[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Xi's out training in the fields as usual...then a very big cat appears.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 28th, 2012, 9:49 am

Taking a few moments to gather his thoughts, xi braced his mind for what he was about to do. Closing his eyes he focused on stone a perfectly cut sapphire almost as dark as his eyes. Flipping it turning it and spinning it he willed back liro to buy himself just a few more seconds. Xi opened his eyes after only a few moments, his face had cooled and the colour had receded slightly. Opening his eyes he took this chance to fully examine her as opposed to starring at one or two areas. HIs eyes were now scrutinizing instead of starring. Soft fine featured of her face large eyes blue, very blue, strikingly so. Lithe arms attached to delicate hands, long legs strong but soft. Toned stomach, full chest, mid size hips. Now he listened to her speak again, the firmness in his mind receding. She wasn't used to talking to males? Xi knew he was large but he wasn't that large yet. Xi smiled, warmth and calm entering his smile as well as the cloak of emotion he wore around himself but the touch of madness still loomed from liro. Xi wouldn't speak about liro unless asked about him or he was taking to a person with a similar state of mind. "i take it yo-you don't get a lo-lot of visitors then? N-not many people co-come this far ou-out of the city..." Listening to her speak about what happend with her in sun berth he wasn't shocked. He she'd gotten of lightly most would have robbed and then raped her..."Th-those odd looks are ki-kind of normal i get them t-too but with a di-differnt intent behind th-them. A-and it's al-alright you d-d-dont live in s-sunberth i live o-outside the ci-city too. I h-have a te-tent not f-f-far from here which i stay in. I-it' not mu-much but it-it's home." Xi smiled lightly then it struck him as to what he'd just done...He'd told her he lived out side the ciry and had practically given her an invitation to his place...

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 28th, 2012, 6:27 pm

"So you live completely alone?" The thought of a human living like this was crazy. Mok had tons of friends, and all of the people she had seen were crowded with other people. "Don't you ever get lonely?" Sapphire couldn't fathom as to why he wouldn't. "I know I do know that Mok is gone. It's like he just vanished without a word." Speaking of Mok, her friend, her savior, her hero, it made her eyes water. This poor man. She was talking to Xi about someone he probably never knew, and she was crying over him. "I could keep you company." She suggested as her tears began to diminish. "I don't have much to do all day, and I hate going in to the city alone. Also sometimes I fear what might happen to me if the slave traders see me. At first I thought they were just playing some game, but then Mok told me otherwise."
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 28th, 2012, 7:14 pm

The first thing she asked was if he lived completely alone? Well kind of he'd never really had cause to live with anyone not for long periods of time...he looked at ehr as he said slowly. "yeah i do live alone, and i do get kind of lonely but there's not many people who know me. Even less who like me..." After he spoke she burst into tears. Speaking about some one he'd never met, and from the way she was talking about him he was never likely too...Though from the way she spoke about him it was as if she greatly admired him. Though the sight of her in tears lit something within him. It drowned out liro, utterly and completely. The colour drained from his face it was as if he'd changed into a new person. He reached back for his cloak, standing slowly he walked over to her and draped it around her shoulders. Almost trying to wrap her in it. As he did so, she started to hold back the tears saying she could keep him company. He smiled lightly as he headed to put his shirt and body back back on re-slotting the weapons back into his belt, listening to her talk about not having much to do. Then slavers, gods above how he hated slavers, not this new protective nature that had just sparked within him, also now being coupled by a strongly burning rage. He gritted his teeth, this 'mok' must have been special to her, Xi genuinely felt sorry for her. Stepping back over to her, he leant down a little before scooping her up into his powerful arms, like the roots of an oak. Strong well defined and above all powerful. To him she was almost weightless, compared to how much he normally lifted. "If you wanna stay with me you can, it's lonely living by myself, though i warn you i don't live in something large. I stay outside the city in a tent, not much i know but it's home and it's secret. If you want to accompany me around i wont mind either. Though for the kinds of places i go i would recommend some kind of clothing." He smiled, warmly, bright almost inviting. His protective nature had been drawn out and like an iron ingot hot from the furnace it was being tempered into a shield. Holding back liro better than ever. "As far as slavers go though, don't worry about them. I've much more reason to hate them than you ever will." Looking into her eyes, his dark black blue ones, swirling with a forging fire now, instead of raw fire. He had something to focus it towards now.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 28th, 2012, 7:39 pm

Ximal had accepted Sapphire's invitation of her company, and when he saw her tears he picked her up in his arms. They were warm, like a snug cacoon. He was just as caring and kind as Mok was. He claimed to have a reason to relate to slavers as well. It did seem kind of odd with him carrying her. She could go so much faster than him, all he had to do was point the way. "Thank you so much!" She said. "But uhh, I am a tiger you know. I can get us to your tent in minutes." Sapphire slipped out of his grasp with a cat like grace, and knelt down. She felt the fur grow back over her body, her ears growing to fluffy points. Her delicate hands stretched out in to massive paws that could crush the skull of a bear, with claws like small daggers. A muzzle grew from her face and in to a huge mouth with massive teeth. She knelt down with somewhat of a noble look, inviting Xi on to her back. Her broad shoulders could hold even the largest passenger. She had to admire herself as a tiger. Even to her she was beautiful, like a sunset in the form of an animal. She was massive body of strength, yet a small vessel of purity. Once Ximal was on, she would be off on her way.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Fallacy on September 27th, 2012, 5:07 am

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • +4 Rhetoric
  • +3 Interrogation
  • +1 Stealth
  • +2 Observation
  • What is the Strange Human Doing?
  • Primal Urges
  • Basics of Humans
  • Getting Used to Being Around Humans

XP Award:
  • +2 Observation
  • +4 Rhetoric
  • +2 Interrogation
  • +1 Body Building
  • Into the Wilderness
  • That's Not Exactly a House Cat
  • Encountering a Kelvic
  • Primal Urges
  • Basics of Kelvics

Long thread, I might have missed something.

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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