[Verified by Kraken] Boren Amadaru

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Boren Amadaru

Postby Boren Amadaru on October 18th, 2012, 6:12 pm

Syliras CS Template

Basic Information
Name: Boren Amadaru
Race: Ghost
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: Fall 42, 490 AV - Spring 2, 510 AV

Physical Description

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Medium, Unkempt, Brown
Eyes: Green
Build: Average, Lean

Character Concept
Everyone has thier demons...

If Boren could be described in one word, the word lonely comes to mind. An orphan, raised by an old fisherman, feels incredibly lonely. Growing up he had no friends. No real family.
Despite his loneliness however, he was a good man. Raised a fisherman, he learned patience and the value of hard work. All in all, he was a great man. Honest and trustworthy. And a true gentleman.
But he was alone. No one gave him a chance to really prove himself. His peers rejected him and he really had nothing to look foreward to in life. All these made him depressed and antisocial. He found it difficult to trust anyone and even more difficult to express himself. When he died, none of that changed.
The only time he was able to relax and be himself was when he was in the company of Lillian. She was the only one who made him feel special. Even with her affection however he never really felt worthy of her. He being an orphan fisherman and her being the rich daughter of a Syliras Knight, who could blame him right?
But now, both of them are dead, and in his death his thoughts have taken a dramatically darker turn. He yearns for acceptance, love, friendship, vengeance, repentance... But how, if hes dead, can he take revenge on himself?

Character History

Left for dead in the streets at the age of 3, Boren was found by an elderly fisherman in Syliras. For the next few years, Borens life was filled with hard work and rejection from anyone and everyone who could have been his friend. His peers all despised him for reasons he never understood and adults all looked down on him. He was unwanted by everyone accept the old man who insisted that Boren call him Papa.
Unwanted by everyone...accept for Lillian. Lillian was the daughter of a Syliras Knight. They met one night on Syliras' docks when Lillian tripped and fell in the water. She was lucky Boren saw her and he jumped into the water headfirst to save her. They met every day afterwards to talk and walk and spend time together. The only person that did not approve of their relationship was her older brother Micheal. Also a Syliras Knight, Micheal was constantly at Borens door to harass and threaten him. To tell him that Boren could never give her the life she deserved.
And in the end, it was true. One day, Boren and Lillian were out for a strole outside the walls of Syliras. They walked to the Bronze Woods for a picnic. But they were ambushed by a small gang of Bandits just inside the treeline.
Boren tried to protect her, but he was just a fisherman. He couldn't fight, or give them any money. He had nothing. So on his knees, facing Lillian. The bandits took from him the only person who ever truly understood him. When they killed her, they simply cast her to the side of the road, laughing. They told him it was his fault. That if he had just given them the money she wouldn't have died.
Filled with sadness and compelled by grief he begged them to kill him too. But they would not. They just left him there by the side of the road to mourn her death.
He buried her there. By the side of the road underneath the tree they were going to picnic under. And it was there that Micheal found him, patting the last handfulls of dirt over his sisters body. Micheal drew his sword and demanded an explanation. But all Boren could do was cry. Cry and tell him that Lillian was dead, and that it was all his fault. He then begged Micheal, same as he did the bandits to bring him death. This time, Micheal complied. With a single swing of his blade he ended Borens life.
But not his journey. Boren was surprised to find himself still there. All he remembered was closing his eyes, waiting for death. Why didn't he kill me? He thought. But when he looked to his left, he saw himself beheaded on the ground.
Now, Boren wanders, seeking answers. Seeking repentance and friendship. And love.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Materialization 10SP, 20RB 30 Competent
Spiritmist Projection 30SP 30 Competent


Language Proficiency
Common Fluent

Recommended Lores:
Lore: Dieing
Lore: Death of Lillian

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Boren Amadaru
Everyone has their demons...
Posts: 8
Words: 5261
Joined roleplay: October 18th, 2012, 5:45 pm
Race: Ghost
Character sheet

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