by Jilitse on November 26th, 2012, 4:25 am
I just came back from the dead. I'm holding off posting until Winter, while I get myself chummy with Miz again, as it seems a lot has changed. I have plans to create a little shop for Jilitse, but while it goes through paperwork, I'd love to see people willing to be friends with my lovely Nuit.
Here's the lowdown:
Jilitse has been lurking around in Alvadas, probably mulling over something that involves Priskil, Sagallius, Drainira, Sahova, and Mashaen. Those interested may go briefly over my CS, especially my quest threads. Her primary focus is to improve her Animation, but is currently conflicted as to how useless a World Mage is in terms of fighting a war. I am looking at learning Shielding and making golems.
I roleplay a lot of philosophy, especially topics about despair and how meaningless life is, and love and Priskil. So if anyone wants a social thread, I'd love to convert you into a Priskil believer, or you can challenge Jilitse's beliefs. I also like roleplaying learning new things about pulsers, so if you have a pulser thing that begs an audience, say any performers out there? I have some points in Singing. Hah. I'd love to jump in.
I've expressed intent to join Fallacy's Winter quest, as I heard peppermint candycanes and snowmen were involved. (I kid, though I was told it was going to be awesome, and awesome brought images of candycanes to mind, given the season). Maybe there are people here willing to let an estranged returning player into their PC-circle?
I don't like roleplaying violence or anything that's sexually perverted. No necrophilia please. I'm up for brainstorming if any of you is interested.
And that, is a long page advertising myself.
I. Vox Populi, Vox DeiII. The Night the Watchtowers CriedI am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common woman with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.