'Is is a 'ole lot like what I said yesterday wit' the codewords," she explained. "Except 'is ain't a Directive, so it won't be core, aye? Ya needs ta teach 'im a wee bit o' language. Already done gots a Directive ta 'obey,' but what 'at ain't does ya much good, if'n 'e ain't understands ya, aye? But since 'e ain't smart 'nough ta really grasp language, ya teaches 'im individual words, an' associate 'em wit' a command. Like 'ow I done showed ya wit' Naily, 'e knows forward o' back o' sommat, but 'at's all 'e knows. E won't ever learn more words an' ya teach 'im today. Not at 'is level. An' even more advanced Golems what only learns as fast as a person most times. So could take years fer 'im ta learn anythin' ya ain't what teaches 'im now. So program every word 'e needs ta know. Speak it out loud... over and over ta imprint it. An' while yer doin' 'at, focus on what the word is associated with. 'At way, 'e 'ears the word an' what gits the feel o' it at once."
"So every command he needs to know?" the golem Ignotus envisioned worked best on its own, but there were a few useful orders he could think of. "Are there any you reccomend, other than 'stop'? Can he understand 'follow' or is that too much for him at his level?"
After listening to her advice on sentence structure, and her warning to use another language, Ignotus got to work. Nader-Canoch came in quite useful here, and slowly, gradually, a basic grasp of commands began to form. He taught it "stop" and, if possible, to "follow" or to stay close, and to "explore" or wander (relatively) aimlessly. "Recha" became the code-word to explore, while "Cha" became the phrase that triggered flight.
Along with any phrases Tock suggested, those became the golem's main vocabulary. Three bells later, he looked over at his teacher and smiled, a ripple of pride drifting out from him. He had been too focused on his automaton to notice Tock's discomfort before, but it was noticeable, if nothing else. Best to keep her motivated. Really, she deserved it. He was doing something good! "I think I'm finished with language! When do we continue?"