10th Day of Summer, 512 AV Late Afternoon The Flower Stand His nose was buried into a thick cluster of colorful flowers, inhaling the fragrant scent of the fresh blossoms. Bartal had come here often when he was little. The flowers reminded him of outside the walls, where things were better. Now, as an adult, every time he came into the city he always stopped by to say hello to Atta. He of course had seen her often as a child when he came to her stall with Rosemary, who had also worked with plants. It brought back very fond memories of his childhood each time he saw the old woman and her trove of flowers. Then those memories often turned into nostalgia. Maybe he was a pessimist. "If you keep smelling those flowers dear, there won't be enough fragrance left for whoever buys them," Adda piped up from her spot close by. Bartal leaned up to give her a long-suffering look. Of course it wasn't a serious one and she knew it. Someone of Adda's age couldn't be fooled so easily by such a simple thing. "I'm only smelling them so much so that I might mask the foul odor of this city that keeps staunching up my nostrils," he explained to her with an attempt at sounding annoyed over her jibe. She smiled and the abundance of wrinkles spider-webbing her face deepened in a pleasant way. Age suited her well. She had ripened gracefully, he always thought. What he said about the smell was true. This city had a very pungent odor. Sewage, sweaty bodies, and many other things crammed into a stone box. Coming to the flower stand always put his nose at ease at least for a little while. Too bad the whole city couldn't smell like this. Sometimes Bartal wished he didn't have such an excellent sense of smell. He sidled further along the stall and peered at a bouquet of roses, then stuck his nose close to them, savoring the smell that blocked out the scent of the unkempt man that had just walked by. He could hear Atta's quiet laughter from the other side of the stall, which he rightly ignored. |