Kuvarakh found himself leaning forward, his eyes boring into those of his current prospect. Everything the man had said after "...at the time that the empire sanctioned a magical experiment that was to give them the upper hand, so I followed the the trail and went to Sahova..." was lost in a distracted mental fog.
He caught himself staring and realized he could not now feign disinterest. 'But will this man be numbered among the enemy? Or is his connection distant enough to no longer matter? He knew he needed to make some remark. The man before him was chuckling, something about having made a blob of tinted air, which under normal circumstances, would be worth discussing, but was now relegated to Kuvarakh's afterthoughts.
"Are you referring to the work of...Zare...Zariek...something? The whole military application of Nuit development from before the Valterian? The plan to create an undead army for the Alahean Empire? Were you one of them?"
He made a profound effort to keep the concern from his voice. 'Only academic interest, Ku. Show no fear of any militant intent, show no concern.' he told himself over and over. There was no particular reason to believe that it had been anything other than an Alahean citizen's patriotism that might have driven this man to seek the Daek-nuit transformation. And with the long-past fall of the empire, as well as the rival Suvan empire, it could be that this man truly wants nothing more than to indulge his interest in alchemy among like-minded individuals.
But Kuvarakh knew well that much of Sahova was bent on militaristic views as far as their djed-craft went. Many with a psuedo-genocidal aim to eliminate all living humanoids and create some sort of undead Utopia. What did they think would happen when they achieved it? Suddenly they've got three or four years before lethal decay takes them down and no humanoids to jump to?
Not likely, they would set up a farm system, reducing humanoids to cattle, probably lobotomizing them for docility. He was not about to stand by and allow such a horror. He needed to find out if this man felt that way. Was the old imperial program lingering in Sahova? Were you 'programmed' to share this view upon arrival? He needed to find out what this man's viewpoint was.
He smiled, but reined it in quickly. 'Don't want to overdo it.' he thought to himself. After coming down on the man for his unprofessional approach to the application, he didn't want to suddenly be all buddy-buddy. "So tell me, have you worked with living assistants much? I've done quite a bit. I enjoy their company. They have a lot of drive. I suppose it stems from their short life span, the need to accomplish something in so short a time. Of course, some have a deep bias against us. I suppose with the attitude some nuit have towards them, it's understandable. How do you feel about humans?"