I need everything

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

Here's the place to find information on 'How do I do that?' when it comes to creating avatars, signatures, calculating travel time or big purchases, or even working with the bbc code. There are help files for codework for both the main board forums and the lore sections. There are threads advertising players that are willing to create signatures for other players. Please feel free to discuss technical issues, photo cropping, suggest new bbc code, or get help from players and admins on things you want to do. This forum includes posts, wiki technical aid, avatar art, character sheet art, signature work, and all things visual when it comes to Mizahar.

I need everything

Postby Xiani on September 12th, 2012, 11:32 pm

I don't need things to be fancy, just to look clean and organized. I need a CS layout and whatever else you're willing to do! :D PM me and I'll give you all the information you want.
I am speaking in Common
I am speaking in Zithanese

OOC: I apologize for my rampant inactivity. A LOT has been going on in my life that I did not foresee but all is on the track of improvement. The downside is that now I'm prepping for my final exams. Despite this, I will be active as often as possible! Pinky swear!
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Murder is defined by the dead.
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Joined roleplay: September 11th, 2012, 3:19 am
Location: Suvan Sea
Race: Zith
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