A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Xi takes a stroll out into the jungle near the base camp and comes upon some company...which knocks him for six...

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 12:54 am

Xikept his eye's focues on the knife his arms bolted into position, right now he needed to do something, centring his mind and calming himself for the next events to come he suddenly felt a ping on his mind, almost like his mind was a string instrument, and something was attempting to play a different chord on it. He knew this feeling all too well. Xi's eyes narrowed as he brushed off the feeling as if it wasnt even affecting him. He'd centred his mind now and this woman's level of skill with this was nothing compared to the first time he'd encountered it. And nothign compared to the power fo rthe person he knew used it. Visible anger now clear on Xi's face, with a strong air of killing intent that even a person who'd never fought before would be able to feel it like an overwhelming crushing force.

"DONT YOU DARE USE THAT ON ME!" Xi's eyes went from their cold calm state to burning with anger. This woman had struck a chord in his mind by trying to pirece it with ehr own thoughts, and now he was pissed. She''d opened the floodgates on the torrents of hell, and now he was angry. Even as the knive flew at him he merely flicked his arm to the right and batted it away with a single blast. Then she was on him...Right in his kill zone. Xi could feel his right arm bulging and drilling with both adrenaline and djed, right now he was angry nd his power was reaching out, he lost control of his power and hit his peak at the time his right arm swung back in with a chop to the woman's ribs. The flux had begun to boil over with his anger and he lost his grasp on it if she avoided this hit it would be a miracle as his right arm came down on her ribs his left picked up the slack in his flux and begun it's tearing straight at her stomach it too powered by pure anger and flux bot at the last second he snapped back to sanity. refocuseing his mind and remmebring it wasnt the man who'd placed this wretched curse upon him but a small innocent woman who was now going to pay for another's sin, so he focused and tried to withdraw as much flux as he could from his fists, but by then it was too late. Both were closing in and he couldn't pull all of it back. This was going to hurt if it connected, and it was going to require medical attention.

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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Nasrin on October 11th, 2012, 1:28 am

Nasrin knew the moment she saw Ximal's eyes narrow that she'd miscalculated. She'd always been warned not to use hypnotism on another being unless she was sure of their thoughts, their personality, their past. This man had experience with the magic and he'd detected her clumsy attempt easily. Time seemed to slow as events unfolded around her, and she was suddenly hyper aware of her senses. She heard her steel dagger fall to the ground several body lengths away and she could have sworn that she could hear each green chamber of grass crumple beneath its weight. She could feel the blood pounding behind her eyes as she watched one massive fist collide with her ribcage, her two left arms doing their best to block but ultimately being unable to stave off the worst of the damage. There was a long delay between the moment that she felt the immense, unnatural pressure of the hit and when the pain actually blossomed in her side. The surprise winded her almost as much as the pain and she dry heaved; how had he been able to put that much force behind his strike?

That thought was cut off by Nasrin's brain switching on survival mode; using her meager amount of training, she dipped low, throwing one leg straight out in front of her, the heel digging into the earth, the other leg bending beneath her to allow her body to escape some of the second blow Ximal aimed at her stomach. It made glancing (but still painful) contact with her hip instead, which would likely be bruised straight down into the bone. Had this been practice, she would have swung her legs up and behind her in a monkey-like movement, using her four arms for balance and support, but something in her side was broken and as soon as she put pressure on her left arms, agony lanced through her frame.
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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 1:53 am

Xi took a step back the moment she spring boarded back, now he felt guilt wash over him. Because of what another person had done he had lost his cool and his grip on sanity , before blindly attacking an innocent woman. Closeing his eyes he heard a familiar and rather sarcastic voice. Nice job and for a change that wasnt with my assistance. Hahahahahaaa Xi ground his teeth this want good liro was right he'd acted out of pure instinct and anger not acting through thought and calculation. his entire plan of not hurting her had gone out the window with that. DAMN IT. Slowly he walked over to her a look of huge guilt on his face.

" Are you alright ? i'm sorry for that bad past experiences with a certain mage...Still are you alright ...i know i heard something snap...Please let me take you to the healers...i'm truly sorry for this...I hadn't planned to hurt you at all..." The guilt crashing into him like waves on a beach. Just breaking over him inch by inch untill he couldn't bear them. He offered her his hand lightly fully aware and willing to accept any retribution she might land back on him. The fire in his eyes died and was replaced with a look of calm sorrow like a rainy day after a forst fire. just soothing but showing the destruction in it's wake.

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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Nasrin on October 11th, 2012, 2:48 am

Nasrin hissed, more out of discomfort than distaste this time. As much as she wanted to spit in this man's face and send him packing, she was well aware that she would be unable to return to the treetops on her own. She would...have to accept his assistance; the thought made her shimmering skin crawl with invisible spiders. First things first, though. Swatting his outstretched hand away lightly, she pointed to her dagger laying some distance away. She might not have been any kind of warrior but she had a great respect for the craftsmanship and labor that had gone into making her weapon, just as she poured herself into each perfume and concoction she brewed.

"R-retrieve my dagger, human. It must not lay upon ground like discarded peel."

The gesture caused her to grimace. She was already concocting a blend of aromas to ease pain and swelling in her mind for when she got home; she doubted she would be able to produce it herself though. She would have to instruct Ayana on the proper procedure.

"Chamomile, helichrysum, lavender..."
she mumbled, slipping into Arumenic with her loss of concentration. The spot of blood that had fallen from her eye now dried itchily on her cheek, but she could not muster the strength to lift a hand and wipe it away. She would have to practice her hypnotism much more before attempting to use it again in a dire situation. It irked Nasrin to no end to not be the best at anything; this would be no exception.
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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 3:07 am

Feeling his hand swatted away and seeing the sheer pain and agony on her face he did as he was asked. darting off to find and retrieve the dagger, even though it was somewhat outstanding from the force he'd knocked it away with he would be surprised to find it at all before seeing it sticking out of a tree...They would murder him if they saw this especially him again still, he plucked the dagger out of the tree sharply before snapping back around and heading to help her. Carrying the dagger back to her he knelt down next to her before placing the dagger in his belt Before carefully lifting her off of the ground. He knew he's broken something and was being careful to not hurt her in any way. even if she berated him and hated him.

"i'm taking you to the healers. To get you checked out, i have a feeling ive broken something..." Lifting her up and holding her in his arms carrying her bridal style his mind told him this was the best way to carry her without causing any more damage and it would still grant him freedom of motion with one of his arms. He collected her things and made a start back to the spires. once there he would do what he could to help her if she made any requests of him whilst he was helping her he would be more than willing to listen to her and do as she asked.

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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Nasrin on October 11th, 2012, 3:58 am

Watching with narrowed eyes as Ximal fetched her dagger and the slid it into his belt, Nasrin wondered again how he had managed to strike her so hard. Also, someone swatting a knife from the air should not have created enough force to embed the tip into the strong, thick bark of the trees. Something was amiss about this man, and Nasrin's innate desire for superiority urged her to find out what it was. Now was not the time for an interrogation, though. She protested only minimally and mostly for show as he lifted her body easily, settling her into the crook of an arm like a tiny bride. The position was humiliating, but at least it kept pressure off her aching ribs.

"Not broken. Just cracked. No healers. Take me to Grath's Rest, to my room. I have herbs there."

She didn't trust the medicine of these strangers; she'd rather have had Ayana or even this man bind her ribs and place her in a bath of herb waters in the privacy of her own room.

As Ximal picked his way carefully across the forest floor, she fussed at him for this and that; being indelicate with her pack, jarring her too much. It was the only way she was staying awake. Unconsciousness was beckoning her, but it would not do to lose face that way. Suddenly, a flash of white and yellow cut through the fog. Chamomile.

"Stop, stop!"
she ordered, swatting Ximal's chest to alert him. "That plant, looks like a daisy! I need it!"
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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 4:17 am

Carrying her wa only a little more work than he'd suspected but he work he was truely doing was to keep calm under the nonstop torrent of complaints she flew at him even though she was dragging his head with ehr endless babble of what he'd been doing wrong, he knew he'd deserved everything sh flung at him although it was good to know that he'd only cracked her ribs not broken them. a hie wave of relief.

"look i understand i'm doing a lot wrong and i understand that i deserve the berating but i'm doing as you've asked a little thanks might go a long way. "
Following her directions back as well as listening to her more was becoming mind numbing until he felt her hands thud on his chest. and her pointing to a flower. Was she delirious ? why did she need a flower? Still Xi followed her instructions and knelt down to pick the flower out of the ground but not knowing which one she was on about he picked both the yellow flower and a white one next to it. What she was saying about the flowers was beyond him and for him to understand this he would have to ask.

"What exactly do you need these flowers for ? I mean there just flowers aren't they?" He gave her an odd rather quizzical look almost questioning her sanity at that moment, was she delirious from pain or diod she really use them for something either way he wouldn't argue beyond getting to know why she needed them.

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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Nasrin on October 11th, 2012, 5:25 am

Nasrin's breath left her lips in a huff of exasperation. He was doing it all wrong, all wrong! Those big clumsy hands were bruising the petals, releasing the precious oils onto Ximal's unappreciative fingers. Pushing past her pain, Nasrin scrambled out of his grasp to kneel next to the small blossoms.

Pointing to the flowers with yellow centers and bright, white multitudinous petals, she began explaining slowly and clearly, as if she were speaking to a young child.

"Chamomile. Basic herb, many many uses. You listen, learn something, yes? Even children know this flower."

Reaching over, Nasrin grabbed her dagger from Ximal's belt. No thought crossed her mind that he might see the gesture as threatening; she was focused completely on the task at hand. Delicately she took hold of the stem, moving it to the side so that it was clear what she was doing. Using the dagger she quickly and cleanly severed the stem at the base, leaving all of the leaves and blossoms intact and unbruised.

"Don't want to touch leaves and flower too much. Lose valuable oils into the skin. Want to save for later, for steam to take. Chamomile called Grandmother's Herb, used to treat many sicknesses; chamomile water heals bruises, cuts, pain, cough. Makes more milk for babies when had as tea. Dissolved in milk and put in bathwater, helps sleep."

As she spoke, she was continually snipping stems and piling them neatly into Ximal's hands. This was her passion; she could almost forget the stabbing sting in her ribs and hip, and almost forget that it was not an Eypharian child she was teaching, but a smelly human brigand.
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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Ximal on October 11th, 2012, 5:46 am

As he lifte dthe flowers up he could see her getting more and more annoyed before finally bursting and spilling what she knew. Camomile. As simple herb with a lot of uses ? perhaps he was being spoken to like some sort of thick and enigmatic child but he was understanding. A basic herb...But with a lot of uses...Lost in thought over what she coudl be talking about he didn't even notice her remove the dagger from his belt when he saw it in her hand he almost jumped enough to drop her. Still he listened not interrupting her speech over the simple flowers. How could one tiny item have so many uses ? Perhaps taking an interest in this wouldn't be such a bad thing ? Even her pigeon common was helping her drill it into his head, after all he had to really pay attention to understand what she was saying. He could even see the twinkle in her eye over enjoying something, it was clear she loved doing this and it gave her some form of joy or even comfort. So to help her he dropped down a little further to allow her easier access.

"Thank you for explaining this to me. I know i'm not the brightest but this has really given me something to think over...I may even find you again to learn a little more if that's alright with you. I understand if you wouldn't want me to but i find this interesting and drawing of my attention so please allow me to learn a little more about this." opeing the basket she brought with ehr in his left hand he gave her somewhere to stor e the flowers she'd picked still he remained quieter after that rant to see if she would let any other secrets of the plant flow from her lips. if she was going to offer information that might help him later on he'd be a fool to turn it away.

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A day in the jungle...Why me ?(nasrin)

Postby Nasrin on October 11th, 2012, 6:10 am

There was a long pause of silence after Narin listened to Ximal's request for more information. Her hands stilled in the middle of their actions, her dagger poised at the stem of the last flower, just barely nicking the greenery and releasing the soothing scent into the air. Searching his face for signs of facetiousness or falsehood but finding none, she thought on it.



Three beats passed before she nodded her assent.

If this poor, unwashed, uneducated human wished to learn from her obvious Eypharian superiority, it was her honor-bound duty to teach him. Besides, it wasn't as if she was fit in this state to do the harvesting herself.

"I will teach you. What is your craft? You are my student, I must address you in the proper way. You will address me as Hejdi during lessons, understand?"

Sniffing a bit, she continued.

"Learning of flowers do you good, yes? You could...use a bath of them. Lots."

What was it with non-Eypharians and lack of hygiene? She and Ayana bathed themselves constantly, especially since there was an unlimited source of water in The Spires. What was stopping all the other people and beasts from keeping themselves decently clean? Just looking at this human it was easy to tell he'd not had a proper bath in some time. That would definitely need to be remedied if he was going to spend any amount of time in Nasrin's presence.
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