[Verified by Phoenix] Oitera

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Oitera on October 16th, 2012, 4:20 pm

Name: Oitera
Race: Human, Inarta
Age: 16
Birthday: 497 AV Summer 35th
Gender: Female

Appearance: She's a little taller than the normal for an Inarta female with her 5'3" and she weighs about 143 lbs. Her green eyes, with a line of gold closest to the pupils, is glittering with curiosity about the Wind Eagles and the art of shoting with bow and arrow as often as they are cold and unfriendly when she looks at a man or boy. Her red hair is inframing her face, with a darker tone of red under the bright red. She's quite slim but not exactly muscular.

History: When she, at the age of four, saw her mother get escorted away by a artisan to "warm his bed" she sweard to never become a drugde as her mother and is was also that day that her hate for men started burn and blurr her view of the world.
The day after a chiet found her lying in a corridor near the enclave, crying for her mother. The chiet tried to comfort her but failed and took her to the closest nursery where she got a place to stay in safety. They soon saw that she did not like boys or men, she never talked to the mens that took care of her or the boys that wanted to play with her.
At the age of eight Oitera decided to become an Eagle Rider, she started to work on her bow skills and tried to learn all about the Wind Eagles, the art of Falconry and the skill of hunting. Even if she tried to get a chance to meet and bond with a Wind Eagle, she never succeded. They never seemed enough instrested in the shy girl in the corner. Later in her life she became less shy, but she still did not talk much to anyone, the Eagles now showed some more interest but still not enough to give her a chance to bond with them. But thanks to her skills at shoting with shortbow and arrow she have been able to become a apprentice to Harif. She's still trying to get a chance to bond with a Eagle but haven't got much time over for that since most of her free time is used to keep training on falconry, shoting with bow and arrow and other related skills.

Peronality: She wants to know everything about the Wind Eagles and their riders as well as about the hunting skill. Cause of her past she have never been trusting the males that is of higher rank, always trying to avoid them if she can, unless they are a eagle rider that seems nice in wich case she asks them questions about their eagles and themselfs. The goal of her dreams is to become an Eagle Rider and therefore she loves the Wind Eagles and never waste an opportunity to interact with one, but she respects their privacy and never tries to talk or interact with one if they are unwilling.

  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Set of clothing ( 1 simple Bryda, 1 simple Vinati, 1 pair of leather ankle boots, 1 Katinu made of moutain sheep skin, 1 pair of knee length boots)
  • 1 Shortbow
  • Arrow, Game (20)
  • Quiver, leather
  • 1 Backpack which contains:
    • 1 Comb
    • 1 Brush
    • 1 Razor
    • 1 Soap
    • Food for 1 week
    • 1 eating knife
    • Flint & steel

Skill Points Total Proficiency
Fletching/Bowing 5 sp 5 p Novice
Falconry 10 sp 10 p Novice
Hunting 9 sp 9 p Novice
Tracking 5 sp 5 p Novice
Trapping 5 sp 5 p Novice
Short Bow 16 sp + 10 rb + 3 xp 29 p Competent
Acrobatics 1 exp 1 p Novice
Endurance 1 exp 1 p Novice
Riding: Wind Eagle 1 exp + 2 exp 3 p Novice
Socialisation 1 exp + 3 exp + 2 exp 6 p Novice
Climbing 3 exp 3 p Novice
Observation 3 exp + 3 exp 6 p Novice
Rhetoric 1 exp 1 p Novice

Wind Eagles creation
Finding footholds
How Red became an Endal
The Wind Eagles
Elna: a familiar face
Wind Eagles, are special
A new found friend in Elna
First hunt with an Endal
Meeting Iosha
Red and Iosha: Friends?
Staying out of a conversation

Fluent Nari
Basic Common

Starting Money 100 pinions
Short Bow -30 pinions
Arrow, Game (20) -4 pinions
Quiver, leather -20 pinions
Total 46 pinions

A Darvina Commonroom with hearth, bunk, chair and a small table


General information :
1. What is your Name?
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
Not that I know of.
3. How old are you?
4. What is your height?
5. What is your weight?

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
As a nice girl that's quite good at shoting with a shortbow for her age. But quite unfriendly against mens.
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.
I think that depends which gender you are, if your a man I think you see me as quite unfriendly and ignorant. But most women that I meet says that I'm a very nice and social girl, but a bit odd since I hate mens so much.
3. What is your favorite body feature?
Well, that would be my hair, I like the way it changes color between the upper and lower level.
4. How physically fit are you?
I consider myself pretty fit, but I'm not a body builder.
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?
I most of the time wear a simple pair of Bryda and a simple Vinati and I'm happy with that, maybe I would want bit more fancy looking cloths, but I haven't got the money.

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
I don't know who my father is and I don't remember my mother very much, I think her name started with an M... or mybe an E...
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Nope. Well, not that I know of.
3. What is your extended family like?
Dunno, never meet them.
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
I cosider them more important since I haven't had a real family.
5. Do you treat animals like family?
I don't know, never had a real family, but I guess so...

Location :
1. Where were you born?
Wind Reach
2. Where do you live now?
Wind Reach
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
I don't know any other place enough to answer that.
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
Nope, read above, that's why.
5. Where do you fear to be?
Probably in the lava...

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
I got a scar on my foot from when I dropped one of my arrow once, it went through half of my foot, on my left foot to the right of my big toe. Sometimes it's still itching a bit.
2. Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed.
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
I speak Nari. Like an Inarta? Dunno, don't think so.
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I don't like men, I avoid them if I can. I often fiddle with my arrows if I'm nervous and/or irritated.
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?
I got two piercings in my right ear and one in my left, I got them in memory of my mother shortly after I turned eight.

Occupation :
1. What is your occupation?
I'm a hunter apprentice
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
I love it and I'm very grateful that I got it, it's a chance to create a name and a future for me and I get help witg my hunting and shoting skills as well.
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
An Eagle Rider, of course.
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
The Eagle Rider, they got the ability to bond to a Wind Eagle and they are so good at hunting, well most of 'em
5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?
The Deks'. They're so untalented and unsucced, well there is a few of 'em that bond to Wind Eagles. But most of 'em are just lazy.

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
I've been told I behaved a bit strange in the begining, I avoided everyone, especially the boys. But later I started to study the skill of shoting with a short bow and then I apparently started to behave more normal, even if I still avoided boys and men.
2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
When I finally got the money to buy my own bow and my own arrows.
3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
When I saw my mother being taken away by the Avora...
4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
I think I loved my mother and I'm going to say bad with my father since I don't even know who he is. (probably a jerk)
5. Who was your most influential rolemodel?
Well, my mother inspired me not to become a dek. But otherwise like all of the Endals.

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
The normal for a Inarta child, via the Enclaves and the Bendies. I can count and make easy math and read and write and that kind of stuff, but I haven't cared about much other than my bow. Oh, and the Wind Eagles.
2. Do you like/dislike learning?
I love learning about the Wind Eagles and the skill of hunting and using a short bow and about Wind Reach, but most other things I'm quite uninterested.
3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
By training and asking. Most training I think
4. How do you learn best?
By trying and failing and trying again.
5. What are your educational goals for the future?
To become a master in the skill of short bow and to become a Eagle Rider.

Relationship :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
I haven't been talking much to guys so I haven't got any mens as friends and I've not been concentrating much on making friends, so no, I don't form close bond to people, especially not with boys.
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
Not any mens and not very often womens either by the way, the most people just hang out with you because you got something they want and I'm not going to be used in any way if I can stop it.
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
Well, I don't like males, but not females either... But if I have to answer, I guess bisexual.
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.

Drugs and alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
I never drink so, no.
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
None at all.

Likes and dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
Well, I often try to get better at shoting, so I guess shoting and I sometimes sneak over to look at the Wind Eagles as well.
2. Do you like to read?
Not so much.
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
Over confident people.
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
To shot at something with a bow, except if it attacks you, then it's not relaxing at all...
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?
To fail at something I should succed with in front of others. Cause I should be able to make it and then they are going to juge my skill by a faliure. Oh, and being/seeing someone else with little/none clothes, cause you should wear clothes.

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
Green and blue, and grey.
2. What is your favorite time of day?
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
A newly hatched Wind Eagle.
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
My favorite food is some kind of bread with meet inside. Roots and leaves and stuff like that, though I can if I have to.
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?
I love mornings when it rains just a little and the sun still shines through the clouds. Thunder if it's dark, I know it's ridiculous to be scared of than, especially when I live in Wind Reach, but I can't help it. Even though I try to hide it.

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
It depends on my mood, sometimes I can be very pessimistic but most of the time I'm quite optimistic.
2. What are your religious views?
I know there is gods and godesses but I don't care about them, they are probably not going to help me.
3. Would you be able to kill?
4. What are your views on sex?
It just leads to troubles.
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?
To be able to defend myself and not letting others controle me.

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?
The best thing I think was buying my bow even though I didn't have much more than that. The worst is when I stole food once when I was hungry and it wasn't the time for me to eat.
2. What is your greatest regret?
When I punched a younger boy in the face cause I was in a bad mood and he didn't want to move.
3. What is your best/worst memory?
My worst memory is when I saw my mother being taken away from me and my best I think is when I hit the right spot for the first time with my bow.
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
You think it would be that my mom wasn't brought away, but I actually think that helped me quite a bit, even if it was horrible. But I think I would like to been given the chance to meet my father.
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
People know when I'm pissed of, if I put it that way but I almost never tell them about myself or my thoughts in any details and I try not to show when I'm sad or about to cry.
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
All men are jerks, and most of the deks are untalented and all Endal are very good hunters.
3. What makes you happy?
When someone that's better then me at shoting with a bow tells me that I'm good.
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
Nothing and no one.
5. What makes you angry?
Men that think there're better than me and are in the same caste.

Relationship :
1. In general, how do you treat others?
Those in other caste and men in my own caste: Mostly ignore them.
Womens in all castes than drugs and everyone above me: Mostly with some degree of respect though I tret them above me with more respect and often I still I try to ignore men as much as possible.
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Hiraf, cause he gave me an opportunity to improve my bow skills and create a life.
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
The Tavina and Tavinar, cause the have both managed to bond to a Wind Eagle and they have managed to survive.
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.
No and I'm happy that way. My ideal lover is a non-existing.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
No, I don't trust anyone that much.

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Sometimes I argue, sometimes I punch them in the face and walks of and sometimes I just avoid it, it depends who and when and about what.
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
No, mostly not.
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
I don't really care, I can interact with a group of people if I feel like it, if it's womens.
4. Do you care what others think of you?
Not much, maybe if they think I'm good at shoting or want to give me a tips about how to shot better.
5. What do you think of others, in general?
Mens are assholes and womens are quite nice.

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?
That when I decide to do something I'm not going to give up easily.
2. What is your greatest weakness?
I think that would be that I'm having such a hard time to talk and cooperate with men.
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would want to get rid of the scar on my left foot.
4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Introverted mostly but sometimes I can be very extroverted.
5. Are you generally organized or messy?
Neighter, I'm something in the middle.

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?
Not much.
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?
I would do very much.

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?
To get a chance to fly on a Wind Eagle.
2. What is the best part of life?
Shoting with a bow.
3. What is the best part of death?
You can rest forever and don't need to work.
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Happy and on a Wind Eagle.
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
To be a great Eagle Rider(if I become one) and as a master of the shortbow.

Thread list:


7th. To reach the top (Finished and Graded)
38th. To hunt awesomely or not (Grandfathered)
59th. A plain day

10th.Finding common targets (Finished and Graded)
21th. Winter's Justice (Graded)
Posts: 69
Words: 28933
Joined roleplay: October 12th, 2012, 5:09 pm
Race: Human, Inarta
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