[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on October 15th, 2012, 10:50 pm

*sigh* never say I am not kind because I have taken pitty on you dear Nira and I now offer you a pic of what it would look like if Eva and Ray ever kissed. Caution, this might give you nightmares. You are warned ;)

Eva/Ray kiss :

See? Nira and Eri kissing is much much better. Here lets compare:

Nira/Eri kiss :

Now tell me which one you prefer :P

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Nira'lia on October 15th, 2012, 11:50 pm

HAHAHAHA. Okay, I burst out laughing. Good one. :P The Ray/Ev pic is still much better though! Look at that passion. Huzzah!
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on October 15th, 2012, 11:52 pm

Laugh it up but I still have two picks you :D

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Rayage on October 16th, 2012, 12:02 am

Psh, our kiss would be much more magical. Like this (but more undeady):

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magical, in the darkness of the night, moon being the only star present (because, of course, we fell the other ones to make Eva a necklace ;))

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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Ignotus Everto on October 16th, 2012, 1:36 am

And the moon wasn't the biggest pearl on her necklace? Way to be ambitious, Rayage :P
A thousand thanks to Phoenix for the gorgeous blue frame, and a thousand more to Edreina for her beautiful magic-themed one!

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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on October 17th, 2012, 6:04 am



I have since I can remember been an avid dreamer. I almost always have lucid dreams, crazy dreams and many many day dreams. I dream about completely silly things, and sometimes I dream about things that really bother me. When I was younger my dreams always seemed to come true, though I never really thought about it much.

Ok I would like to say I am not superstitious at all. I want to say I am all about logic and reason, that I only believe things supported by facts and reasons. And you know for the most part that is true. During the day I always feel as if I SHOULD think that way, and often I do in my every day life, however, when the sun goes down and night comes out I find myself singing a different tune. Ever since I was very young I have been afraid of the dark, though not really the dark itself. My mother said I used to wake come into her bedroom saying I saw something in the corner or over my bed. Even late into my teen years I would have really bad night terrors and literally run out of my room. I remember those nights very well because I would be in a cold sweat and be shivering uncontrollably. Its always been like that with me though, or so I have been told.

But anyway what does any of this matter? Well now that i have grown up more and gone off to college I no longer run screaming from my bedroom, but I still get these weird chills sometimes at night. Five days ago I went to stay at my significant other's house, and I of course slept in the guest bedroom. Well from the moment I walked in that room I felt that strange uneasy feeling, and sure enough I had a dream. At least I think it was a dream. At some point in the night I woke up and opened my eyes and saw these white figures rushing across the room. I quickly closed my eyes and fell back asleep, and I want to say I dreamt that as well. The rest of the night I had dreams centered around ghosts and something else that I can't quite remember. I do remember trying to capture these spirits and something about a pearl mentioned. The next night I had more weird dreams, and I had this feeling again but I didn't open my eyes this time. Then just 2 nights ago in my own bed I got this overwhelming feeling of just fear out of no where. This time I didn't see anything when I opened my eyes, so I fell back to sleep and dreamt of this strange creature with two heads. I am not very sure if he was friendly or not, but we did speak though I can't remember what about.

I suppose this does little more than say I am a very avid dreamer lol. I am just curious as to why I am suddenly having such strange dreams out of no where. I want to say its because of the whole halloween spirit getting to me, the rational side of me of course, though I am never quite sure. I still get those creepy feelings at night and I can almost see things in the shadows, and no matter how much I try to reason my way out of it I cannot simply ignore them.

Do I believe in things such as ghosts and otherworldly beings? Honestly I am not sure. I have my faith of course, but still I cannot shake these weird feelings at night. I often attribute it to my over-active imagination because I can make a monster out of almost anything haha. Maybe I am getting a bit too filled with the spirit of Halloween, but who knows really?

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on October 17th, 2012, 4:56 pm

Ok so I have found a serious and possibly reality breaking issue in the world. Alright so I was cruising google searching for some possible new pics for Evalin to add to her CS, and of course I decided to type in "witch" in the search engine. Why not right? She is called a witch in almost every thread. Well what did I turn up? Something I did not expect. Behold what holds as a witch now a days! Beware if you have a weak stomach you have been warned.

Witches of today! :

What is this!? Since when are witches pink with wings? These look more like fairies right? Ok I admit I am not well read when it comes to these types of supernatural things, but something tells me witches were never meant to be this. I sense the end is nearing when witches are suddenly pink fluffy fairies who use sparkle magic to do whatever it is fairies do. On a side note, what is up with the glasses girl's hair? Witches now have tentacles growing out of their skull? Lol well needless to say this pic will NOT be going in my CS.

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Nira'lia on October 17th, 2012, 7:14 pm

Bwahahaha. That's a comic, and I say with no shame whatsoever that I was addicted to it back in high school. :P
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Evalin on October 17th, 2012, 9:21 pm

*Sigh* what is the world coming too? What happened to witches that looked like this:


Ok admittedly the ones before are way easier to look at, but this picture is what I remember referring to when I was young. Its hard to strike fear into the heart of Mizahar if Evalin has blue flowy hair, pink outfit and fairy wings you know ^.^

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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[Evalin's Scrapbook] A Summoner's Guided to the World

Postby Imass on October 17th, 2012, 11:22 pm

On the subject of character ship pictures.... here is one of Imass and Naeya. The dude in the picture is the character model I use in my CS !(just imagine him blue, or check out my CS) And the gal... well it could easily be photoshopped to be Naeya! ;)

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PS Anyone care to photoshop that for us :P
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