by Banir Ironwood on October 19th, 2012, 10:26 pm
Banir stopped the moment he heard Xi speak, leg held up into the air. Slowly he retracted it, after fighting then practicing so hard he'd broken into a light sweat. But his breathing was steady and he was ready to continue on. Watching Xi again, following how each muscle moved, working the mechanics out in his mind. Vision was the only way he knew how to learn something, by watching then doing. In his mind he went over each movement, merely simplified. Adjust stance for interception, cut left across chest, move sideways, snap fist out to the right slightly.
Banir got to his new stance now again, with a moment to go over the moves in his mind he followed through. Shifting his feet slightly just as he had been shown, though he where trying to intercept an attack. Quickly he brought his left forearm out and sharply across his front, and with a quick move sideways. Bringing his fist out fast and to the right slightly. Just as how he had been shown, and seen within his mind. Though he wasn't sure if he had the move down pat, blocking wasn't exactly a specialty of his but he was going to do all he can to learn. He just needed to practice. His attention snapped as he heard Xi speak of his named punch, something more of writing down his moves. Though he himself was not as literate as most others, he saw little point in writing out a move. But then again everyone was different, it made little difference to him if Xi was planning on writing some sort of book about fighting. Each to their own.
He brought himself back to learning the blocking technique he had been shown. Adjust stance for interception, cut left across chest, move sideways, snap fist out to the right slightly. Repeating it again and again, trying to go faster each time. Use more strength each time, taking long deep breaths, putting his focus into each muscle. His breathing, motion of his arm, the changing of his feet. Becoming lost in the world of learning, that is until he heard Xi's voice break him from his concentration once more. This time he almost lost his footing from a small lump of dirt. He managed to catch himself in time. That would have been embarrassing.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"