Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Alari on October 31st, 2012, 9:52 am

55th of Fall A.V. 512

Alari began examining the massive structure which lie before her. Her eyes began scanning the building while she sniffed the air for anything familiar. After a few more moments of her investigation she notices one of the guards staring at her. She clutched the rim of her cloak as she approached him.

"Your business here?" The guard spoke with an intrigued yet scowling expression upon his face.

"Well, I'm here to begin my new life, beyond that I have no clue what I am doing here." Alari laughed breaking the tension of talking to a strange man twice her size.

"You best be on your way then young lady. Good luck." He replied with a sigh of relief that she didn't seem to be looking for trouble.

She then walked passed with a more confident gait now that she has spoken to a total stranger that wasn't an animal for the first time. Her inner self was wagging it's tail with joy as she walked through the gates.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Grek on November 2nd, 2012, 6:15 pm

57th of Fall A.V. 512

The winds howl through the gates of Syliras. Grek pulls himself together as the nervousness shakes his body. Syliras, he finally made it. Guards watch as Grek strolls up to the gates. With a respectful nod, he greets the guards.

"Good afternoon. Might I ask your business here?" One asked.

"Just looking find the man I am ya know. Had a lot of trouble back home." Grek said looking beyond the gates.

"Just don't start any trouble here and you'll be fine. Welcome to Syliras, the welcome center will give you what you need to be on your way." The guards said pointing to a three story building.

"Thank you sir." Grek sighed in relief as he walked through the gates.

(Continued at the Welcome Center)
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Hisoka on November 7th, 2012, 11:42 pm

71st of Fall 5012 AV
It was almost time for the gates to close for the night when they arrived.
Hisoka, limping slightly, grew more and more tense, her grip on Crypt's arm
growing harder the closer they came to the gate.
As they finally made it to the gate, the guards looked from her bare feet to the
crown of her black hair. They elbowed each other in the sides, one snickering
quietly, but they let them pass through unchallenged.
Last edited by Hisoka on November 17th, 2012, 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Marlak on November 8th, 2012, 5:18 pm

Marlak approached the city gates and dismounted his dark chesnut stallion. Leading him towards the gates, he noted the guards on either side not even caring to look at him. He wanted to enter normally, he'd had enough tension just arriving.

The guard motioned for him to step foward and examined his horse and the packs hanging from the saddle before asking Marlak himself to explain why he was here. "Trading. Honest trading." was the answer that Marlak gave and that seemed to be enough to satisfy the men. Taking a glance at the small dagger attached to his belt and slowly nodding to the man beside him, the guard stood aside and motioned for the black haired human to enter with no further questions.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Blizzard on November 11th, 2012, 10:47 pm


Fall 64th 512AV

Blizzard just had got off the ship that had brought her here all the way from Kalea. And it had better have been worth it for 100 gold mizas too! Blizzard had heard the Bronze Woods possessed some good and large deer as well as a backbone somewhat like Avanthal in the rule department. And that's what Blizzard needed, a place to escape to where she could face the bloodlust and not die.

Walking through the gates, a Knight stopped her "Good day ma'am. May I ask, what do you plan to do while inside the city?"

Blizzard smiled enthusiastically "Looking for a new life and a place to escape from my past. I hated it back there! Phew, glad I got away!"

The Knight smiled "Well, good for you for escaping and welcome to Syliras! Good luck!" Blizzard smiled and kept it there for a while as she passed then her face turned expressionless and serious as she walked inside.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Rhylund Vauler on November 13th, 2012, 5:40 am

Fall 69th 512 AV

A long shadow dulled the green of Rhylund's eyes as they slid across the exterior of Syliras' wall and city gate. His gaze lowered to meet the two guards flanking the entrance as his feet carried him casually forward towards the one on the right. He came to a halt and bent at the waist, flourishing a bow with enough showmanship to make his former master proud. "Good evening! Rhylund Vauler," The words left his lips in a way that formed a toothy grin.

"Carrying any goods with intent to sell or barter?" Rhylund shook his head in response to the man's question. "Only music, but I've never been accused of offering a product that could spoil: not even a fowl mood." The guard slightly narrowed his eyes. "But, I'm just passing through," He continued on a little hastily. His master had warned him that the only work that was truly valued in the city proper was back breaking labor and craft that produced tangible goods. "I intend to continue on to Zeltiva."

The guard nodded and motioned for the aspiring bard to make his way through the gates. "Thank you kindly," He said, with another bow before moving with the subdued urge to leave faster than he had arrived.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Yohan on November 13th, 2012, 10:12 am

Fall 72, 512 AV

The sun was had not yet begun to rise, and Yohan peered through the leaves of the tree he stood on at the massive castle before him.

Syliras... He had heard stories of Syliras. That it was home to many people. But, sadly, not to many Zith.

Should I go in? He wondered to himself. I doubt they would accept me... No one ever really does... He jumped from his perch, soaring high into the air. The wind was cold and tore through his thin fur. After flying high over the gates he slowly decended onto the rooftops of a few small buildings. The sun began to crest over the horizon. As the sky grew more grey his eyes began to sting from the strain of the light. he soon found a small secluded patch of roof, out of the way of anything really. Nestling down he thought to himself. Tonight, Ill try to find a place to stay. Maybe even a person to talk to.

His eyes began to get heavy, and he began to fall asleep from his long journey from Mura. A slight breeze passed through him. He had hoped to find comfort in traveling from the loss of his adoptive mother. She had passed away just last season. And with the breeze came a slight rain. Mother always loved the rain....

And with the cold, the rain, and his memories, he cried himself to sleep on the lonely rooftop of Syliras...
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Gravel on November 17th, 2012, 3:44 am

70th day of Fall, 512 A.V.

"Ah Syliras, how I have missed thee." Gravel laughed as he neared the gates. Syliras was by and large his most commonly visited city. The humans always seemed to have something interesting going on, plus the clay here had a certain quality to it that the pycon couldn't quite put his finger on. Upon arriving at the gates he was pleased to be able to recognize one of the guards that stood watch, though he never had asked their names. "Good afternoon large metal beasts! I trust you aren't in the mood to eat me?" He asked the unfamiliar knight, trying to stifle a laugh. He gazed down at the pycon, slightly puzzled before turning to his partner who was also trying to surpress a grin. "You again? Give me a moment to warn the sculptors to watch their clay." The familiar face teased before turning to the still confused knight. "He's a courier that comes through here all the time. You should have been there the first time he came through..." He started as the pycon crossed through the gates, feeling rather happy to have made a name for himself, even if it was for freaking out the first time he saw a knight.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Coral Redtide on November 30th, 2012, 4:35 am

74th day of Fall, 512 A.V.

Laviku must have blessed her journey here to make the trip so swift. It had been an unusual smooth sailing for the past two weeks. The weather was ideal and the wind blew in a perfect westward direction. The sails caught the wind and speed her travels. She had arrived three days earlier than expected, although she had no commitments in this city so that rapid trip was rather irrelevant. It only meant that she would leave Syliras sooner. Coral could not stand being on land for to long. Her whole body ached to be back in the water as soon as she set foot on land. Cora tied her boat off to the docks and said a short good bye to her Tavan. The dolphin would be waiting for her when she returned. They were inseparable.

Cora walked until she approached the main gate of the city and then stopped when the guards bid her to do so. She stared at them as they looked her over and asked her a few mundane questions. Those who lived on land could be so strange at times. They believed they owned this patch of land so they felt justified in asking her questions about her presence on it. She answered their questions and was soon let through into the city of Syliras.
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Alex Cromwell on December 19th, 2012, 12:05 am

Season of Winter, Day 22, 512AV

The sun had just begun to rise over the horizon, illuminating the walls and high towers of the capital city of Syliras. The main gate was within sight, and Alex breathed a huge sigh of relief. He had begun his trek from Sunberth ten days ago, and had barely stopped to sleep or eat. He was tired ad hungry, but he wanted to reach the city as quickly as possible.

He moved towards the gates, eyeing the guards with suspicion. These two men looked like they would spear anyone who looked at them funny, but Alex didn't care. As he tried to walk past them, one guard raised his arm and shoved him back. Alex growled at him.

"Touch me again, and that hand will never touch anything again. What do you want?"

The other guard tightened his grip on his weapon, while the one who shoved him began to interrogate Alex about his business here. Alex rolled his eyes, and answered all the questions that were asked of him, albeit a little sarcastically. After the guard finished, Alex walked past him, stopping to bare his teeth at the other guard. Alex moved into the city, with the guard's eyes at his back.
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