70 Fall 512 Here was were many things came through. The relay station was nothing more than a tent, with wooden shelves and things stacked all about. Along with this, was a single Akalak at a desk, and many people running about. Here was were people, goods, and anything possibly needed, was sent out and on. Stacks of arrows. Swords. Shields. Spears. A few small piles of leather armor. Here people were broken up into pairs. Runners, and escorts. The runner carried the supply, whatever it might be, from this relay station, to its destination. The escort went along with them, making sure they did not get hacked to bits, or killed, perhaps by a monster that slipped by into the city. Though hopefully those would be few and far between. Upon walking in, a person would report to the man at the desk, and tell him there name. In return, he would group you with your partner, and send you off on a task. Then you would be out of the tent, and off to wherver you had been sent. This was one of many relay stations, with things inside, set up all over the battlefield, in the city, and wherever needed. The higher the number, the farther you were from the action. Which meant this particular relay station, was right behind the long range weapons, catapults, trebuchets, and in front of them the archers. |