Rewards and Treasure! Nadea :
Experience Points +3 Acting +1 Subterfuge +2 Intimidation +1 Observation +1 Brawling
Lores Brawling Weapon: Hair Pin Ignotus the Undead A Deal with Ignotus Harvesting a Body for a Nuit
Miscellaneous Ledger: -20gm, 10sm
Comments "You say brave, I say bored...po-tay-to...po-ta-to.." That is one awesome taunt. Also, as a poisoner it's fully within your rights to make your own poisons. Nothing tastier than home-made poison, yum yum (and cheaper too, just sayin') Ignuitus Everdead :
Experience Points +1 Persuasion +2 Hypnotism +2 Intimidation +3 Reimancy +1 Observation +1 Brawling +1 Glyphing
Lores Nadea the Poisoner A Deal with Nadia Preparing to Body-hop
Miscellaneous Physical OvergivingScarred hands from internal burning (though negated if Iggy switches bodies) Spiritual OvergivingReimancy abilities dampened by 50% for the next 15 days, after which the full ability returns gradually. The second phase of recovery can be quickened by minimal djed usage (magic in general) and general meditation and recovery. Use of reimancy during this period will result in irregular, blinding migraines, while general djed usage will result in a throbbing, dull ache.
Comments As always, try to work more details into your hypnotism if you want more XP. I notice you have a habit of always just focusing on the outcome of your hypnotism, so where details are lacking would be the process part. Also, let me know if you prefer Wrestling over Brawling, since I figured both would fit. Also, you probably know that this is coming, but you'd agree that doing that much magic for a novice reimancer would result in overgiving. If you're wondering, I didn't penalize XP because there is no OOC breaking of rules/mechanics - Iggy is fully capable of doing so but at the risk of 'borrowing' his 'future life essence', in other words, overgiving due to over exertion.
In Conclusion Very interesting thread guys. It seems that Zeltiva is getting more and more villains... if you two stick around longer I could do fun things in the future |