(Depending on your timezone)
To jump right in with the conveniently provided questions:
Name - or what you'd like to be called!
John will do.
What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
Thirty-one years ago I started playing DnD. Back when the rules were written on clay tablets and the dice were carved out of the bones of our enemies. And we had to walk two miles through the snow (uphill) for pizza rolls 'cause delivery pizza wasn't invented yet.
I've played a lot of different tabletop games. There have been gaps in my playing history because of college, grad school, and Peace Corps. Fortunately I missed most of the 2nd edition years. I'm new to playing online.
How did you find us?
I was looking for a play by email / post game and found your listing on pbm.com. I think it was. Don't make me go back through my browser history.
What sort of RP style is your favorite?
I like playing characters who have their own style and quirks, so I guess it would be, well, role-playing; I'm not in the game to 'win' so much as tell a good story and have a good time.
What do you like to write about - not write about?
I like to write about the details of ordinary life - it makes the contrast of adventure so much the better. I dislike writing erotic material because it always comes out silly or squicky.
Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
I like the material that you've already written for it and I like that it is a group project (which bodes well for its longevity).
What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
Nothing as of yet.
What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
I'm looking forward to the opportunity to do some creative writing and get into a character's thoughts in a way I can't do in a tabletop game.
Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
Seeing this as a work in progress, I can't really comment on this. I imagine that things will fill out as the players push out in the world.
Anything else you want to talk about?
Not right now.