Welome to Autumn of 512 AV! As if the celestial city was not rich in beauty to begin with, it becomes even more breathtaking as the color of vegetation slowly transforms into a rainbow of brown, red and golden splendor. The period of warmth during the day becomes shorter as the season goes on, and the nights are veritably cold as the Lhavitians whip out their woolier clothing. While the skyglass keeps the city warm, the Misty Peaks are not nearly as forgiving. Dawn covers the city in dew every morning, and there is frequent rainfall throughout the season. While it may snow during the night, it often melts again during the day until the end of the season when the sun's presence has dimmed and can no longer keep a thin white blanket from covering the mountain range. The citizens of the small town are hard at work gathering enough food and resources for the winter to come. Thread Goals for Fall: 1. Fall into a pile of glowing leaves 2. Encounter a bear and live to tell the tale 3. Sing in the rain 4. Paint a picturesque landscape (whether you fail or succeed at it, you decide!) 5. Collect some firewood 6. Purchase/obtain a warm clothing item (you'll need it) 7. Decorate your home 8. Make a flower bouquet 9. Help clear the rubble from a building buried by a landslide 10. Slip on some black ice. 11. Give Laszlo a hug To those of you who complete a decent amount or even all of the thread goals above within this season, there are prizes in store for you! I will not tell you what they are because I am secretive, but they will be great. |