Jaeden gave a slight shrug with one of his shoulders as he looked to Satu. “Mura is by far the most peaceful place I’ve seen so far in my travels.” Jaeden commented, looking around for a moment. “For some of the wildlife, it’s simple instinct. They don’t wish to harm you out of some malicious intent, but more simply they act on base desires to defend themselves or simply fill their belly with food. The human races, however, are entirely different. Many of those who would do you harm would normally do so out of some ulterior motive. Our lives don’t run as long as Konti women, and in that shortness of life a desire to obtain as much as possible is normally born. Greed and hate are often strong driving factors in the machinations, so do be careful if you travel there, and be picky who you hand your trust over to.” Jaeden then watched as she began preparing the bowl for her vision, slowly tipping the jug of water over the bowl while offering assurance that she wouldn’t get him wet again. “No worries,” Jaeden simply said with a smile, “it’s only water in the long run.” Jaeden then just nodded as Satu informed him of the fact that she would be still during the process. “Take all the time you need, Satu.” Jaeden said with a smile, giving her a nod in reply as well, permitting her to delve into his past with her gift. “I find the scenery before me pleasing to the eyes, and could stare for quite a while.” As Satu peered into the water, flashes of Jaeden’s distant past began to emerge. Images of him laying quiet, cold and afraid behind a hill, as his home and family were burned down by unseen assailants. The image contorted, then showed him sifting through the ashes, finding nothing by the necklace that currently hung over his neck. The images then flash forwarded some, showing Jaeden walking as a child, alone and starving. Flashes of him begging for food from reluctant strangers and running from others who wished to enslave and sell him. There were feelings of despair and sadness as he laid along the ground, submitting himself to death. Then the scenery changed, as the image of Olevar began appearing. A gentle smile and eye full of confidence appeared in the waters as Olevar offered out a bowl of soup. First meetings, as they were, of the man who eventually shaped Jaeden into the man that sat before Satu as she peered into the water. A jumble of images appeared, spanning the course of twelve long years of hard training Jaeden experienced under Olevar’s guidance. Learning to spot tracks, understanding what plants were good to eat and which ones were poisonous. Running and hauling around heavy objects. Constantly pushing himself to his limits as several push ups, pull ups and other physical activities gradually sculpted his body and increased it’s size. There were also images of him being dragged off by slavers and being charged by a bear, both instances showing Olevar extreme protectiveness of Jaeden and his skill with Woodland Wrath and it’s power. Images of Jaeden nearing adulthood, as he stood back to back with Olevar, staring down other men who meant them harm. They showed no fear in their time together, only displayed a fierce bond that ran as deep as any family, and a complete trust in one another. Again the images flashed forward, as year after year passed by, showing Jaeden now on his own, traversing different regions as a man, hunting prey in each region and battling slavers occasionally. Visions of sexual relations with woman also passed through Satu’s site, fifteen different faces. Some of them strong and playful, while the others were timid and gentle. Each one of them loved him for a short time, and he loved them, fiercely and equally as Satu gained a sense that he would have died willingly for any one of them as his passion for every one of them shined as equally as his pleasure. The double sided blade of such passion for women shined as well, showing Jaeden flirting with Eypharian women as the batted their eye lashes and offered him drink. A drink laced with sedative drugs which rendered him unconscious. Only later to be woken, bound and being attached to a long line of others captured before him, all of them about to be led off in harsh environment of the desert. Then the visions slowly began to fade, echoing the sounds of he present and the silence the lingered between Jaeden and Satu as he waited patiently. |