[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Alari on October 31st, 2012, 5:31 pm

Alari took a moment to think about how great the idea of selling the revenue she received from doing what she loved. She then shot another smile to the woman behind the desk.

"Thank you very much! Have a good day!" She said waving as she walked out the door. Now back out in the wind, Alari could only decide what to do first.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Runick Torian on November 2nd, 2012, 2:16 am

56th of Fall

It had been a few days since Rune had moved to Syliras and it seemed like it was time to find a job. He knew he couldn't go on without one forever.

Rune made his way through the crowd. He was beginning to learn the city and he made it to the employment office without incident. When he got to the steps he looked up at the building. Well, let's find our-self a job. Let's just hope there is one for me. He thought to himself. He went up to the door, opened it, and stepped in.

"Hello?" Rune said as he stepped in. He noticed the clerk. "Hi, um.. I would like to find a job. I'm gonna be living here from now on. I'm good at well, hiding and getting away I guess. I like to meet people and learn new things. I got a dagger and know only a little on how to use it. I know it not much, but do you got any job for me?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Grek on November 2nd, 2012, 6:46 pm

57th of Fall A.V. 512

After making his way through the gates for the first time, Grek decided to take the guards advice and head over to the Welcome Center. He walked down to the three story building and walked right in.
Upon entering he sees someone else waiting to be helped. He waited patiently, stretched out his legs and shook off his stiffness from travel. Intrigued by this mans talents. So Grek listens in while he waits.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on November 3rd, 2012, 3:16 pm

Runick Torian

Trega waved politely to the man as he walked in. He was there like everyone else to find a job."Ah yes, well there is no shortage of work in the city. We have jobs of all types here...If you have the skills for them."

Trega paused in thought, before she continued. "If not then just outside of the city, there is the Lykolav Iron Mines I'm sure that you can find work there as well."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Runick Torian on November 3rd, 2012, 3:20 pm

"Thank you," Rune said. He turned around. He walked through the door and left to find the mines.

Lykolav minies, let's go find them. He thought and was off.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Grek on November 3rd, 2012, 3:53 pm

As the man before him was given a suggested job, Grek decided to listen in. Skills? What skills did he have towards any kind of job. A few seconds of silence before he notices that he is up next.

"Good Afternoon! My name is Grek, I am a man of few but useful skills. I know the basics of caring for animals, I've got some hunting skills under my belt as well as my hunting hound. Hmm, some say i've got skills in intimidation, and i'm definitely no stranger to brawling. I'm here to do good things and find myself. Sound like anything you could think of?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on November 3rd, 2012, 6:39 pm

Trega smiled at the mysterious young man who stepped up next. "Hello young man. If you enjoy caring for horses then perhaps you may fine work at the Windmount Stables. Another hunter I see, Well you can make good coin by selling your kills to Dino Alban at the Albanese Meat And Poultry If you're interested in something more manly, then maybe you would do well by joining the Knights."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Talorin Ki on November 3rd, 2012, 8:26 pm

58th of Fall

Talorin woke up with a goal today. This was the day he would finally leave his room on his own. His mother dead these last 10 days, father dead almost six months away Talorin was now an orphan, and it was time he started to take care of himself. Getting up and relieving himself and taking care to look his best he left his room in search of the employment office. Following directions given to him by his elderly next door neighbor he walked nervously and full of apprehension down the busy streets of the city. Everywhere he looked he saw people moving in one direction or another doing only the gods know what. Talorin gripped his small dagger, tucked in his belt, so tightly and so long that eventually he had to let go due to cramps. Wringing the pain in his palm out, Talorin began to think to himself;

"What if I can't get a job"

"What if I get blamed for my brother's crimes"

"Will they even employ a poor orphan boy with no family"

"I'm too small to be a knight, I hope they don't decide to kick me out of the city."

Passing by the food stands in the market place Talorin is tempted to spend one or two of his precious coins on some delicious smelling pastry, but with a mental slap, he regains his composure and turns the corner on the street the employment office sits. Talorin walks up to the door, then in a moment of indecision he turns and sits on a bench across the street. Looking at the building he notices that there are people coming in and out quite frequently. After almost a full hour of sitting there he finally gains the nerve to go inside and face his future. Getting up he gets across the street and grabs the door handle, just when he is fixing to open the door it opens of its own accord and a man steps out almost tripping over the small boy. Talorin runs around the building in an alleyway fearing punishment.

"Talorin, You have to do this. Mother is not here anymore to take care of you, there is almost no money left. Father is dead and Torin is only the gods know. You need to man up and take some responsibility for yourself and get over there and get a job. Just walk up to the door and go in." Talorin admonished himself.

Peaking around the corner of the building to make sure the coast was clear, Talorin ran across the street and opened the door a little to fast. He actually flung it open causing it to bang loudly on the door jam. Everyone in the waiting room turned to see what was the commotion.
"sorry" Talorin meekly said while closing the door with a scarlet red face.
Walking up to the clerk he builds up all his nerves and with one deep breath literally spews his entire life story out to the clerk.

"Hi, My name is Talorin, and I'm here looking for employment, but since I'm the smallest in my family I was not allowed to help farm in the fields with my dad and Torin, he's my brother who's on the run from the knights for stealing grain and my father blocked their paths causing himself to be sent to the mines, where he died a few months later which caused my mother to be very sad and upset that just ten days ago she died also leaving me alone to fend for myself which isn't hard since she taught me how to preserve our food, and to cook it so it tastes delicious, but now I'm low on money and thought it would be beneficial to come and get a job and work to earn money, and maybe do better for myself and move into a large
home, and own a business, and maybe even own a castle one day, so what do you think, can you help me find some work?"

Talorin draws another breath before adding,

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Grek on November 5th, 2012, 9:56 am

Grek smiles at the woman at the counter an gives a polite nodd. Now that doors were open to him, there was no telling what he could do.

"Thank you very much ma'm! Have a great day" Grek said as he stepped out the door.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on November 7th, 2012, 9:11 pm

Trega smiled, watching the man who seemed very nervous or just excited. "A cook? Well then you'd have no problems finding work at the White Swann Inn or the Rearing Stallion I'm sure they'd welcome you to cook for them."
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