. The dark auburn hair that fell well past her shoulders hung in shambles around that pretty face, green eyes wide and glassy as they flickered rapidly back and forth, as if searching for something specific, or perhaps just on the lookout for another offensive wall. Even now, her tousled appearance stirring more than just the imagination, men and women alike stopped to eye her appreciatively, whistles and lude calls following her as she passed. A smirk brought those dimples into her cheeks, the small hand clutching the empty wine bottle lifting into the air in a nonchalant wave to her admirers.

"I's here until next... time!" Still attempting to flourish dramatically, Addy rounded the corner, her free hand almost accidentally grasping at the wall to help keep her balance. A few stumbling steps and the little healer once more had her balance back, completely unfazed and with her non-existant ego still intact.

By the time she made it to the Courtyard of the Sky, the sun had fully risen and the air was starting to warm. Stepping out into the light, Addy simply stood there with her face turned up towards the sky, a small and lopsided smile on her lips as she enjoyed the mixture of warm light and cool breeze. The alcohol in her system dulled the rest of her senses, including that which kept track of time; it was hard for her to tell how long she had been there for, but when Addy finally opened her eyes again, she was laying on her back in the middle of the Courtyard, that bottle still clutched in her fist.
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Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Absynia on July 20th, 2012, 9:47 am

Up at the crack of dawn was almost always greeted by a lonesome figure leaning on a balcony gazing at the rising sun. She never got tired of seeing them from her aerie, never got tired of the taste of freedom she had even these six years after bonding to Ashta. She could stand for hours just watching the suns progress, a freedom she never thought she’d ever have. Eventually she walked back inside, past the sleeping shape of her bondmate, he wouldn’t be up for hours. She got dressed in clothing she had specifically designed for herself. Light woven pants, knee high soft soled dark leather boots, long sleeved dark grey tunic that’s sleeves ended at the middle of her forearm and an ankle length cloth overcoat that was split up the back for ease of riding. To finish the outfit she had dark leather bracers, but since she was going to the archery ranges she had her bow and quiver with her. The quiver was attached to her belt that hung low on her hips, the quiver situated behind her in easy reach while her bow was sling across her back. Her blood red hair hung loose around her shoulders, beads woven in small braids glittered like diamonds upon crimson.

Her golden eyes were fierce like ever, not much more than a determined flicker within them. Sometimes she walked, sometimes she sprinted down the stairs and sometimes she walked along the railing unafraid of the dangers. When she rounded the corner in to a courtyard she stopped suddenly, before her was a naked woman laying on the ground holding a bottle. Her lip curled with disgust, she hated drunks, nothing good ever came from them. It was an even more pitiful state that this one was a woman, she couldn’t understand what drove people to such lows. She had the sudden feeling that she wasn’t going to be able to practice this particular morning. She strode over to the stranger and prodded her with the toe of her boot, she wasn’t going to squat down putting herself in a vulnerable position. Gods knew what would happen if she put more of herself within reach of this nude problem. Some might wonder why she didn’t say anything, but it wouldn’t take long for even a drunkard to figure out she was mute. All this woman would see is an annoyed golden glare, feel the nudge of a boot and probably do something bizarre.

Absynia didn’t care about if the woman was attractive, she only cared about rousing the individual, getting her some clothes and getting away so she could do what she planned on doing for the day. She didn’t know who this person was, no surprise really, she kept herself pretty isolated with only her bondmate near. She only shed her solitude when forced to, but few called her for important things, she was still too junior to warrant any official and important duties. Mostly she hunted, tracked and otherwise dealt with things those her senior didn’t want to do. She was fine with this, the less she had to deal with people the better, she disliked the vast majority of people around her, only animals and above all birds were not subject to her ill temper. She looked up at the sky, spotting the circling shapes of eagles high above and sighed, too bad Ashta was still asleep…
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Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Aidara on August 26th, 2012, 10:37 pm

Aidara felt like singing. Singing loudly. Out loud.

And so she did.

Unaware that she had less than amused company, or simply unaffected by this fact, Addy stayed sprawled on her back as she sang, her voice cracking and chirping in such away that the songbirds of their city would be ashamed to hear it. A few Yasi nearby giggled loudly, pointing and whispering behind their hands as Addy flailed her arms and legs around in beat with her song. It was a nursery rhyme that those in charge of the young Yasi taught them all, except this version had explicit verses that the nurses most definitely did not teach the children.

"Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch-CHA!" Finishing the final note with a flourish that brought both her arms wide, Addy opened her eyes and peered blearily around her, managing to get to her knees and then her feet before taking a sloppy bow. There was, of course, amused applause scattered around the courtyard, though most of the passersby simply ignored the drunk healer. Those who did indulge Addy knew her, understood her plight and well... pity never really hurt anyone.

During the course of her performance, Addy had dropped her empty bottle to the stone. Bending now to pick it back up, wiggling her naked butt in response to a few cat calls, Addy finally noticed the one woman who had not just passed her by, standing there glaring down at her.

"Can I help you, sour puss?"
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Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Absynia on August 27th, 2012, 12:17 am

Syn’s expression didn’t waver, but she was happy the woman was up and standing. She took off her coat and held it out for her, then jerked her head in the direction she wanted to take her. Perhaps it might be the standard of the cloth or the look in her eyes, but it might lead even a drunken woman to note that the golden eyed woman was used to being obeyed and did not look at her as her superior. There was only one Endal that would come to mind due to her silence, Absynia the mute Endal. It was a term most called her, though usually when they didn’t think she’d notice or when she wasn’t around. Her flaw, something that should have kept her as work fodder for the rest of her life, hadn’t held her back from her current station due to her eagle. Yet many resented that she had gained her current standing and for anyone who was of a position to be privy to information, she had no friends other than said eagle. She had one servant, a slow girl who while intelligent, wasn’t flexable enough to warrant complicated training due to her intolerance for rapid change of duties. Lana was the closest human to her, but no one else could get past Syn’s strong dislike for people or even bothered to try.

Syn’s muteness could also be taken as a sign of intentional disrespect or a singular lack of interest in talking too, but her expression would suggest that she could have plenty to say, though kept silent. The attention that the drunk woman was getting and her by interacting while being near made Syn’s skin prickle. So many eyes made her uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, she wanted to get this woman out of sight from others, sobered up and away. She kept her focus on the drunk woman trying her best to ignore everyone else around them. She hated how all these strangers made her afraid, she hated the weakness and were she inclined might blame the woman, but she didn’t. She knew better and as much as she disliked people, she just couldn’t bring herself to blame them for things she should be able to deal with on her own. These people seemed familiar with this drunk stranger, she couldn’t help a stab of pain making her heart ache for she knew no one of her people would ever wish to get near her due to her inability to speak. She didn’t hold the hope that an outsider would act differently either, for all she knew they too would view her as a worthless freak.

Lara and Ashta had faith in her, but how much of Lara’s faith in her was present just to keep her own self safe? Her trust in her eagle was absolute, she didn’t question the motives behind how he felt. It was everyone else other than him that she viewed with suspicion. How different would her life had been if she had been gifted with a voice. Would she still feel as she did now? She hated the pain these people unknowingly and knowingly caused in her, would that she could rip out the part of her that bled within. Would that she could reach the stars on wings of her own and never look back. She knew however that she couldn’t do what she desperately wanted. All she could do was pretend like these others didn’t effect her and get this woman away so that this spectacle didn’t continue.
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Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Aidara on September 13th, 2012, 6:50 am

The strangers haughty silence and the way she looked down her long nose at the small woman only acted to enrage Addy. It started slowly, a slow tapping of her foot as she wobbled to keep her balance while trying to portray her impatience in waiting for a response. The whole Courtyard swam and it was rather hard to remember which of the five identical women that swam before her inebriated gaze was the real one.

However, the longer the silence stretched, the more time Addy's alcohol inhibited emotions were given time to rise to the surface. "How dare you look at me that way!" Her voice was outraged, a flush rising up into her cheeks as she spoke. "I am an Endal! You treat me with respect and answer my questions!" Addy never pulled the Endal Card, but the cold snap of her hazed green eyes made it very clear that she wasn't joking in the slightest. Dramatic as she may be, Addy had never been an angry drunk. Well... not until recently.

" yourself...!"
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Look, the bottom of the bottle! (Absynia)

Postby Absynia on September 13th, 2012, 7:41 pm

She had already figured the woman was the same rank as her, why else would no one be taking control? She was getting irritated, the woman ordering her to explain herself only making it worse. Perhaps it was her growing anger that caught her bondmate’s attention, he’d always been able to sense more through their bond than she did. I’m on my way dear heart, was just about to fly to the archery grounds when I spotted you.

The courtyard wasn’t normally a landing zone for eagles, but the Inarta built just about anything with their guardians in mind. The eagle’s scream wasn’t unusual, but people looked up anyways only to see a black dot diving straight towards the ground. It wasn’t long before the wind of his wings gusted around the courtyard his wing tips a mere foot away from brushing a few columns. Black as night the long crested eagle posed for eyes that were suddenly drawn to him, he had done the dramatics on purpose knowing Syn hated eyes upon herself. His golden gaze was focused on the naked woman before his bondmate, the fierce look even more brilliant than his partner’s own. Absynia’s own golden stare was upon her partner, a smirk touching her lips, he was such a sucker for attention. Carefully the eagle walked close to her, his beak gently nibbling her outstretched hand, a crooning noise softly sounding in his chest. Now they have someone even more magnificent to ogle, handle the naked one.

Syn’s gaze returned to the woman, the tenderness gone as it was meant only for her bondmate. The voice that would echo in the woman’s mind was chill.

My name is Absynia, Endal and partner to Ashta, I am mute. I don’t have to explain myself, my rank ought to have been clear since I am not groveling or drooling before you.

Anger, she was angry that this woman was so blind, angry that the woman was acting so disgraceful and angry because she couldn’t simply speak showing her ire in a proper fashion. Yet the feelings would be clear in that brief exchange, her eagle on the other hand was amused. He was merely pretending to ignore the rest preening his wings with pride, his form blocked the two from sight, especially with him preening a wing.

I don’t get what the draw is about bare featherless bodies, perhaps you can explain it to me later.

If she had been alone she might have laughed, the question was totally random considering her current focus. She said nothing however, her friend was merely trying to get her to settle down, it was for his sake she reigned her temper in.
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