A day on the job, and its one that's a pain in the arse.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A day on the job, and its one that's a pain in the arse.

Postby Coren on August 28th, 2012, 8:44 pm

54th of summer 512 AV

Coren was silently making his way through the many shelves, the small cheeps of the of the wheeled cart, filled with returned books he had to re shelve was being pulled behind him. Today was a more bussy day, quite a few people decided that they wanted to return their books now, since it was once again possible. And since coren was more a repellant for people then ever these day's he was assigned the job of keeping the books in order.

He himself didn't really care much about being kept out of people's way. They all acted as if a wrong step could let him snap. It was quite relaxing to get away of that.
Coren stopped as he heard a few sniggers coming from the other side of the shelf to the right.
He let out an annoyed sigh as he made his way towards the end of the shelf and to the other side.

What he saw let coren's eyes flash yellow. A little impudent brat, not more then 6 or 7 winters was randomly re shelving books all over the place. Just for his own amusement. Didn't that kid get that they where shelved like that for a reason!
Coren didn't even bother announcing his presence and just walked over towards the child that was to busy with his prank to notice him walking up to him. Coren grabbed the mischievous child by the ear. And began to drag it towards the desk at the entrance completely ignoring the pained shreeks from the child as he did so.
“Keep an eye on this hellion, or just hand him over to his mom and get him out of here.” Coren spat out to jack as he stopped in front of the desk and finally released the child's ear. The kid just held his ear and looked up towards him a cheeky retort on his lips but was quickly silenced when coren just gave him a light slap around the ears.
“Cheeky brat. Thanks to you I need to re shelve that entire section.” He didn't wait for an answer from either the kid or jack before he turned his back towards them and walked back towards the shelf the kid had messed up.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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A day on the job, and its one that's a pain in the arse.

Postby Coren on September 3rd, 2012, 2:31 pm

Coren was grumbling some nice expletives under his breath as he was taking every single book that didn't belong in the shelf it sat and dropped it on his cart. The brat hadn't made it easy on him and just put a few books on the shelf adjacent to it, no he had to go the extra mile and mixed books from all over the library in this shelf and probably the other way around to.
“I should have pulled that brat over my knee instead of letting him get off with just a smack around the ears.” He grumbled after he dropped the last book that was out of place in this shelf on the cart, his mood sank even further when he took note of the many missing books from the shelf. How in morwen's name had that kid managed to do all that, scratch that how long was that little menace screwing everything up before he managed to find him.

He began to sort the books according to their contents in neat piles on the cart. He didn't want to run back and forth a hundred times. After a few chimes of sorting books in piles he finally finished and grabbed his cart and was on his way to fix the bloody mess the kid had created. Only to be stopped by a rather angry looking jack.
“Coren, what possesed you to act like that to a kid?” His former hold mate hissed out to him. “I know its pretty hard being kicked out of your family but don't take your anger out at other people.”
Coren's eye twitched as his face twisted into a scowl underneath his mask. Who did Jack think he was, making assumptions like that. Or bringing THAT back up anyway.

“I'm not taking anything out on anybody jack. The kid put the entire library in disarray,” He made a gesture towards the shelves and tot he cart stacked to the brim with books. “Its only natural that I'm going to be angry about it, thats going to be bells of work to doublecheck and fix everything the kid might have screwed up. Entire bells that people who come here won't be able to find books they want because they aren't on their right place.” Coren shot back. “So don't you dare blame this on me being angry and overreacting because of it, the brat did something wrong and I reacted in a perfectly reasonable way to it. Now unless you are going to help me fix what the brat did leave me be. I don't need a misguided lecture from somebody who doesn't know anything about what he is preaching. ” Coren stated with finality and turned his back on his former holdmate. No matter what jack said or did.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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A day on the job, and its one that's a pain in the arse.

Postby Coren on September 20th, 2012, 6:24 pm

As the day was passing his mood wasn't getting any better. As the ancient saying destroying is easier then building was proving to be very true indeed. He still was baffled how the kid had managed to get the library in such disarray in such a short time. He gave a quick look towards his nearly empty cart. The idea that he was nearly done with fixing it was something that brightened his day a bit, it wasn't to long before he could take out his practice book and begin writing some glyph's to calm down and relax.

He slid the last book in place, took hold of his now empty cart and walked back towards the desk to see if there had been other books brought in that needed to shelve. But seeing as the library wasn't the most used past time among vantha he highly doubted it.
“Jack, anything else I need to shelve away?” he asked, not mentioning the spat they had earlier this day.
Jack just threw him an annoyed glare before shaking his head. “Thats good news, call me when anything else comes up, I'm going to make another tour through the shelves for now.” He put the cart back on its place and walked way from the desk. When he reached the first reading room however he plopped down at a table and took out his practice book, his ink and his favorite quill. Yes he had said he was going to check the shelves. But he had made a complete round only a few chimes ago so he was quite sure everything was still on its place since the menace was already kicked out.

He opened up his book to a fresh page and drew his customary refreshing of his glyph's. The focus and the barrier glyph's. They where such a second nature to him now that it took him less then a few chimes to draw them. He wanted some more challenge, so he thought a bit on what he could create with those two building blocks. A scroll to store magic was his first thought, but that was just a barrier glyph around a focus one. Maybe trying to use the combination of barrier,path,focus and switches to create a glyph that was able to split a magical effect in two and store them separately.. well in theory anyway.
Coren started with a fresh page and slowly began marking the three focus glyph's in a Y shaped pattern each of the glyph's resting on the ends of the Y. He drew three barriers surrounding the glyph's, marking a section ofeach of them with special symbols denoting that the first trigger would open or close it, depending if the focus glyph was the receiver or the one sending the djed. After he managed to get them down more or less he focused on the final part. The paths that connected them.
Coren's teacher had taught him that they where two barriers running parallel that guided the djed.

His path's connecting the three glyph's with each other where far from uniform and parrarel. And they took quite a long time to draw too. He wouldn't use this to store a spell for his life. But since this was just practice he felt satisfied enough about it. He looked up and outside of the window. The sky was slowly beginging to dark. Seems like he had spent enough time with his own persuits too. He should check in with Jack.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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A day on the job, and its one that's a pain in the arse.

Postby Valkyrie on September 21st, 2012, 7:03 pm


Coren :
2 Organization
1 Persuasion
1 Subterfuge
3 Glyphing
1 Drawing

Organizing Books by Subject
Working Through a Sigil that Splits Stored Djed

+ Inventory: Paper with sigil drawn on itThis sigil receives djed and splits it into two focus glyphs for storage. Does not currently contain djed

Notes: Nice work thread! The persuasion is for talking down Jack’s accusation an the subterfuge for hiding that you are planning on doing some glyphing instead of work. I hope I explained the purpose/intent of the sigil correctly for your inventory add. If I missed the mark let me know and I will alter the description.

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