I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Desperate times call for desperate measures, even to the point of asking for help from one you had planned on never seeing again

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 21st, 2012, 4:17 pm

Yes, it was true, she thought sadly, as Orion expressed openly his inability to understand her. He never could, unless she spoke up, and revealed her secret, and let him off the hook. Part of this unfathomable attraction he continued to feel for her had be from her mark. That’s what it did to people. She knew this. But he didn’t know, about her…

She couldn’t let him blame himself though, and his next words roused her. “Oh, no, Orion! No! You aren’t disgusting. You…you just want what all men want.” That hadn’t come out quite the way she had wanted it to, so she appended, “I mean, it’s natural, right? When two people find each other attractive? I’m sorry, that I made it seem so wrong. I…I wasn’t thinking. It just, it was…the place. You caught me by surprise, and yes…I felt it too, that longing.” Oh yes, indeed, she had, so very much so. “I felt it too…” she repeated, her voice trailing off.

His hands had gone to the child’s head again, and Basha’ir looked at them, so gentle and skilled. She hadn’t been at all sure that he would come, in response to her note. But he had, because he was a good man. It was sad that he was so full of self-doubt. And she hated that she was adding to it.

Her free hand went to rest on his shoulder. “Orion, let’s…let’s try again, shall we? I like you, vey much. I’ve…I’ve missed you. Once…once Nondi is recovered, maybe, we can meet again. Spend a few hours together? You are a good man, Orion. You should never doubt that. Even when crazy and mystifying women make you think otherwise.” Her eyes dropped but she gave a half-hearted little laugh.

When her eyes lifted again, she said, “I understand, if you don’t want to do this again, but…I would like to. I really would.”
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Orion Michaels on September 24th, 2012, 4:09 pm

Orion, Day of Fall 15, 512 AV

Orion watched with some regret as his words seemed to cause this woman pain. "Basha...you don't know me anymore than I know you," he shook his head. "We've....we've all got our secrets, right?" He smiled, continuing on. "I'm sure I'm better than I say I am, but you might be overestimating me a little, too." He let out a small sigh as she placed her hand on his shoulder. No one hand been able to melt his defenses like this. He couldn't stand it but missed it all the more at the same time. What man could say he enjoyed being confused? Enjoyed whatever game was being played.

"Before I agree to meet you again, I just..i just need to say something. I'm impulsive at times. I'll cross the line. Like I've said, I'll do things too fast for most people," he added a chuckled, his eyes showing a little more life. "It's worked for me in the past. Almost perfectly, so I guess I can't bring myself to change my tactic." His smile grew as he looked into her eyes. "So, if you think you can deal with me and my antics, I'd be happy to see you again. But..if I do something you don't like, be honest with me."

He turned his attention back to Nondi, reaching down to pull her from the bath, quickly wrapping her in a towel. "I'm sorry for my harsh words back then. I'm admittedly not totally stable when I get irritated." Drying the young girl off, Orion sat on the ground beside Basha, holding the child in his arms. "We'll get her back in after a few chimes." His blue eyes settled on the beautiful woman beside him again, and as he spoke, his voice was uneven, a hint of worry upon it. "Yeah..let's try it again."

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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Basha'ir on September 28th, 2012, 8:33 am

She made no protest to his declaration that she knew him no better than he knew her. Of course she knew much more than he realized, for she cheated, every time she had set her skin to his. But he was right, they did have secrets, at least she certainly did. As Orion settled on the floor beside her, Nondi in his arms, Basha’ir shook her now cramping arm, rubbing some life back into it. Feeling the child’s forehead once more, she couldn’t be sure, but it felt cooler.

Her dark green eyes lifted to those bright blue ones, and she smiled softly. “Thank you, Orion. I hope…I hope that one day you will see what I see in you. You are a good person. Not perfect, no. But then again, none of us are that, right?”

Resting back against the wall, she leaned a bit closer to him, her bare arm touching the damp material of his shirt.
But if I share my secret, you're gonna have to keep it. No-one else can see this...
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I Somehow Find, You And I Collide (Orion)

Postby Archelon on October 1st, 2012, 1:36 am

Thread Award


"By permission of your eminent Chevalier, I'm here to help :)"

And the Results!!!!:

Basha'ir :
SkillName 1-5 How/why?
Writing2Notes count
Bodybuilding1lifting sick children is a workout
Seduction1Asking a guy Basha'ir actually likes out


The signs of a fever.
Caring for a sick child.
Orian: should I give it another try?

Orian :
SkillName 1-5 How/why?

The signs of a fever.
Determining when to douse a fevered patient.

Would you like some extra turtle sauce ? :
Interesting thread :) Any questions,comments,or concerns please feel free to send me a nice pm.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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