oocExcuse the ridiculous time it took me to reply to this, like I mentioned ended up re-writing it a couple times, though now that I look back at those and how it ended up now that's probably a good thing."A'right great, I'll get on 'at right away then too." She added a couple notes about the flowers there. They were going to have to be a bit more subtle since they were right there around the statue itself. Colorful yes but complimentary to direct attention to it as apposed to distract.
When they were done eating Wart saved Tock the trouble by getting everything put away. Looking up she smiled at the affection she could see again with the little hand. She noticed that she referred to him as a "good boy," and her eyes narrowed a bit. In fact it seemed she'd referred to all of them as "hes." Wart gave it another glance at another angle, wondering if there was some physical feature that indicated gender. Shaking her head she pushed the thought away.
You're thinkin way too far inta this stuff...All the same she made a subtle note of it on her other paper before helping Tock back into the crutches. Once her friend was ready to get back to work she gathered up her own papers and set back to her task.
Most of the next few hours she continued figuring out the actual flower species she'd be using. Comparing colors to pictures, pictures to other pictures, and basic sizes and structures of flowers to the ground around her. She wanted to right down to marking out where the flowers would be but the whole ordeal was a lot more complicated than she had expected.
Soon her papers were covered in different sketches of different flowers next to each other as her eyes darted from the pictures to the general area and to the layout sketches. Figuring out what colors would work and go next to each other, as she now realized, was the easy part. She hadn't actually thought of the fact that they all had to work well together based on height, size, reach, maximum growth, all of these details she knew nothing about prior to the stuff in all of these books.
At one point the thought crossed her mind that it might be necessary to take classes on all of this plant shyke. But her prejudice against the University led her to force the thought down and continue as best she could.
Finally it came to the point where she was straining to see the stuff she was writing down. She noticed that Tock had began packing up her tools and resignedly started to do the same.
"Yeah, she's gonna be a beauty soon enough!" She smiled, knowing that while today proved it would indeed take quiet a long time, progress was progress and today they made a good amount for a first day. Waving goodbye she headed on home. Wart didn't have any plans for the rest of the evening, and so would be spending most of it by candle light trying to get the rest of these damned technicalities taken care of.
oocSure!66th of Summer 512 AV
Late morning/Early afternoon
Wart was able to make it to the site much earlier than she had the day before. She showed Lewd her extensive notes and books on the layout she was working on and (after plenty of immature comments on working with flowers and "proof of a long lost feminine side" followed by shouts about her being only in it for the petching color aspect) he let her leave earlier. Tongue had finally shown up again, and though he was giving Wart an obvious silent treatment, it meant they had plenty of artists to take care of business for the day. Coal even surprised her by asking where the statue was going to be. That was the extant of her show of interest however and Wart went off on her way.
She came with much the same supplies as she had before. This time though her rucksack also held a large bundle of sticks from a
recently disheveled tree near her home. There was also a small bundle of waterskins and some food, having felt bad about forgetting to bring anything before. Her notes were complete, or, at least as complete as they could be. The night before it hit her that some of the flowers may be difficult to get a hold of, and so "complete" basically meant she had finished 3 or 4 different sets of options. It was all driving her rather crazy, so today she decided she'd start off with just getting the layout fully marked out and the ground more ready, just to get her mind off of it a little.
Wart set down her pack and paused to give the area a general look-over. As far as she could tell no one had come and messed with anything, which was good. If anyone had they would have surely met a very unfortunate fate. The stone was taking shape, though if she didn't already have an idea of what it was going to be it would have been fairly hard to tell what it was exactly. But for only a days work, she was still impressed.
Before starting the layout she went and retrieved all of the stones that had fallen and got them all set into the path. They'd likely have to be rearranged at least a little to make it more smooth, but for now it was enough give a good idea of how much more would be needed.
Taking out her pile of sticks she started shoving them into the dirt to mark out the different layout areas. The outer circle of the path was left fairly open to give Tock the room to get through there (assuming she might be using the crutches again) and she left the inner circle alone entirely.
Next she marked off the four corners for each bench, and the areas around them for flowers. These would likely be changed and adjusted as she went, but she wanted to see the general layout off of paper so she could figure out some more of the details.
After a while she stopped and took a moment to look through one of the books, wondering about a couple little ideas that had come into her head...