21st Fall, 512 AV
It had been a while since Alistair last visited this place. As a child, his father brought him often on his free days. Walking around here was one of the few things that reminded him of those days. It had been a while since his last visit, though. Perhaps it was because he was distracted with other things. Finding ways to make money, for example, was quickly making it to the top of his priority list. With his father's inheritance running out, he absolutely couldn't wait around any longer.
He hated to admit it to himself, but he was currently an unproductive member of the society, for the most part. Sure, he wasn't a trouble maker, or any other sort of ne'r-do-well. But he certainly hadn't done much to contribute, either. And if he ran out of money, he wouldn't be able to afford his current home or any food. The Knights typically didn't take too kindly to those who simply took up space.
He took an empty seat nearby a young woman to pray. There were many things to pray for, for sure, but his main focus would be that he would find his way. He had no idea where destiny would take him. Or if destiny even existed, for that matter. But he knew that somewhere, somehow, his path was waiting for him. Waiting for him to talk down it and reach the end.
The nearby young woman certainly seemed familiar, though. In fact, he was almost positive he had met her several years ago. Assuming he was thinking of the same person, her father had also been a knight. He wasn't sure if she would remember him or not. And in all honesty, he felt somewhat awkward saying anything to her anyways. Instead, he acted like he hadn't recognized her as best as possible and returned to his prayers.