“Indeed, horses tend to be better listeners,” Anchoa agreed, shooting a fond smile at his strider. He listened with a dull curiosity, nodding at appropriate times to cue on that he was listening to what Sam was saying. “Well, don’t let me stop you. You certainly know what you’re doing by the sounds of it.” What a mature young man. The Drykas was fairly certain that Sam was younger than him, but he sounded older than he let on. Perhaps he was just one of those people that aged well?
He laughed. “Oh yes, I’ve seen a few of them trying to ride in the foetal position. If I hadn’t felt bad for them, I’m sure I would have laughed, against my better judgement.” A few of the younger knights seemed almost frightened of their horses. “However, I don’t think I’d have the patience to teach. I’d either mock them or become frustrated.” A hand came up, fingers rubbing the back of his neck. It was cold there.
“I’ve been thinking of becoming a tattoo artist, actually. I’m not particularly good at it yet, but I can do basic shapes and I can be cheap. I’m sure someone has a book somewhere that’ll help. I just hope there’s a copy in Pavi.” Definitely getting someone to teach him how to read Common one day.