[Note by Sentinel] Dra-Vyra

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Dra-Vyra on August 11th, 2012, 5:28 pm



Physical Information

Mixed blood: Half Symenestra (on her mother's side), half human

16 years old - Born in Day 51 in the Winter season of 495 AV


Physical Description
Dra-Vyra’s appearance consists of strange contradictions, the result of her mixed heritage. She’s a mixture of human features and Symenestra colouring. Her face wouldn’t normally be considered particularly memorable or remarkable; somewhat angular with a thin nose, not too full lips and a slightly pointed chin. Her hair is drab brown and messy, since she doesn't care to follow the fashionable hairstyles of the times. But her ashen skin and crimson eyes, along with her awkwardly long limbs and tall frame, often draw people's attention.
Dra-Vyra herself hates when attention (good or bad) is drawn to her, so she hunches to hide her height, wears unflattering, dowdy clothes and hooded robes to hide the colour of her skin and eyes.

Character Concept

Dra-Vyra is shy and taciturn, almost antisocial. She tries to avoid crowded spaces if she can help it, and she is reluctant to even leave her dwelling without sufficient reason. She always keeps her head down, unwilling to draw attention to herselt; this behavior is a remnant from her days in Kalinor, where her mixed features drew looks of scorn or pity.
She is also a survivalist. She’ll do anything she can to live, not necessarily prosper, just survive. For that reason she’s ready to do things that are illegal, dishonourable or even unethical, although with reluctance and not if she can avoid it.
Regrettably, she is somewhat of a coward, avoiding direct confrontation (in her social relations or even in battle) and preferring to act covertly if she can help it.

While Dra-Vyra will normally follow the laws of the society she lives in, she will do so out of desire to avoid trouble with the local government, rather than a sense of justice. Privately, she is willing to break the law if it benefits her in some way.
Dra-Vyra fears the Gods and their power out of a sense of practicality (for that reason she is careful not to commit blasphemy or interfere in their divine plans), but she is not particularly religious. While the Symenestra worship Viratas, Dra-Vyra wants nothing to do with this god, as his domain is blood and heritage, and she has been scorned for her impure blood all her life.
She fears and distrusts magic and magic users. In Kalinor, practicing magic openly is something that is frowned upon, and Dra-Vyra has heard rumors labelling it destructive and dangerous. It generally makes her very uncomfortable.
Dark, deserted places, quiet, poisons

Symenestra society, crowds, light

Character History
Dra-Vyra is the offspring of a Symenestra woman and a human father. Her mother never explained how, or why, she allowed herself to be impregnated by a human. From an early age, Dra-Vyra’s life was difficult. Living in Kalinor, she was scorned by the other Symenestra for her diluted blood, and made into a social outcast. She also had difficulties to adapt to Symenestra way of life because of her physiology. For example, she had to liquefy her food by artificial means because the poison her body produces was not potent enough to liquefy the foods by itself.
Trying to overcome her natural weaknesses, she became skilled in poison making and learned to climb surfaces with surprising agility. She also started brewing potions and poisons and illicitly peddling them on a minor scale, especially to human merchants living in Kalinor.
Despite the fact that she had a difficult life in Kalinor, her mother demanded that she stay with her to care for her in her old age. Dra-Vyra would have none of it. One day, while her mother was out, she stole some mizas and left the city. She had planned this escape for quite a while.

SkillPoints TotalProficiency
Acrobatics 10 RP 10 Novice
Climbing 10 SP 10 Novice
Poison 20 SP 20 Novice
Philtering 15 SP 15 Novice
Herbalism 5 SP 5 Novice
RP: Racial Points
SP: Starting Points
1 Set of Clothing:
-1 White Cotton Shirt
-1 Long Brown Cotton Skirt
-1 Pair of Cotton Undergarments
-1 Brown Hooded Robe
-1 Pair of Simple Leather Shoes
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
-Food for a week
-1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
600 Gold Mizas
Symenestra Society
Symenos - Fluent
Common - Basic

Thread List

Day 75 of Summer, Year 512 AV[Alvadas Location] The Gaping Maw
Last edited by Dra-Vyra on August 12th, 2012, 2:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
Speaking in Common
Speaking in Symenos
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Joined roleplay: August 8th, 2012, 7:17 pm
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Character sheet


Postby Sentinel on September 19th, 2012, 9:36 pm

Fine character sheet. Well done, but a few notes:

While not necessarily a problem your image on your CS is not gone :O Might want to find another image :) Just wanted to point that out.

Also, please note that you have to be living somewhere and cannot be homeless in Alvadas. This means you either go to the Sanity Center and get a home, or rent out a room in an inn. You should note where you are staying on your CS.

I notice that you havent listed an heirloom item. The item is totally optional, but it would be fun to have one. It can be anything that costs 50 GM or less. If you opt out, that is fine as well. Just I need to know.

You also are missing one starting lore. While you have a good one ''Symenestra Society'' you can also choose to start with another one.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. Once we have this settled, or if you have any questions PM me and Ill remove this post.
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