[Notes] Vick

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[Notes] Vick

Postby Vick on October 26th, 2012, 3:27 pm

So need to re pen my thoughts for Vick and get back to writing. So best way is to make more to do lists.

Main Skill: Malediction. At 51 now (first one in game I think?) I want to raise that to around 80 before end of season. So at least one skill point per day roughly.

Artifacts from Malediction:

Already made a few which have to say I think the second hand is the best so far. Yet I want to make a list of ideas that can help guide both me and VIck.

Spears were the most common bone craving weapons in the past. Simple to make and roughly hard enough to take a beating.

Daggers can be made without much of a problem. Throwing knives are almost out of the question due to how the weight will be.

Don't know how well a shield would be. Yet Vick could combine a lot of bones to form a shield such as forearms or ribs. Each bone giving a different effect. Should pin that idea and try to do more research on that.

I want to combine different races fingers into a necklace. See where that goes trying to bring out a trait in each one.


At a few points in time I want to make more powerful artifacts. Something that is ground breaking and really shows off the dark power of Malediction and how it can really be feared. Maybe a staff forged out of different wizards bones?

All the "sub skills" that go with malediction will be worked on in each thread. Really I am not that worried about them since they will get points as time goes on. Craving, drawing, painting and what not.

At some point in time I really need to work with Rayage on projects. Something that will make the world understand just what Sahova really is. You know once this whole attack is done with.
Credit goes to Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
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[Notes] Vick

Postby Vick on October 26th, 2012, 9:22 pm

Oh if anyone really has any ideas on well anything or something they would like to see please by all means post away.
Credit goes to Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
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[Notes] Vick

Postby Vick on October 29th, 2012, 2:18 pm

Okay so I have my list for Nano done. Within that list I am making sub lists for each thread and going to stick to a word count goal. If I stay on that goal for a thread a day I should be done in 25 days. Going to try to do two threads just to make sure I have enough time for the deadline.


Show the road that takes Vick from Expert level to Master level in Maledicton.
Make artifacts.
Forge a Malediction effect within a living body.

IF all goes well Vick will be the first Maledicton mater player and the first to forge the effects into a living body by working on the bone.
Credit goes to Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
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[Notes] Vick

Postby Vick on December 6th, 2017, 11:10 pm

Winter goals:

Skill Current Goal
Auristics 33 51
Carving 27 51
Cryptography 2 25
Drawing 27 51
Voiding 11 27

So a few skills I need to work on this season. A lot of them can be worked into the same thread but should do heavy focus on them.

Have a plot in the works with Penny

Have to work on the job threads and earn income this season

Get a new body
Credit goes to Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
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