Matthius ‘Night’ Deacon Basic Information Race: Mixed Blood (Zith/Human) Birthday & Age : Winter 491 AV, 20 Gender: Male Physical Description Neither human or Zith, Night looks as such. He’s halfway between both species, his genes warped and twisted around both bloodlines. His generic shape is still humanoid in nature. However, he is covered in tiny, silk-like black fur. It grows longer along the humeri and down along the ulnas for a few inches, mirroring his furry knees. A thicker, longer tuft grows over his scalp, reaching to just below his shoulder blades if left to grow. In the winter, Night’s fur will grow a few inches thicker, and will shed during the summer. Another inheritance from his Zith blood is his unusually long, clawed digits. Both his fingers and toes are also webbed with thick, leathery skin, much like a bat’s wing. Yet, whether it be a mutation or just a birth defect, there is no webbing between the thumb and index finger. Thick, callused skin covers the pads of his fingers and the soles of his feet from the years spent vigorous abuse to the skin. Another predatory feature Night possesses is sets of elongated canines, both upper and lower. Both teeth either side of each canine is sharper than would be normal for a human, though are only average in length. Night’s eyes are rather interesting as they hold no singular colour, but several different colours that fleck around each other. One could say that the ‘base colour’ is a dull, almost grey green. Surrounding the pupils are flecks of red and gold, growing darker the further they are from the centre of the eye. Around the edges of the iris, the grey green becomes a forest green and the flecks of gold and red are dark enough to be considered black. A pair of fluffy eyebrows grow above them, jagged and always lop-sided in a neutral expression. On the muscular side of fit, Night stands at an intimidating 6’6”, courtesy of his father who was nearly 6’11”. There is only one other thing that would give away his Zith parentage (If you couldn’t tell he was half Zith already), two stubs grow on his upper back, where wings would be if he were a full-blooded Zith. These growths are made from mostly cartilage and gristle, attached to his back purely by muscle and tendons. A very thin, fine bone grows in each, malformed and of no real use. Character Concept Night is a rather strange person with even stranger morals. He doesn’t believe in mourning for the dead. In fact, he personally thinks it’s a waste of time. This probably has something to do with why he doesn’t feel so bad about eating his sexual partners when he grows bored of them. Yeah, he’s a cannibal (half cannibal?) and will eat bodies from a battle field if he happened across one. This isn’t to say he goes around, randomly eating whoever he comes across. He really sees no point in drawing unnecessary attention to himself or causing unnecessary pain. If he chose to eat somebody, it would be an orphan or thief or someone like that. Nobody will miss them. When it comes to the physical act of sex, Night is as open as they come. He doesn’t care if you’re a man, a woman, undead, tall, short, human, non-human, something entirely different... If you’re attractive enough, he’s likely to try and hit on you. Monogamy is also a foreign concept, much to the credit of his Zith parentage. He simply couldn’t fathom staying with the same partner for the rest of his life. It would become boring and at one point or another, he would grow hungry for their flesh in a different sense. Not really perceiving himself as ‘evil’, Night becomes touchy when someone implies that he is. Evil, to him, is just a word to describe someone who has morals different to yours. A stupid justification to stick a sword through someone that somehow seems to work well among humans. He loves to twist words for his own benefit or even just for amusement. Making humans and their morals sport is his favourite social pastime. Character History Born in Xy along the Sylira-Cyphrus border, Night was a surprise to both his Colony and his parents, because he was the only half blood to come from anyone in his family, immediate or otherwise. He was a singular child, having no twin as most Zith have. His mother, the Zith of the pairing, would have killed the child had she not been at the height of her intimacy with Night’s father, one of the slaves. He was slow to mature, aging roughly twice as slow as the other younglings did. It was during the first four years of this that he spent with his mother, hunting small animals and the like on the ground while the others leant to fly and hunt bats. He was clumsier than the others; slower and weaker. Even the way he spoke in the Zith tongue was slow and he was considered quite stupid by his mother. Eventually, he was passed off to his father, whom his mother had grown tired of. Night knew very well that the human was his father and experienced love for the first time. Not a romantic love, but a love between father and son. He learnt a great many things from his father, from Common as a second language to making necklaces from bone and strips of leather. He heard tales of the large cities and places far away. He continued to learn from his father, often hunting alone so as not to be taunted by those with wings. By the time he hit eleven years of age, Night had shot up and put on quite a bit of muscle mass. He appeared to be the equivalent of a sixteen year old human, voice already maturing into the deeper tones he would use an adult. It was around that time he had grown to like reading, often reading books his colony had traded for and whatever books the slaves had. He particularly enjoyed reading about the other races in the world, imagining what they would taste like and how they would sound. At sixteen, Night had reached full maturity, towering over the other males within the colony. They no longer mocked him as he matched their hunting abilities on the ground. His mother had grown interested in his father by that time, bearing another two children to him. Night killed one while in a raging fight with his mother. Of course he felt bad, another thing courtesy from his father. The Fall falling his sixteenth birthday, Night decided to leave his colony to explore the world that had been described to him in his younger years. He did leave, freeing his father from slavery after much planning and secrecy. They set off for Syliras, hastily moving during the day and hiding during the night. On the journey, Night’s father taught him what little he knew of disguise in fear that the boy would be targeted for what he is. They lived in the capital for two years, Night working as a hunter during his namesake while his father worked during the day. They would be separated for days at a time, the Half Blood often returning with small deer or a string of rabbits. They made a fair living, saving to buy a horse so that Night might travel further and carry more home. This was until Night’s father was killed in a bar brawl gone wrong. Night returned home to an empty home and no father. His next door neighbour was kind enough to tell him the grave news. He couldn’t stay. Night sold the home he had made with his father, moving away to Nyka in hopes of a new beginning. A few weeks after moving there, he left, selling all of his possessions to live like a true Zith would. For a year, he lived as his mother’s people did, living in a cave during the day and hunting during the night. It was a feral living and during that time, Night had almost succumbed to becoming a beastly creature. A dream of his father saved him. The old man’s would not leave his sleeping self alone and soon, Night grew tired of the pestering presence. Again, he moved, returning to Syliras, buying a new property with the money from his life before becoming feral. There, he rebuilt his life, hunting once more. And there he remains, living the life his father wanted for him. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Lore Equipment and Possessions
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