Solo (solo) Man's second and third inventions.

After seeing how poerful a crossbow can be Xi decided to take up learning something....A bit more subtle.

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

(solo) Man's second and third inventions.

Postby Ximal on October 29th, 2012, 4:04 am

11th Fall 512AV ooc
  • Longbow 75 gm
  • Quiver 20 gm
  • Longbow Arrows (20) 1 gm X 3 = 3gm
  • spare bow strings X 3 = 6SM
  • Toolkit, Bowyer/Fletcher 20 gm
  • Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) 1 gm
  • Toolkit, Woodcarver 50 gm
Total = 169gm 6sm.

Determination. That was Xi's mindset this morning. He didn't care how much he was going to have to fork out he needed to get practising with some form of ranged weapon. Brute martial force was still his best bet but when it came to a certain few things, he just simply needed the range. Heading to the hunting shop Xi almost burst the door off the hinges before the person behind the counter looked at him. Xi's face wasn't filled with rage...But more instant determination. His feet ground their stomps into the floor as he marched over to the counter. The myrian man behind the counter regarded him with a look of both terror and awe. Xi towered over the desk, and shot the myrian a look that barked no dispute. As Xi glowered down at the now almost cowering myrian male. He parted his lips and asked swiftly.

"I need a bow. A large one." With a glancing look at Xi he darted out the back of the shop for a few seconds leaving Xi alone with his thoughts. Whilst left alone Xi began to look around the shop before picking out a few things that he thought could be of a use to him. He ran his hand over a large leather holster meant to fit around the chest and holster the arrows for the bow on his back. The tails of the arrows would poke out over his shoulder. A welcome addition. Xi slung it over his head before situating it right and then mock drew an arrow. That wouldn't work. A bow for him would need very big arrows and he just couldn't pull it out far enough, that was when inspiration caught him. He placed the belt of the quiver around his waist over his already existing belt. Draping the quiver over his backside but angling the arrows up on his right. The the slide out of the arrow would be a simple motion of, sliding the arrow out and notching the arrow before releasing it. Xi smiled to himself before looking around the store fro a few more bits and pieces. The simplistic set up made the next bit of stuff he was after much easier to locate. In the corner he spotted it. A small leather roll filled with tools. He would learn to do something more. Picking up the roll. he walked over to the counter before unfurling it on the top. New tools, new things to learn, new items to practice with. this would be something Xi could think about, to practice with and possibly loose this new façade of steely behaviour and return to the old Xi. The one who used to have fun even when being chased by mobs of people. Sighing heavily he re rolled the leather and placed the quiver on the counter next to the tool kit
before walking back off to find some more things within the shop.

As the shop clerk returned he carried a bow bigger than his own height and as tall as Xi was. As the clerk placed it on the counter , Xi lifted it. It felt heavy, sturdy...Powerful. Lifting the bow into it's standing point Xi pulled back on the string. Even with his strength he had a struggle to pull the bowstring back. Good. Placing the bow back on the counter he spoke again in his low voice and in myrian again.
" Arrows. please." And with that the myrian man disappeared again scampering off into the back of the shop. Xi now claimed something he was familiar with. Rope. He'd need that for later on. that would go on the counter along side another tool kit. This one was similar to the first but had some subtle differences such as the fact that the tools were much finer. Much smaller and much more difficult to use. That would go on the counter as well. Soon after the clerk retuned, carrying a bundle of plain arrows. Xi stared into the eyes of the myrian, twisting his wrist within his vambrace. "How much is all of this? " After a few moment's of pausing the clerk spoke, he was seemingly adding up the price in his head. A myrian that could count...That was a new one on Xi.

"one-hundred and sixty-nine gold mizas and six silver mizas, for the spare bowstrings." Taking a deep breath Xi opened up the small pouch on his right hand side, before pulling out one hundred and sixty nine golden mizas and six silver ones. he placed them on the desk quietly before lifting the took kits out first and slotting them into his body pack. Then the quiver which he filled with all the arrows and still had a little space for more. Then he slung the large bow over his shoulder using the taught bowstring to pin the bow against him, collecting the rope in his belt he left the shop. Priority two. Training, and he knew just where to go.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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(solo) Man's second and third inventions.

Postby Ximal on October 29th, 2012, 7:44 pm

Now Xi was at his haunting grounds, the training yard. New tools new weapons, new mindset. Learn something new, everyday. Xi lifted the bow off of his shoulders, now he would practice his shooting. The heft of the bow was astronomic, being the same height as him, for now all he would try to do would be pull the bow string back. Hauling the beast of a bow off of the ground his left hand held it in place as he accustomed himself to the weight. Testing out the pitch and yaw of the bow Xi found a spot that was good for him. Placing three fingers on the bow string he gave a strong pull. Hauling the string back, the burn on his biceps was intense and the strain on his chest horrendous. This bow was well taught, and highly strung. He drew the string back as far as his arms would allow him. Right back to the corner of his mouth. Then let his fingers loose on the bow. The snap of the sting against his bracer was audible, but that bow had some kick. Drawing an arrow from the quiver by his waist, he slid it free from it's holster slowly. Nocking the arrow into the string and laying it flat across the back of the bow. The shaft of th arrow ran along his hand as he drew the string back.

Reaching the corner of his mouth again he held the string in place, and then his fighting instincts kicked in. Ramming all of his weigh into his rear right foot, he rose his left onto the ball. Now he had to make his shot. Anchoring his eye's on the dead tree stump infront of him. He loosed the arrow, but something went wrong in the release he let his hand go to slowly and the arrow shot wide, arcing left of the stump and burrowing into the soft earth. DAMNIT...Ok... calm down, it's a new skill... Drawing another arrow from the quiver at his side. He nocked the arrow and drew, the swell of burn starting to appear in his arms, and across his chest. Now he needed to slow his breaths, as the air filled his lungs it relaxed the burn in his chest and he made sure to lock his target this time, the sharp shots of his arrows, would make their mark on this stump. Now he loosed his arrow, and this time it found it's mark, though his aim was off. The arrow dipped low and right, what was he not doing right?
As Xi began to ponder his predicament, a strong, commanding female voice filtered over. But it was not designated to help him more to criticise.

"Fool, you'd be better using a bow meant for a child." And with that from the tree line, a myrian woman walked into view. Why is everyone in the spires naked ? More to the point why aren't you naked? Why not join them ? I don't see a problem there. Well there would be a few problems, and of course you wouldn't you act on primal instinct alone! Xi let the bow fall and felt the tip sink into the ground a little from it's weight. he let the woman before him speak. She strode over next to him and stood almost as tall as he did. She drew her much smaller bow next to him, less than half the size of his monster bow. She crouched slightly before pitching her bow slightly to the right to angle the arrow better between her hand and the bow. Drawing the bow string back she pulled it from her arm to her ear. before looseing the arrow. The speed with which the arrow flew was only half the speed Xi's bow could produce but the shot hit the mark. Dead centre. Maybe this myrian woman had some skill at this. Xi hefted his bow again taking a deep slow breath and anchored his weight on his back before hearing the woman speak again almost snapping at him. "NO! Child, put your weight on your right foot, and your shots travel wide. Place your weight on your left foot, and the shots stay true." Raisin an eyebrow Xi looked at the myrian woman again, be shifted all his weight onto his left foot, and then the weight of the bow seemed much less. So stance had a lot to do in more weapons than just unarmed fighting. Pulling another arrow from his, he nocked, drew and held his shot, useing all the power in his arms to hold the arrow as he lined it up. The shot strained his chest as he held it, waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Then release! The shot fired and sang true through the air landing only a little to the left of the myrian woman's smaller arrow. He was improving.

"Thanks for the lesson. Mind if i ask the name of the marks-woman helping me?" Xi drew another arrow taking his time with his shots as he listened and waited for the myrian to speak. By now though his arms were burning with pain and stinging in fury.
"My name is Karoul, and i did not expect you to speak my tongue human." Xi grinned as he loosed his next arrow, keeping the stance from earlier but this one went up and to the right of where his last one thrummed into the dead tree stump. Xi stretched out his chest again, he was starting to feel the wear of the bow on his upper body He drank a deep breath before looking at the Karoul.
"I'm full of surprises. And how did you get so good with the bow and arrow? I just started, a few minutes ago. Oh and the name's Ximal. But everyone calls me Xi for short." Xi tiled his head to the side as he watched the woman fire another arrow at the target, almost hitting her first arrow. Xi was less interested in her accuracy than her sat this moment. Watching how she stood the motions her body went through as she took aim and loosed her arrows. Something about this woman seemed a little off, though he want going to ask what.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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(solo) Man's second and third inventions.

Postby Ximal on October 30th, 2012, 6:51 am

Loosing another arrow Xi continued his conversation with karoul. The weight and torsion within the bow and it's string had begun to really bite into his shoulders bids biceps and his chest, and he was feeling little sore for it but much stronger. During his conversation with this woman he'd discovered where she'd come from, a place called talboa. Within the region called flyandar, the home of the myrian people. Strange. Xi limbered up his arms again he couldn't keep making shot after shot with this bow, it was a heavy beast but it really earned it's point of focus. He was still completely new to this beast of a weapon, but now he had some idea of how to use it. Nocking another arrow and then loosing it his arrows were hitting the target much more easily now but his shoulders were screaming at him. Xi let the bow drop from the ready position before he slipped it back over his shoulder. Now he just had to reclaim his arrows. Speaking to Karoul he asked her smile things about the surrounding area, what it was like out side of the spires. She responded in kind as she also went to reclaim her arrows. Xi felt a little strange talking to a woman almost as tall as he himself was. usually it was only other men who even cam close to his height and the akalak's that surpassed him. Sliding his arrows back into the quiver he over heard her say that she was trained to fight from a young age, with a large variety of weapons. Then an idea struck him. even if she was nude she was still very efficient with the bow, that quiver strapped to her leg and those three knives slid into the leather belts that fastened it there. A long knife made of steel, a smaller dagger made of at Xi's best guess iron, and lastly a set of bone throwing knives.

Though Xi left his gaze there a little too long and that earned him a statement from the myrian woman that he wasn't expecting.

Are you going to pull your eyes from my thighs? Or do i have to bring that thigh to your face ? " This sentence confused but this statement Xi raised an eyebrow, and tilted his head.
"Is that an invitation or a threat ?" Xi's answer came very swiftly in the form of a thigh flying at his head. that took Xi completely off guard as he felt the thigh slam hard into his face. Catching him completely off guard. Xi stumbled back a few steps and brushed his face. Wet. His eye's flicked to his hand, blood. A trickle of liquid Xi now felt falling from his nose. Wiping his upper lip with the back of his hand he narrowly dodged the next blow and elbow shearing across his face.
And here i thought we were getting along so well? Xi spoke sarcastically and in a rather unremittingly smarmy tone.

"We are. This is how myrians get along!" Xi slid his right foot back watching a kick of hers sail past his head. As he ducked slightly, avoiding both the kick and catching a rather pleasant view. Spinning his leg out whilst being low he cut her supporting leg out from beneath her. As she tumbled she bounded back on her arms now spinning with her legs in the air like a top, using both her legs to attack him. Well this wan an interesting development. Xi darted one hand in, taking a forced blow from her foot and griping it at the same time, now he slung her across the training field. Now Xi was getting feel for her fighting style and it might have begun to explain why her legs looked so powerful when he watched her shooting her bow. This was what was not sitting right, her legs were strangely strong looking, and her arms were so thin. She landed on her feet, this woman had impeccable control of her body in mid-air. This was something Xi needed to learn. Cracking his neck she sprinted for him again. This time she came with some distracting punches whilst her kicks came furiously after, without any clothing to restrain her movements her motions were fluid and fast. But Xi had more strength. Even with his arms chest and back searing and screaming in pain from the bow he'd just been firing he still had enough speed to be of a challenge. Now he had a chance to try out a non lethal move but the stopping power was incredible. Taking a slow breath he focused his mind as she charged at him keeping his right leg behind him he kept his breathing slow and deep. Now he began to filter djed through his body before speaking his words slowly. His right arm by his side and his left too, this move was all about footing and the opponents speed. She charged at him and he spoke slowly. She leapt at him ready to drive her heel into his head he tilted his body to the side and readied his double palmed strike. "The critical point of all...Burning gold." her heel slipped down next to his head missing his shoulder narrowly, and the djed filtered sharply in small amounts into his triceps and biceps. His palms collided with her stomach and lower ribcage with speed, but not force. The only force was her own body's momentum, but the attack halted her in mid air. With a strong thud she fell to the ground clutching her stomach, on one knee, pain visible on her face but not the only emotion. Xi had shown her that he was not only a strong shot, but he could fight under dire circumstances.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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(solo) Man's second and third inventions.

Postby Ximal on October 31st, 2012, 4:16 pm

Taking several steps back Xi took a deep breath, his arms were already burning from the use of his bow, and the flux snapping had only made them sting worse. Still just enough flux to influence his movements was better than no flux at all. Still with his arms and chest burning, and how his shoulder blades roaring in pain. He was surprised he had enough strength left in him to go through all of that combat. Further still surprised that she had attempted to take his head off with her thigh and the fact that he hadn't let his ye's wander around her body no he'd kept his focus on her joints. Watching for strikes to attempt to dodge. Something about being in the spires had made people being naked not effect him any more. Especially women, he used to have monumental issues with talking to women prior but now...It was as if he'd grown up. Then he herd karoul speak.
"Impressive strength, even worn out from using that huge bow.Your strength hasn't ebbed or been rent useless." She rose again still clutching her stomach and bent over slightly offering Xi another splendiferous view. Still Xi's calm mind was in the right spot now. Her voice continued after she'd worked the pain out of her stomach muscles. "You would pass as a son of myri. Your strength is formidable. Your skill undeniable. Pass me your bow, i wish to see if you were using a strong bow, or just a weak one." Xi raised an eyebrow and slipped the bow off of his shoulder. The weight now visible in his arms. Working up a little strength he tossed it to her. The weight of the bow almost knocked her over, but she backed up a couple of steps her eye's wide with interest and confusion.

As the bow left his shoulder she stretched slightly knocking loose some of the pain in his arms and chest. Though now Xi was watching the myrian woman struggle to even pull back the bow string.It was simple enough for him...A little hard maybe but still easy enough. She was struggling to pull it even a few inches. Then she spoke. "This is ridiculous, you shot out ten arrows using this bow, and you still managed to hit me hard enough to stun me. You may be a madini, but i'll be skurak before i'm able to draw this bow. Now i understand why you had such great difficulty aiming the blasted thing. That and you've got a good hit on you, you managed to dodge the kick and hit me." She tossed his bow back to him, Xi caught it mid air before slipping it over his shoulder. He looked her in the eye.
"There's more to me than meets the eye. Your skill is very good as well i've never seen someone fight using only kicks. That and that thigh to my face wasn't exactly a fair shot. That and it hurt." Now she punched Xi in the arm, this time playfully, something about fighting seemed to bond people. Every person he'd met he'd become somewhat friendly with after they had fought. Then it came to him. A strong thought one more powerful than before. Everyone showed their emotions through their fists. Or at least their weapons. Real fighters, shared their souls though their fists. A realization which mad him smile lightly, and karoul picked up on the smile. Still Xi had a question for her, it might have been a little bit insulting if he just blurted it out but still he spoke it anyway.

"Karoul you mentioned myri...Whose that? i'm not exactly well up on the gods and goddesses. So could you please enlighten me? To say that karoul was a little stunned would be an understatement, within moments she started ranting and explain exactly who and what/who myri was. The warrior goddess of her people. Hence the term myrians...Now Xi had a better understanding of just who and what the myrian people were. With a smile Xi watched the sun drift below the horizon the last rays of light shooting up into the sky changing the blue expanse into a deep purple. Xi smiled and bid karoul farewell and that he would met her here again at some point.

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(solo) Man's second and third inventions.

Postby Reaper on November 16th, 2012, 2:32 am

The Fruits Of The Harvest

Ximal :
Skill XP Rewarded
Intimidation 1
Weapon: Longbow 2
Unarmed Combat 2
Rhetoric 1
Flux 1

Myrians come from Talboa
Why Yes, Everyone in the Spires is Naked
How Myrians Get Along


I believe someone like her would have stronger arms, for if she was a bow-user or as long as I think she was, then her arms would have been toned and worked out over the years. Other than that, great job! 

Keep up the good work! Questions? Comments? Something important that I missed? Please do not hesitate to PM me and we will discuss it. :)
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