Fall 21st, year 512.
"Oh relax, This won't be difficult at all!"
This is a story of a kid named Sjuhnaat.
"Sjuhnaat, you shouldn't do this. You don't even know to fight. What if you stumble upon a thug or a beast of some sort? What would you do then?"
For a long time, he had planned to leave his tribe like his father did. Although much younger than when his father left the tribe, he stubbornly believes he's ready for the trip.
"Improvise, obviously."
With an irrational determination, he's prepared to leave behind the only person that ever truly mattered to him; His mother.
"That is your plan? How will you improvise your way out of the stomach of a hungry desert-beast?"
He had been waiting most of his life for this day. The day where his self-proclaimed 'epic' journey would begin. His guardian owl, Gohnywa, wasn't very thrilled about this 'epic' journey of his. As the only one aware of his decision, he is continuously trying to make him stay with his tribe, but to no avail.
"Sure. I can handle a stomach or two."
Negligent and thrilled by the risk of his decision, Sjuhnaat was hastily packing his horse. He didn't want to have to look at his mothers face when he took off. If there was anything that could break his determination to begin his journey, it was her.
"Then what about your mother, Sjuhnaat?"
He and his guardian were communicating by the use of thoughts. This way, no one could hear the argument they were having, which played in Sjuhnaat's favor.
"She'll be fine. I know it!"
After a few moments of packing, he happily put up the last pair of flint and tinder into his backpack. He swung it onto his back, before mounting the horse from the left side. Sitting comfortably in the stirrup, he looked up into the evening sky.
"This is the beginning of something great. No doubt."
A tear slowly crawled out of his eye. The thought of his mother when she noticed he was gone had popped into his mind, her tears unbearable even if they weren't real. Yet.
Gohnywa wasn't a single bit happy about this.
"Sjuhnaat, snap out of it! You will die for sure if you travel into the desert!"
Sjuhnaat simply pretended not to have heard his words.
"Don't worry mother. I'll make you proud."
Kicking the sides of the horse, it began galloping as fast as it could.
"Sjuhnaat! Call for me only when you regret, then I will help you come back to the tribe."
With the wind blowing through Sjuhnaat's hair, he simply twisted his upper body around to face his guardian still sitting by his tent and waved goodbye.
"Don't come if you don't dare, Owley!"
Gohnywa glared into the horizon, seeing Sjuhnaat slowly disappear in the distance.
"You better not die..."