by Taithrosa Eldytia on May 8th, 2010, 1:31 am
Chapter One: Healing Arts
First Healing Memory ~ Akalaks view on healing
He was sitting once again in the same classes room, but it wasn't strange and new like it had been in his first flash, but this time he was a bit older, not much, and the room didn't seem to have as many students. He was wearing a wooden ring that seemed to be of improtance. His hair was trimmed short and his eyes looked up at the teacher with excitment.
"Today we will be talking about Akalaks mental health training." He said his bass voice filling the class room. "If one prepares one minds correctly then one can fight off sickness and weakness." He said walking around the room looking at each boys. "How many of you have felt the chills coming on and told yourself you wouldn't get sick." He said looking over them. Many of the boys nodded there heads, Taithrosa among them. "Well that is but a basic step needed to train the mind to avoid illness."
He processed with the lesson explaining the details of mental prepardness. They as the future doctors must master the techniques as they would be required to teach them to others. The mind training was the basic for Akalak healing and even there training programs.
"One must first tell themselves they aren't weak. Confidences is critical to keeping ones body healthy. Now becareful of arragance because that can cause a whole other series of problems, no confidence in yourself must always come first. If you have confidence you can conqure."
He sat down. "The mind is just some voice speaking to you in your head, it is the core to developing your body. If your mind is crowded with worry it is unable to focus on helping your body fight illness. If there isn't order in your body, then your defenses are weak." He contiuned with his explanation. Order in the mind was critical, because the body was a reflection of all that occured in your mind.
The lesson contiuned and mentioned several methods of controling ones mind. Meditation was the first one mentioned but before the lesson could contiune. Taithrosa was dragged back to the present. |
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”
~ If You Could Hie To Kolob