Northern Inkantations A small intimate wooden and stone villa on the far end of Avanthal’s port, Northern Inkantations caters to those individuals looking to spruce up their bare flesh with images and figures. The parlor is very plain on the outside, simple, but welcoming: a stark juxtaposition for a newcomer when they first open the heavy oak door and step inside. The walls were once whitewashed, but now are a riot of colors and patterns. It is rumored that Zarryn Skyglow, the owner of the shop, made applicants who wished to gain apprenticeship paint the walls. If he was not pleased with the work, he would paint over the images and let the next prospective apprentice give it a shot. Now Zarryn’s office and workplace is the only space in the house absent of color. The shop contains two different artists, though it is Zarryn Skyglow that owns the property, purchases the supplies necessary for a tattoo parlor, and is the main artist that prospective clients come to see. Due to his reputation, however, there is a very long line to see Zarryn, so if someone wants simpler and usually less expensive tattoos, Zarryn’s apprentice is more than capable of fulfilling the left over demand. (NPC) Triha, The Apprentice :
Race: Konti Date of Birth: 45th of fall 461 A.V. Place of Birth: Mura Occupation: Tattooist’s Apprentice Skills: Fortunetelling 15, Observation 25, Painting 30, Persuasion 28, Tattooing 20 Gnosis: 1 mark of Avalis Triha’s Konti Gift enables her to see what color truly represents an individual as a sort of aura around the person upon first meeting them. A person who appears calm and collected on the outside might have a deep crimson red pulsating from their being. This could be because they have hidden rage deep within, or perhaps a longing festering desire. Triha is not given the reason behind the color when she sees it in her mind’s eye, but is just aware of its presence when she first encounters a person. Though the aura is not visible after that first meeting, she can always recall what color they are. While she wasn't the most skilled prospective apprentice for Zarryn, Triha makes up for her lack of experience with a raw and unbridled enthusiasm to learn, and something that Zarryn refuses to talk about after he saw her paintings when she applied for the apprenticeship. Zarryn can be a hard and critical task master to his apprentice, but Triha is never daunted, partially due to her young age, as well as her eagerness to learn this new skill. Triha often travels to Skyglow Hold to learn from other artists there, something that Zarryn encourages and expands her tattooing abilities. Triha'a painting style directly ties into her tattoos, for while she is very talented with a grasp of colors, her images are very surreal, and she cannot fill orders for people wishing to have realistic images, despite the beauty of the work she can produce. Because of that she has started using her little free time sketching Vantha around the City as well as visiting Frostfawn Hold to practice on animals as well. The young Konti has several tattoos and piercings, and has even dyed strips over her hair in a very Vantha like fashion since coming to Avanthal, enjoying the riot of colors she sees every day. (NPC) Zarryn Skyglow, The Master Artist :
Race: Vantha Date of Birth: 51st of Winter 465 A.V. Place of Birth: Avanthal Occupation: Tattooist Skills: Dyeing 50, Intimidation 20, Philtering 20, Herbalism 35, Tattooing 65 Gnosis: 1 mark of Morwen Zarryn used to be furious about his role in Avanthal. It seemed entirely unfair of him to be chained into one of a minute set of roles for the rest of his life, so he left Avanthal at the age of fifteen vowing to never return, and it was several decades later when he did. His return was in the opposite spirit of which he left, and though a prideful man, Zarryn worked his way back into the hearts of Skyglow hold, and even spoke to Morwen herself, asking her forgiveness. After that he opened up shop on the docks, and not long after he began tattooing again, his name spread across the land, attracting customers from near and far to get a taste of his masterful work. Zarryn has become a more reclusive man who would rather sit out in the woods identifying plants than speak to anyone, but not even he can claim to have lost that dramatic flair that Vantha possess, for when it comes time to work on tattoos he is a master of the show. In his time away he honed his skills, learned about every single plant he came across, created colors to dye with that no tattooist has made before, and traveled from the Ekytol to the Heart of the Suvan Sea to Mura and back, learning from those his lesser and greater, and expanding his skills as he did so. No one asks for a specific tattoo from Zarryn, just lets him know the general size and area where they would like it. He will then spend a large amount of time with you, usually drinking and smoking, telling you stories and every now and then your thoughts on a topic. When he has gotten his measure of you, then he begins his work. Many times people come to embellish upon their Gnosis marks. He has created beautiful portraits to surround the God’s own work, and claims that he is only framing the most masterfully done tattoos of all. It is said that more than once a god or goddess handing out a second mark has seen Zarryn’s work and taken pause, and this has only aided in his growing legend. In his spare time he teaches Triha all he knows, sending her off into the wilderness to learn more about the plants she will use, and encouraging her to learn about every process that involves tattooing. He is a gruff and relentless teacher, but Triha is rewarded well for excellence and he has confidence in his pupil as long as her dedication never wavers. Services :
The Line for a tattoo by Zarryn is long, individuals booking years in advance. Don't lose heart though, because even if you could see Zarryn right away you probably wouldn't be able to afford the tattoo anyway (he can charge upwards of 70 gm per bell depending on the client.) That being said Zarryn does very rarely give a freebie (or dirt cheap one) to an individual that intrigues him, but this would require a lot of groveling to your ST in order to obtain so it is advised that if your PC really wants to get inked, to get one from Triha, who charges 8gm per bell for colorless tattoos and 20gm per bell for colored ones. There are also discounts available for customers who have purchased more than three tattoos from Northern Inkantations. ST Moderation is required for the shop.
***Full location credit goes to Sliver, images created by Sliver |