Three hours in, it was not going well.
To understand why it wasn't going well, one has to understand Sunberth's slum-city's market. The offer of drugs is at the highest levels on the continent, and with massive poverty everywhere, what is sought is much more rather the cheapest, rather than the best, hallucinogenic products. The only upside is - there' so many of them. So many more-or-less (usually less) casual consumers, each worth a try of King's pitch.
He'd had to sell one for two goldies fifty - silly him offering it at three straight off the bat. Another sale of two shots went for a five-gold total, and only a fourth shot of the ten he had to dispense actually sold for three gold mizzes after going through the trouble of coming down from five gold.
Another issue was so many of the consumers expecting a complementery try-out shot. While this was a common practice, Adam just couldn't afford it. Good as the stuff might be, your client, even if wealthy-looking, might never come back. Hell, if he'd of been any serious kind of cut-throat dealer, he'd be piching try-out shots everywhere, selling the first five shots to each client, and the many many subsequent sales coming with addiction would first be only 70%, then 50%, then 30% the real deal, the rest mixed up with coloured sugar-dust. And it'd all be so easy considering the explanation of "Sorry man, you've developed tolerance - You want a double?" would be so accessible.
King waved those thoughts away as, taking up a new high-potential position on the corner of the street overlooking the entrance to Ruby's Sanctum - fancy fanny-fen extraordinnaire, he noted one of the well-dressed customers coming out of said brothel. Two others had refused, but he wouldn't lose this target. Don't seem like the dirt you are. Don't seem like the dirt you are. You have the coat. Be the coat. Stance straightened, with care to accent, he approached the man. These, you didn't approch with a "Hey radge, wan' som' goo'stuff?", he learned, but more rather...
"Excuse me sir, pardon to take of your time, could I humbly interest you in fine-branded substances for chemical enjoyment?"
The moustached noble-looking middle-aged 'gentleman' gave an arrogant smile from under the long moustache, gesturing amply with his gloved hand as he turned to speak. "Please, boy, I highly doubt the slag you peddle can prove of aany interest to mee."
"Ah, but it is because my fine 'slag', as you say, is in fact the highest quality product yet to really hit the market that I approach a connoiseur like yourself and not the streetscum that abound."
The 'gentleman', leaning onto his cane in consideration, seemed to consider this. "What is it and how much?"
"Well good sir, it's a product yet to hit the greater market. As it intesifies senses beyond the capability of any other drugs, along with making you entirely present and thus perfectly adapted for intense sensory perceptions of the experiences to come..." Adam had to pause for a second and recapitulate, in his head, the long sentence he'd been struggling to pretentiously churn out. "... , which I'm sur milord endulges in at the highest level, the normal price of fifteen gold is reduced to ten gold per gram." He looked at the noble's incredulous eyebrow-raise. "...Which, considering it's my honor to have my product tested by such a connoiseur, I can further reduce, at my own expense, to seven."
"Surely, good boy, that you can provide a discount, considering that if I were to buy your product, the quality of which I know noothing about, I would not simply buy a mere gram, as my noble kin would too like to sample the product so as to.. share notes, as it were."
"Please, milord, buy it at five, I'm already at a loss."
"Very well... One wouldn't want to misuse my superior education so as to silver-tongue my way into a price that would leave your family unfed."
"I am evergrateful, milord, as is my ailing uncle awaiting at home. How many grams?"
Shit. Crap. And a host of many many other and more vile thoughts coursed at high-speed through Adam's head. Unsupplied, and after having poached such a brilliant price. He wouldn't be seeing this guy again any time soon, he knew that much. But who knows.
"I only have six, Milord." He thrusted the small packets ahead to hand them. "But seek out King around the Pig's Foot Tavern and I shall swiftly provide more upon demand."
"Hmph... fine." While his nos wrinkled in some displeasure, the well-off man took the small packets, carefully counting out the money owed before handing it back.
"But please, mention not to any of the other patrons wha you seek, because as I said, the product is yet to be widely released..." He considered his words. I'm calling thiis guy into the Pig? He'd get eaten alive. And he might even know it. "...And of course, as the Pig's Foot is likely not a pleace worth of milord's station, sending any servant with a note or to trade will also bring me to milord's service, better stocked..."
"Good day, Mr. King."
The click of the cane against the cobbles was a happy sound, because while the opportunity was partially missed, the profits made in a mere six hours of scouting out marks and making pitches were something Adam felt fairly proud of. Tommorow, he'd have to go get more from Red Frank. Considerably more.
In the back of his head, he still wondered about the magic thing. ![Image](http://i929.photobucket.com/albums/ad135/davemwow/conceptart_city_small-1.jpg) |