[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Elki Nawat on September 26th, 2012, 3:23 am

7th Fall, 512 A.V

Elki walked towards the Employment Office, he sighed. Syliras was the last place he wanted to be but what choice did he have?

He stepped into the room and looked around, other's would have marvelled at it's interior but he didn't care too much for the fine buildings. Elki went straight to the desk and said as politely as he could, “Hi, I'm Elki. I'm looking for a job, obviously, I don't care what kind, I'm happy with anything. I plan to be here for a while...” he breathed out, “Don't have anywhere else to be”
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Crypt on September 27th, 2012, 10:47 pm

31st of Fall, 512 AV

“Alright, Chaude, we're here!” He gestured with a flourish the Employment Office's exterior, lit by the early rays of the Sun, to his Zith... acquaintance? Friend? Well, more than just acquaintance anyway.

Crypt's Strider, Maras snorted as he beheld his companion's exuberance, turning to Chaude with an annoyed and long-suffering expression on his... horse face.

Crypt strode into the Employment Office quickly, with Maras giving him a slight nudge, shouting out a greeting to Trega while walking towards her desk.

“Good morning, m'dear Trega! As always, your hair is amazing! Magnificent! But I'm not here to gaze upon your fair visage. My,” and here he lowered his voice by a great deal. “Zith friend here needs a job, and I know you can help him out.”

“Well, Chaude, it's your cue!” He gestured for Chaude to speak with Trega.

“Don't worry, I'll help you if anything goes wrong.” He whispered to Chaude.

Done by the one and only Assilsa Curare!

8200th member. :)

NOTE: I will be on holiday from the 9th to the 25th, so don't expect me to post anything! Apologies.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Chaude on September 28th, 2012, 2:44 am

31st of Fall, 512 AV, 15th Bell.

Following towards the Employment Office, Chaude was unsure if things will turn out as well as Crypt made it to be believe. It's already unsettling that he doesn't have any form of protection on, as flying in city streets is rather...constricting.

Crypt's Strider snorted with ill feelings. Chaude merely gazed back with show of superiority.

Entering closely behind Crypt, Chaude has finally made it into a government building by, what he's heard back in Xy, the Knights. Crypt greeted Trega with a hearty hello then putting him on center stage. Crypt whispered of helping if needed.

With the lady's attention, he stood still for a few moments. Silent as a lamb. More like waking up in the middle of his sleeping threw him into a bit of a daze.

"Name is Chaude. Came from Xy, sent by Mentor to learn Humans. Job suited to goal? Learned how to read Human letters. Trained to fight and pick prey."

Well, training from his foster mother and his Mentor, as he's yet to recieved the hone training that the male adults can only do on their hunts. Having to blink to readjust his vision again, how can Humans live in the light?
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on September 28th, 2012, 4:50 pm

Trega smiled in Crypt's direction. She was surprised to see him back there, and wondered if his job search went well."Hello again Crypt." The woman was wary and a bit shocked to see a Zith in her office to say the least. "This is your friend?" Trega fell silent as the Zith began to speak, she was taken aback with his mention of "picking prey" and she hoped that he didn't mean humans. Still she continued. "If you're looking for a job here, there might be something sutied to your...talents. You may also want to stop by The Undeniable Interests for more information on..humans and such."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Chaude on September 29th, 2012, 2:54 am

"...Thank you," Twisting himself 180 degrees, he soon departed as he had arrived.

The Undeniable Interests. The name was rather interesting. Perhaps as someone denied by others as much as Chaude is so far, this place may be friendly enough to employ a Zith. By the sound of it, it's a library or something. Well, getting paid this money and learning more about Humans would make it worthwhile to at least visit. But learning and not training can't realize his wishes.

Chaude whispers for Crypt to hear before leaving the office.

"Wish to spar tomorrow at dusk. Meet outside Traveler Row to depart."

Walking, Chaude soon left the building.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Maeva on October 22nd, 2012, 9:24 pm

Maeva liked pretty things. Be they shiny, smell nice, look nice, feel nice... Maeva appreciated all the finer things in life. Unfortunately, it appeared that such fineries in life tended to cost money. And without stepping into a life of crime, Maeva had no choice but to get a job in order to buy what her heart desired.

She had thought long and hard about the skills that she possessed. But Maeva was blessed with the power of seduction, a great smile, and two other fantastic assets that got her compliments and free drinks. No jewels though, hmph. So, she knew that when she stepped into the employment centre, it might be a bit of a task to find her some suitable employment. Regardless, Maeva liked a challenge - and hoped the people on the other side of the desk would too.

"Hello," she said in her silky voice, "I'm hoping to earn some money. I like to flirt, kiss, drink and dance. I'm pretty skilled in those areas, but I unfortunately don't have a... talent, apart from good bedside manner." She paused, as if collected her thoughts, "I can't really think of anything I wouldn't do..."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on October 26th, 2012, 3:06 am

Trega stared at the woman a tad perplexed. Besides her beauty she didn't seem to have one redeemable skill that could be used or fully developed in the city. Even so, in the city of Syliras there was work for everyone, though some less appealing and with less pay. "Hello there young lady. There is plenty of work to be done, but you don't seem to have in other skills?" She paused for a moment before continuing, as if waiting to see if the woman would add to her first statement. When she didn't, Trega continued. "Not to worry, I'm sure that we can find something for you to do. Might I suggest the White Swann Inn or the Rearing Stallion . They may have need of a barmaid perhaps."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Maeva on October 26th, 2012, 12:32 pm

Maeva considered the two options for a moment. She was pretty much a regular at the tavern, and what was the saying about not mixing business and pleasure? No, the inn would be a better idea. She eventually nodded and smiled at the woman behind the desk. "Thank you for your help." Even if you seemed unimpressed with my skills. She added silently in her own thoughts. She smiled, thanked the woman once more, and left.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alari on October 31st, 2012, 11:02 am

55th of Fall A.V. 512

Against the howling wind of fall, Alari made her way through the streets of Syliras. Upon asking strangers for directions she was pointed in the direction of the "Welcome Center". She then stood in front of the 3 story building, her mind filled with curiousity. She ran her fingers through the fur on her cloak as she thought. Almost paralyzed by both the cold and the noise her head, she finally snaps out of it with a yelp.

"Hmm, A job would be a good idea. Starting a new life requires some work, lets see what the folks in Syliras has in store for me" She spoke aloud to herself before confidently strolling into the building. As she opened the door, she tapped it a few times, alerting all who were inside.

"Hello there stranger. You by chance have any work for me?" Alari approached the desk with excitement and tried to look as respectable as possible by fixing her hair which had been thrown to-and-fro by the wind. She then added "I'm a natural born hunter, great with people, eager to please, and willing to work hard! I'll take anything you have to offer." Alari gave a friendly smile to the person behind the desk.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on October 31st, 2012, 3:52 pm

Trega smiled to the young woman that appeared next. "Hello there young one. If you're a hunter, then I might suggest selling your kills to Dino Alban at the Albanese Meat And Poultry I'm sure he will pay you well for what you can bring him."
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