Basic information:Race:Inarta
Birthday:August 13th
Physical description:
5'5", tall for an Inarta, busty, slightly lanky with bright red hair pinned back in a gold clip shaped like eagles wings. Her freckles give her a childlike look and her grass color eyes give her a look of innocence. She's usually smiling.
Character concept:
Caelum (or Cae) Has a easy going laid back approach to life and can't fully understand people who dont have the same outlook on life as her. She loves music, especially bells. She has a hard time reading social situations that are tence or arguments, and has a tendancy to stick her foot in her mouth. She get's very angry at seeing birds harmed or caged up. She has a liking for licorish and a fear of drowning but has allways loved the sea and can swim fairly well
character History
Calor suffered an injury to the head when she was around 14.She woke up as she calls it on August 13th and calls that her birthday in Suvan but because she knows plants from Wind reach, guesses that is where she is from. She has no memory of people or places of her old home but it's never bothered her because no one has ever gone looking for her.
Skill points
20sp-glass blowing
Lore-Poisonous plants in Wind reach
Lore-edible plants in Wind reach
simple leather pants, green halter top,battered old leather jacket(once her oldest brothers) shoes, and socks.(starting pkg)
1 shortbow 25 arrows (sp)
100 gold (starting pkg)
500-due to not having a home
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