Corpus Aeternum Nuit :: Winter 1st of 499 BV [Age from Birth: 1011 years] - Turned Winter 45th of 480 BV [Age from Turning: 992 years] :: Resides in Alvadas Concept and History :
Housing and Living Arrangements Small condemned shack near the public graveyard in Alvadas. The shack and Corpus's current living standards are considered squalor
Grave Robbery :: How To Extract the Cadaver without Destroying it Preservation of the Deceased Human Robbing a Grave Body Jumping Uncles lessons Remembering the past Transmutation: Mummifying Bone Remembering the Second Lesson Rattling Windows Remembering the Valterrain The Sky is Falling Welcome to the Order He Doesn't Trust Me Digging Up the Dead Arrangements Can Be Made Defiling Coffins Saving A Friend From Being Possessed Using A Pycon As A Rock Equipment Heirloom :: Uncle's Ring :
Starting Package 1 Set of Clothing :: A heavy brown robe that has seen several overhauls with a needle and thread 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack containing: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) 1 bottle of embalming fluid 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Preservative Fluid (1-Pint Flask) Shovel and Spade Crowbar Sled Hammer Silk Rope [50’] Sewing Kit Ledger**All Transactions are in Gold, unless mentioned**