2 Nighttime, Spring 510 av
John sadly was not in his room late at night as he walked around the room. Dust covered the walls, dirt laid on the ground with imprints of his feet. The smell of worn paper warped around him as he smiled at himself. He was working late for the shop, Undeniable Interests, as a scribe. He was just getting by on the income yet that was the reason why he was here. To work off hours and learn more so one day the job would get better.
He made himself a small clearing on a back desk, the book was already made and waiting to be filled with words and tales but for now it was just a empty vessel waiting for life. The life in question was called Philtering which he had the true text which was not to be sold for more then one reason. Copies would be in better shape and sell and it was his job to tend to the shop and keep writing for the texts to keep Dominac free of idiots.
The two candles were lit along the front end of the desk so he could see but if he had to get more then he would. Candles were something that was easy to get or Dominac told him he would start learning how to make them if he used too many.
The quill touched the ink as he opened the text and a blank page. His calligraphy would help a bit with the letters being neat and his slightly forgery skill would also prove useful for he would try his best to copy each letter the same as the book yet the overall thing he was learning was how to copy a book. It was the same in his view but more of both skills being used as one in a different sense but he had no how to books or scrolls with this. No he was to learn by doing and doing right.
He knew he would not get the book done before he had to sleep but he did not put the idea out of his head that he could just sleep in the shop for a bit before the doors opened. However he knew his family would worry if he did and thankfully he did not live that far from the shop. Yet he had other worries like the book to deal with. His goal was the first part then try to warp it up during shop hours when it was slow.
The quill touched the blank page as he slowly wrote...