Elem had just returned from his magical evening with I'sona, learning of the beauty of the deep and learning some of the Charoda's native tongue along the way. He recalled as he made his way toward the within that there was a strange keening sound in the air. He had never heard it before, thinking it to be a murder of crows or something similar. One could never tell out in these wild, untamed lands.
He had kicked his shoes off and was making melodic whistling and chirping sounds in the cavernous confines of his room. "Hello. I am Elem Bree!" He found the trill of Bree especially exciting and began to repeat it like some kind of mad bird. "Bree! Bree! Bree!" Quite pleased with himself, he soon removed his jacket and shirt, his golden medallion of the Society remaining around his neck, as usual. A nice bath would surely end the evening well, Elem thought to himself as he made his way down the short hall to the Bath. Perhaps he would even attempt some Char beneath the warm waters, to hear its sounds in its natural environment. An exciting endeavor.
The bath was amazing, another extraordinary creation in this extraordinary place. The stone beneath the water was a natural blue of some sort, making the water seem even more blue and pure than what could be natural. A curious and delighted eyebrow raised as his foot broke the water's surface. It would be so nice indeed. It almost reminded him of the majesty of the ocean floor behind the glass at the Gem. Almost.
A hideous echo of screams broke the spell of beauty in an instant. It sounded like...horses? Screaming? A voice could be heard shouting, a heavy tone Elem did not recognize. As he wandered int othe tunnel outside the bath, he soon heard the doors of the Sea Gates slamming closed. Then he heard the cacophony of violence that threatened to break down those same great doors. "What in Dira's Din?", was all Elem had to offer, his bare steps treading down the hallway of the tunnel that connected the Bath to the Cave.
Then it was Vanator's booming voice that put those light and cautious steps into a quicker pace. All Elem could think of when he emerged into the cave wearing only a pair of pants and a medallion were Serrif's words during their run.
"Demons are dismissable."
He would need that mantra for a solid week at least at the carnage he saw. His medical mind immediately took over, his body moving without word or warning to the emergency kits Kavala had shown him during his stay at the Sanctuary. Prewritten scrolls and emergency supplies in a cask were quickly broken into, his eyes surveying the trio of warriors and the horses. His mind, in fact, cooled and calmed, becoming an astute tool of assessment. Bandages were already being unraveled and ripped as he motioned to Vanator and approached the other man. Kavala was unconscious from a head wound, but the two men standing were currently the only defense against whatever hammered the doors.
Without so much as a look at the blood soaked savage, Elem wrapped his thigh tight above the obvious fracture. "Hold it still!"Rolling the cask over, his fingers flipped through the scrolls. Bonebreak. Opening the scroll, as if he had done it a hundred times as opposed to the never, he pointed the focus of the scroll at the area, ignoring any words of the man he treated, his free handsliding over the exposed flesh, his Mother's words preparing the wound, freeing it of disease or infection. "HEAL!, Elem exclaimed, the trigger touched and the barrier broken. A light flashed from the scroll into the man's thigh muscles. That would have to do. A vial of white powder was quickly produced after, its label of Stimulant apparent to Elem as he handed it to the killer. "Eat it now. Stand!"
Without a thought he quickly moved to Vanator, his hands aglow at once against the angry tears in the Drykas' back, the wounds sanitizing and closing as another vial was handed to him. "Eat it!I must attend to Kavala!" Now it was the otherwise flamboyant human who barked the commands as in this situation, he was the commander. Dropping to his knees, Elem surveyed the compound fracture in Kavala's leg. He had seen similar sights in Zeltiva, when dock timber rolled through the streets like matchsticks. "Thank Blessed Rak'keli you are asleep, Kavala." His eyes fluttered closed, his attention gone from the two fighters at his rear.
Elem's voice cleared and became quiet.
"Great Mother Rak'keli, guide my hands and my heart as I aid Your daughter in regaining her legs and her life. It is Your hand that works through me. In Your Grace, I beseech You." Taking a deep breath, Elem felt along the muscles of Kavala's scaled thigh, finding the proper end of the bone. Bandages were wound tight above the thigh, slowing the blood flow. he trusted his Mother fully. She had saved the man at the Ball, she would now save Kavala. Elem would save Kavala. Pulling the flesh of her rubbery thigh over and around the bone, another scroll was already being opened with teeth, the paper laid over the wound. Before it could steep with blood, the Bonebreak scroll was activatd with another shrill cry from the Zeltivan. However, he had to quicklly hold the leg in place beneath the muscle tissue, gripping her thigh in a fashion akin to baby bear high in a tree.
With a flash, the leg seemed joined. Further glow of his hand slid over the puncture, his words of prayer for its cleanliness uttered over and over in whispers over his mentor. Another scroll, perhaps too powerful but sounding fitting was activated. It simply said, 'Grievous Wound'. It seemed applicableso Elem used it, the leg sealing with the flash of light. His hands continued to move over her body in a fashion that in any other situation might seem inappropriate, the energy of Rak'keli pulsing through the Favored. One more scroll was fingered and opened.
Head Trauma.
Elem was on a roll but took great pains to use the water source to bathe her scalp, washing the blood from it. He prayed hard for her mind to be steeled and saved from the damage as he uttered the final flash, her pale face illuminated beneath it. Elem could feel a great expenditure in his work coming, but it made little difference to him at the moment, considering the tone. And there were still the horses. He took care to wrap her head and to release the tourniquet from her thigh. "Watch her.I have to tend to the horses." He moved toward them, his Gnosis mark spinning and rolling on his hand as he moved in to calm and heal the frightened creatures..