Lake Ravok was a forgotten memory in the distance, long since out of sight. Which for Clyde was a bit unpleasant... It simply proved to remind him were he was going... A place he had long ago left, and still till this day hated and wanted to see as a smoldering crater, preferably at his own hand. But it was not good to dwell on such things, better to pour his anger into his magic, let the djed be woven into a form, that would end with a strike against Syliras, and its knights who thought so highly of themselves. But that was not know, that was for later. For know, they were camping for the night, and he and others had been tasked with setting up defenses. Clyde took a moment to think on this... Really, most attacking spells he could do would require his supervision, and a direct target... And though he could store spells, just setting them up randomly would be a waste... And any traps or pitfalls he could make using earth reimancy would also be a waste, to unlikely to be triggered and bypassed. So really, any offensive spell would be done by himself, against a foe in sight... All that left was defensive spells... But how could he use a offensive spell, in a defensive manner, he puzzled to himself... Not to directly attack... Then it hit him... The important thing was not that the attack hit... But that it alert them to intruders, so that he and the other people could bring to bear the full force of there might at there enemy... Not to mention a rather easy application. Something he had heard before, though he forget were... It was better to fight and work smarter, instead of harder... Taking out a piece of parchment, along with his ink and quill, he set to work, drawing out a simple focus, a small ball with wavy lines emanating, rather like a depiction of a sun... In black ink... Around it he curved wavy lines, making a dot in the inside of each curve, all around the focus, enforcing it past a simple single line, the dots deepening the glyphs and meaning... After that he attached a simple triangle trigger, and began work on the words for it... He needed to word it right, so it only went off when he needed it to... 'Release the magic within this sigil, when an enemy of Ravok or Rhysol, or someone who wishes to harm our camp, passes it.' Simple enough really, to do as was needed. That done, he began to generate res, letting it billow forth from his hands as a gas, collecting it into a globe in front of him... Feeling the sweat taste of magic in his mouth, that joyous feeling no mundane pleasure could ever bring him... With a twitch of a finger, he set the outside aflame, and began to rise it higher in the air... The fireball gaining height... Then all at once, he brought it down fiercely, crashing as hard and fast as he could into the focus, using a last spurt of res to push harder before he fully transmuted it and it struck the focus, to vanish within... Now, when the spell was released, it would shoot out a fireball up into the air at high speed, alerting anyone watching that an enemy was coming from that way. That done, he set about making a second and third one, and filling them the same way as the others... Perhaps another mage would see what he had done, and decide to do the same as him. Regardless if anyone else decided to do the same, he set out after a decent number were done, to space them out all around the campsite, making a ring within which if anyone against them approached, the magic would be set off within the nearest scroll. |