Still in the daze the brawler had given him, Imass hesitated as he received blow after blow from the brawler towards his elbows. Instinctively, he tucked his elbows into his sides, while smothering his forearms into the opponents head.
Suddenly, through the fog of his clearing daze Ser Imass remembered his true intent and purpose. He had to get Kreig in a choke hold. He was in the optimum position to do so, but he was seeing three.
Imass would risk the move anyways. It was better than conceding defeat. He was an Akalak, he would always attack. Never retreating. Never surrendering. Aggressively he stabbed his right hand under Kreig's neck. He was trying to loop his arm around the man's neck. He was already so close with Kreig it would be impossible to miss, the key however was maintaining the strength to continue.
Sorry for short post. I think we need to play out the next part second by second. As this is grappling every movement counts, so lets play this out one step at a time. Imass shoots his arm under you, so what's initial kreigs reaction as Imass struggles to gain this position on his neck? Let's hammer this out, we are almost done!