Bulls fist careened into the side of Xi's face, the huge ham hock of a fist smashing into him sending his body rag-dolling back across the training ring. Bull's strength was inhuman, but as was his endurance and speed. Bull raced across the ring as Xi was still recovering and drove his other fist into his chest, lifting xi off of the ground by at least a foot. Xi's body careened back into the wall behind him. He wheezed, coughed, spluttered, and spat blood. Xi was down on one knee, he could feel his chest throbbing at the pain, his mouth had been cut aas his cheek ground against his teeth. Still he smiled, the battle axe now lying by bulls feet, the hand axe sitting in his belt, training implements only. As was bulls great-axe. If it had been real Xi would have been dead thirteen times by now. Each one a slow painful death. Dismemberment followed by death by blood loss. Bull had almost broken his arms twice on each bone, and once on each thigh and shin. Still Xi rose and grinned. No way was he backing down. Not when he had an opponent he coudl challenge and actually get some training done with. speeding back over as fast as his huring legs could carry him he drew the handaxe, hooked onot the greataxe used it as leverage and swung around the tree limb, and careened both feet into bulls face, Still bull only smiled a small split lip nothing more. Most people would have gone down or felt like they'd been hit by a freight train after that blow. Still Xi landed taking another blow but this time to the gut from bulls axe sending him tumbling backwards. Xi fell to a knee but used his axe to hook hi body onto bulls axe and deliver a huge punch to the side of bull's face. Bull once again just laughed and threw Xi at the rear wall and threw his battle axe made of wood at his chest, Hitting him hard , hard enough fro him to know that if it was metal he'd be pinned to the wall. Xi lifted himself off of the ground again, after slumping down from the impact of the blow. He rose shakily, But he rose none the less. He was not giving up. Bull smiled and sauid slowly in a rather amused tone. "Your learnign but you have no tact, you swing like a mad man. FOCUS. Use what you see of your opponent, use what you see them doing, let them reveal theri fighting pattern their attack, observe, learn, react. Use your weapons in conjunction with your fists, not as a means to deliver your fist. A battle axe has longer reach, so use it to pull the opponents weapon closer. use the hand axe for faster strikes when their that close. Deliver a stroke with the weapon, and the fist at the same time, distract and attack. Be like a viper and a river. Flow yet strike, dart yet follow. Battle tempo is everything, if the tempo of the battle changes then the whole battle changes.Now we shall continue this after you've cleared out the pit again. That zeltivan wasnt woth the money his father paid to make him." With that Xi walked over to deal with the fresh corpse, opened from throat to groin. He looked like a filleted fish. And was justas limp. Still Xi dragged the corpse to the burning room, hands inter locked and his guts spilling out along the route. leaving a trail of gore that Xi would have to collect. |