by Jassil Ironhammer Terras on August 13th, 2012, 11:03 pm
Timestamp: Summer 64, 494 Jassil made her way down to the Plaza. As much as she loved this city, and her current freedom, she needed to get to work, honest and true work. She'd enjoyed her time wrestling at some of the parks, and learning some blacksmithing, and dabbling in a few magics, but it wasn't what her life was meant for. She was Terras clan, and she was meant to smith. Unfortunately, she did not have an apprenticeship, or even a job.
What to do, what to do. The plaza was filled with the Isurians of the city, market stalls bubbling with sales. The hustle and bustle of the people filled the pathways, isurian's going about their business. Jassil yawned for the morning work, and made her way to the area of the forges, which wasn't difficult considering the size of the area. The only problem she might have on the forges is listening to a dreaded, simple man. Few were worthy of teaching her, and of those there were few to be found, even in the great city of Sultros. But she had to seek them out, or dare disappointing her clan. Not much of a choice. |