[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Dinner is always served at the same time every day at The Sanctuary. Sometimes its fairly rushed, and sometimes its a slow leisurly affair.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Kavala on October 11th, 2012, 6:14 pm

Timestamp: 35th of Fall
Location: The Sanctuary Commons
Time: The Twentieth Bell Feast
Status: Open

It was a simple pleasure, for sure, after a hard days work. Kavala had been constructing the boarders barn, carefully building up layers of stone and patterning it like she had everything in The Sanctuary, to be both beautiful and functional in a sort of quiet elegance that spoke of taste rather than garish opulence. Lars Varkas had taught her well. If you were going to create things with magic, create beautiful things because you had a choice and the world was better with beauty in it rather than ugliness. Kavala took her magical philosophy and applied it to food as well. If something was worth cooking, it was worth cooking well.

And so she was barefoot with her hair braided in a loose braid working in the new kitchen which overlooked the Sanctuary commons deep Within. She wore a scarf dress, one of her favorites, that came down to her knees in a ragged hem that was the color of new spring leaves laced with deep purples and blues in a paisley design. Her braid was tied off with a scarf made from the same fabric that wrapped up and around her head to keep her hair out of her eyes as it escaped her braid.

Sometimes Kavala had help with the cooking, and sometimes she didn't even have to cook. IT was on her list to do - hire a cook - but it wasn't something she'd gotten around to doing yet. So until then it was whomever had the energy did it. And if no one volunteered no one ate. But today Kavala showed up around the nineteenth bell and since no one had gotten there before her, she'd started to cook. There was ground beef in the larder as well as a part of a pig hanging, so she carved off bacon to go with the ground beef and gathered onions, garlic and took them all to the stove. She fed it wood until it fired up and then cut onions and smashed garlic until they were of a manageable size and began caramelizing them in a huge skillet with butter she'd made with her own hands. Normally Kavala's cooking was simple food - a vegitable, some meat, perhaps bread. Today though, she wanted to create something else, something slightly off the normal though not to far as to be something no one wanted to eat.

So she set the meat aside, waiting for the onions and garlic to cook, and got out the fixings for biscuit dough. She'd need to make the biscuit dough, but she wasn't going to leave it as cooks always did - as biscuits. She'd use it for the wrappings for what she had planned. The recipe was simple, though she tripled it because of the number of people that might be eating. The Konti gathered the ingredients and reviewed the recipe.

2 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter
3/4 to 1 cup buttermilk

Kavala paused to stir the onions, letting them slowly sweat then caramelize, before she turned back to the biscuit dough. She combined the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl, then cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Then she stirred in enough buttermilk just to moisten dough. The Konti then turned it onto a lightly floured stone surface on her kitchen counter and began to knead it. Once she had it elastic enough, Kavala rolled it to a inch thickness and then cut the dough into rounds that were four inches in diameter which she dipped in flour to keep the cutter from sticking. She then brush with rounds with more milk and left them sit a while so she could focus on the mixture.

The onions had caramelized so she added both the bacon and ground meat to the skillet and stirred it gently. Then she got out a block of cheese and began to cut it into cubes that were more or less bite sized. She kept watch over the meat and when it was done she drained it into the lard pan and added in the cubes of cheese. Then, to each flat dough circle she added two heaping scoops of the mixture and then folded the dough over sealing the 'pockets' carefully. She brushed them with milk and butter, then finally put them in the hot oven for twenty chimes and got started making a salad.

She was just making the salad when people started trickling in.
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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Gianne Basete on October 12th, 2012, 1:41 am

Her stomach growled violently as the delicious smell drifting from the Commons tantalized her nostrils. Gianne was heading there from her room in the hopes of grabbing some dinner before falling into bed for a nice night of sleep. She had become a very early riser and was often one of the first people in the Sanctuary to go to bed. So it didn't really surprise her when she ended up being the first person to arrive, aside from Kavala. She was obviously the cook tonight. Her stomach growled again and she went so far as to put a self conscious hand on her irate stomach. Hopefully it wasn't so loud that Kavala could hear it.

She was working with a salad at the moment as Gianne called a greeting while she approached. "Hey Boss." She sometimes called Kavala that; a good-natured title. "What are you making? It smells amazing." Gianne wasn't so interested in the salad as she was the bacon she could smell. The source was hanging up for her to see, a section of a plump pig. Bacon was bar none the best meat in the world, and she could eat pounds of it every day. If it killed her, at least she would die happy. Other things were laid out around the Konti. Bowls, utensils, leftover ingredients. It gave no hint as to what was actually being cooked. "Do you need any help with the salad? Or anything else?" Gianne's mouth was practically watering. Might want to be careful of she'd slip in a puddle of her own expectant drool.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Elem Bree on October 12th, 2012, 7:23 am


Dear Nira'lia,


Elem sat at his desk, looking at the letter he was going to write. He kept looking back at the correspondence he had received from her, its edges already worn with his obsessive handling and perusing of it. The word kept pulling at the edges of his mind.

Chavi. It seemed like a word he should know, especially from reading of Konti and Mura. It was becoming clearer to him all the time that notes should be taken whenever possible. Especially when studying. He had done so when he was in classes at University, but somehow it had escpaed him to do so when working on his own. His finger followed over the dried ink as he read further.

Syliran contingent. Zeltiva. Sahova. Plague. He recalled that there was to be an exchange of Zeltivans for food during the rationing of Winter. Could this be the contingent she spoke of? A plague in Zeltiva. He had no recollection of this. Was it something that came after he left? Did he leave too early? Surely not, Mother Rak'keli had guided him here for a reason. Perhaps so that he could remain healthy and find these other healers in order to aid Nira'lia and the others. Whatever the reason, the food smelled delicious.

Elem looked up from the desk and papers, his nose sniffing at the air. Dinner! It was hard to gauge the time of day sometimes underground, but the smell of food being prepared was no coincidence. Rising from the desk, he took care to change into leather pants, his fitted shoes and one of the bordered shirts Rosela had chosen for him. Fitting his belt on with its compass buckle, he slid his medallion over his neck as well. Hmm, he needed a mirror. Oh well.

Looking down at the writing once more, his finger tracing over the words in the air, he took his leave from his room. Out of courtesy, he called out aloud, "Seerrif, I think dinner is soon." He didn't hear anything from the room next to his own, but that wasn't surprising. Serrif was a private individual. Entering into the commons, he saw Kavala working on quite a feast, dressed rather festively. He smiled, though he wondered if there weren't clones of her running around doing everything.

Also was Gianne, the friendly archer who he had worked with a few times since his arrival. She was already working her way over to the food. Smart girl. "Hello ladies, is there anything I can help with? I called out to Serrif to join us, but I don't know if he heard me." Elem's face and posture spoke of his usual charm and friendliness, but his eyes still searched the words of the letter in his mind.

Last edited by Elem Bree on November 14th, 2012, 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Rhy on October 13th, 2012, 7:48 pm

The smell of yeast buns and ground beef could be smelt from the chicken coop. Well, a dog could, anyway. And its sets Rhy to drooling almost immediately. She had spent the later part of the afternoon, after chores are done, training a few of the Sanctuary's dogs to hunt. Using an old racoon pelt tied to a string she had dragged it all over inside the walls and had been teaching the dogs to distinguish and track the scent. The energy she had dispensed on the energetic mob to teach them has left her famished and exhausted. Hopefully soon she could take a few of them to hunt with her soon. But until then they had a long way to go.

Once she had put the dusty, battered pelt away she had gotten side-tracked by the chickens. Which is why she is there now. She was having fun teasing them and watching them crawl over themselves in fright as she prowls on the other side of the run in an overly exaggerated aggressive manner. Torturing small, flightless birds is fun and all, but food is much better, and she abandons her squawking companions in favour of this delicious smell.

After washing her hands and face, and dressing in her white shirt and breeches, she breezes into the room trying not to look too guilty. She's been told off for freaking out the chickens, cow and that one evil goose before, and is determined her infraction go unnoticed. Which is harder then it may seem, for she has the uncomfortable suspicion that Kavala can read minds.

She greets her bondmate with an affectionate nip to her ear and gives the Sanctuary's mistress an all to cheery wave. She has yet to tell everyone about the sudden change in Gianne's and her relationship, from friends to sisters to bonded. Maybe that should be tonight. But while Rhy would be the last person you would expect to be private or secretive, she has been struggling to put words something like this. So she stays silent on the subject.

When she gets to Elem she is surprised to find him looking miles away. She pinches his arm and gives him a smile. "Hey, you alright?"
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Kavala on October 14th, 2012, 3:48 pm

Kavala smiled and handed Gianne a knife so she could work on chopping the tomatoes. Kavala got out a big bowl and began layering the veggies she'd already chopped into the bowl along with the lettuce. She then added cucumbers, the tomatoes Gianne chopped and big crumbles of mozzarella cheese.

Setting that aside, she mixed up the dressing... a creamy spice concoction made from milk and light cheese that gave the salad a tangy cream taste. She dressed the salad, tossed it and then added dried bread cubes and slivered toasted almonds.

Then she checked the meat wraps and pulled them all out of the oven. "Sure Elem, you and Rhy set the table with however many plates we need. Dinner is ready." Kavala said, transferring the contents of the oven and salad bowl to the table where everyone could help themselves. She also put out a huge pitcher of cold well water and plates of cut up apples and pears.

When it was all done, she sat down with everyone else making sure Tasival was in his seat and had fruit and a bit of salad to much. She relaxed, attending to her son before she leaned back, letting everyone fill their plates and chatter. Tasival would get a wrap when they cooled more than they were at the moment.

Aweston, the groom, wandered in, hooked a boot around a chair and took a seat as well, smiling at Rhy and Gianne, and nodding at Elem. He dug right in knowing if he didn't there might not be any left.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Gianne Basete on October 15th, 2012, 1:14 am

Gianne knew only some of the basics of cooking. Thankfully Kavala was almost done with everything and didn't need help with the actual making of the food. Chopping tomatoes was simple enough. She sliced a few into even slivers, careful to make them perfect. She was anal about a lot of things, plus a neat freak. It always drove her mother crazy how particular she was. Straightening everything to impossible perfection then complaining when something became even slightly crooked. The other tomatoes she halved then cut again to make quarters. Who knew? Someone might like them a particular way.

Kavala took the fruit and added it to the salad bowl. Gianne continued to watch a few more steps until Rhy appeared with a sudden attack on her ear. She shivered and gave the Kelvic a playful swat, sending her away for now. She still didn't completely understand their bonding; what it entailed. But the whole thing felt right. Like it was meant to be. She watched her bondmate's back as she thought of how life had changed in extreme ways this fall. First she was chosen by the Goddess Caiyha to help care for Cyphrus. A very big responsibility in itself, and one that she was trying to get used to. She could feel changes within herself from day to day, but couldn't quite describe them.

Then right after her marking, she bonded with Rhy. It was comforting to know she had someone now who would always be there no matter what. Suddenly Gianne realized she had spaced out completely, missing much of what had gone on around her. The table was being set now and she actually let out a whoop of glee, face breaking out in a smile. She tromped quickly to the table as Kavala set it with the both delicious looking and smelling food, staking out her portions. Her plate ended up having quite the pile. She wasn't a small woman; not skinny at least. Of course she also wasn't fat, just a tiny bit plump. It was thanks to her love of food and drink, but because she did a lot of physical labor it balanced things nicely.

At least there were men out there who preferred full bodied women. She looked around now as Aweston sat close by. She'd never had a legitimate conversation with him but they nodded politely to eat other nevertheless. She half turned in her seat to spot Rhy and smiled, waving her over to take a chair on either side of her. She also waved at Elem, who was looking very distracted this evening. I wonder what's got him up in the clouds? she thought as she picked up one of her hot wraps and bit into it. Instantly Gianne regretted that and dropped it back on her plate, jaw gaping comically from the fiery torture that was the food scalding her tongue and roof of her mouth. She scrabbled awkwardly across the table to pour a clumsy glass of water, downing it in record time to cool the heat.

Her face was left red and sweaty with watering eyes. A chuckle made her turn and she looked into the sweet little face of Tasival. Not so sweet at the moment. He had a Cheshire smile on those innocent lips. She must have been quite the comedy trying not to die from hot food. Gianne gave him a long suffering look before going back to her meal, finishing and swallowing the wet mouthful she already had. Next time she'd blow on her food before trying to shovel it in her scalded mouth.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Vanator on October 15th, 2012, 2:47 pm


Vanator was hungry. Not an unusual condition for the drykas. But he had failed to make his late afternoon visit to the empty kitchen to snag a piece of fruit, or scrap of bread before moving on with more chores. The aroma of the evening meal drifted up from the kitchen below. Van made it a practice not to show up for a meal. He usually ate alone, keeping his distance from others. Not that he had any dislike for the others who lived and worked at Sanctuary, they all seemed nice enough, and certainly Kavala would not suffer slackers or belligerents to linger long. He had studied them, if only from a distance. After nearly a third of a season at Sanctuary, Vanator had simply found he was not ready to become a part of this "family." he sighed. Maybe it was time. He would have to get to know them rather well, if he were to assume the role Kavala had offered.

With a quick wash of his hands, Van made his way down to the common area Within. They had already begun to eat. With a brief nod to Kavala, and the others, he slipped to the kitchen to find a plate and utensils. Making his way back, his sober features brightened with a small grin as he passed his nephew, tussling the small akontak's platinum hair with his hand. "Hey buddy." he teased, leaning down towards the boy as he went by.

Grabbing a chair nearby, Van took a seat near the end of the table, his gaze drifting over the others apologetically before filling his plate. "Sorry I'm late." He offered shortly. Which was ironic, since he had never attended a meal before. Vanator noted the attendees. His sister of course, and her son. There was Elam, the healer, whom had patched Van up a time or two since his arrival. Though the had only shared a few words, the large man was quite likeable. There was the young archer. Again, pleasant enough, and attractive. Gianne seemed comfortable outside, and she was a good rider, something the drykas respected. She should learn the yvas, so much better for mounted archery.

Then there was the dog girl. He loved luvanors. He had owned two whom had served as close companions when he traveled the Grass. The drykas assumed they were now dead. He loved to see the kelvic in her natural form, she was a beautiful animal, and he found himself interacting with her more as a canine then as a woman.

Finally, there was Aweston, to whom he gave a slight nod. Van was probably most familiar with the groomer, for he enjoyed being around the horses.

Van gave his sister a quick glance, one side of his lips curling up into a subtle lopsided smile, then turned his attention back to his plate, spearing a meat pocket.

OOCHope its OK to jump in late. Just seemed like a good way to get to know everyone better. If anything I noted about your PC is inaccurate...please correct me!
Last edited by Vanator on October 17th, 2012, 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Serrif Von Chatlyn on October 15th, 2012, 11:08 pm


Many things caught Serrif’s attention in the Sanctuary. He could hear things echoing down the halls…especially when he was resting. Like every day this one had been another busy one. There was never a down day here unless you made one for yourself. And he hadn’t taken to many of those days himself. No; he was here to help Kavala shoulder the load; and it was indeed quite the load to bear. He was tired and had retired to his room but left the door open, it would be a little rest to get his senses about him again.

He had been experimenting again and this time something hadn’t gone quite as planned. It sapped his energy and made him groggy. As if he was floating in a clout of sorts. It made for a strange sleep experience although he didn’t much feel like he was sleeping at all. No he felt like he was floating more than anything. This surreal feeling was odd…different but somewhat enjoyable. It had been some time since he felt tired enough to just simply sleep without his mind going endlessly on about little things that served no purpose but to keep him awake at night.

He threw on a tunic and checked himself to make sure he was actually wearing pants…one never knew when coming out of a sleep that strange what they would be up to. He could find himself awake somewhere strange, like the chicken coop…or Gianne’s room...He stood and his senses gathered around him one by one. Gently bringing him back to where he was. Here, the Sanctuary his new home. The door was open and echoes came from somewhere…down the way. He could hear them well enough to know that there was something going on.

Knowing well the way things usually went here didn’t bring him any comfort. There was almost near a normal occurrence here, was there a meeting that he had forgotten about? That was possible, but he would’ve tried to make note of such a thing. Smells…wonderful smells filled the air, seemed his sense of smell had been restored. But what smelled that wonderful? Something was going on and he felt like he needed definitely to be part of it. Especially since everyone else was there. Shaking the sleep from his bones he started his walk to where the noise was coming from. The steps weren’t hard to make but he was sleepy…and a little out of it.

Running his hand through the top of his hair almost compulsively helped bring his body a little more to life. He didn’t need to show up all messed up. No, so he stopped for a few seconds and gently ran his teeth across his lips. He gained himself even more in those few moments as he heard a few words from the room. Someone was apologizing for being late. Well, seemed that he would be the last in today. A few more steps and he was in the room with the others coming around the corner with a smile on his face. His emerald eyes rolling across those that were present.

“I’m afraid you aren’t the only one.” He gave himself a guilty shrug as he took a cup of water and joined the others. He didn’t bother with food yet, he didn’t feel good enough for it. His seat was near Vanator and across from Gianne who he gave a playful smile to; something was different between her and Rhy. Although he couldn’t mark just what.

Last edited by Serrif Von Chatlyn on October 20th, 2012, 9:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Elem Bree on October 20th, 2012, 8:46 am


Elem put the plates out as requested, carrying the bowls of apple and pear pieces, placing them on the table as well. Everyone took no time in digging in, which was expected. He didn't stand in their way; most of them had very physical jobs to do at the Sanctuary. His mind was caught up in the contents of his letter still, so much that when Rhy picnhed his arm, he visibly jumped a little. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rhy. My head is definitely somewhere else today. Good to see you." He smiled at her and was already bringing a new pitcher of water when he took his own seat.

Not really bothering to make eye contact and greet everyone as usual , he had a seat and said a silent prayer to Rak'keli, that the food prepared bring health and strength to all who took part in its eating. He then began to cut pieces slowly from the wraps with his fork and knife, blowing the steam from the first one before plopping it in his mouth. He was thankful to Gianne's error, though it was clear he could heal any lasting burns if needed. In fact, many at the table could. The food was delicious. "Excellent wraps, Kavala. Thank you for preparing it." He washed it down with some water, his mind slipping off to the letter and his imagination of a group of armored men traveling through fields and hills, Nira'lia in tow.

He knew that many who were seated with him could surely shed al ight on this situation. He hated thinking of his friend or anyone else suffering a plague. It was very different form the hearth and health present in his own life. Another thing to be thankful for. Once the food had been enjoyed, he would present his problem, but not until. It would be rude otherwise.

Last edited by Elem Bree on November 14th, 2012, 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Sanctuary] The Twentieth Bell Feast (Open)

Postby Kavala on October 20th, 2012, 10:35 am

Kavala slide a meat wrap onto her plate and several pieces of fruit. She cut each and everything she moved onto the stone plate into tiny pieces which she promptly began to feed Tasi as soon as it was cool enough. The boy chattered as he worked on the food, sometimes saying what it was he was eating... "Apple!" and sometimes babbling in the way of toddlers who invent their own secret languages and complex dynamics.

When Tasival wasn't chewing, Kavala was moving the food deliberately around on her plate, seemingly eating without touching much of it at all. She sipped at her water and kept the food coming to the young boy, offering him bits of everything ion the table. He was still in a discovery mode, deciding which tastes and textures he liked. Pear was a favorite, while apple always seemed to elicit disappointment that it was indeed not pear. And the boy loved meat, so as soon as the center ground beef with cheese was cool enough, Kavala started forking that over as well.

"I'm glad most of us are here today. And I'm glad Vanator could make it. Most of you don't know him, but he's my older brother. And I have an announcement about him."
She said, glancing sideways at Elem who seemed to be struggling with some internal worry. Her news wouldn't take long. "Vanator is the new Armsmaster of Sanctuary. I want you all to take at least a bells worth of training with him a day and work on whatever it is you need to work on be it a weapons skill, unarmed combat, or even just physical fitness. He's going to evaluate each and every one of you in the next few days and make suggestions to improve your overall health and fitness. I don't care if these sessions are together in groups or individually. There are things we aren't ready for here. I want us to be ready. He'll be a big help in seeing us to this preparedness." She added, then looked thoughtful.

"When I'm not here, he's in charge. He has... experience... with leadership and protecting people around him. Lean on that and learn from it."
She said softly, meeting her brother's gaze for a moment offering him a slight smile. They'd talked about the first situation, but the second one was all her idea.

Tasival took that moment to reach out and seize a strand of Gianne's hair. He grinned, tugged it, and then held it up to his own, making her own hair cascade over his head. Kavala wasn't sure anyone caught the gesture, but she did and it made her smile. And smile she did, despite the expected protests. It was never easy talking about getting ready for a future. But what the people at the table might not understand is that in getting ready for the future, they would indeed assure themselves they had one at all.
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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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