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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on December 3rd, 2012, 5:46 am

Yay more questions!

6. Is is possible to keep unpurposed beads for any length of time

Harvested Ionus Stars will stay in their bead-like form until they are purposed. So one could keep them as keepsakes, or even sell un-purposed beads for miza-- 1 sm a bead usually. Can be sold for more or less depending on the light it emits and color. (of course once they are purposed they lose all worth until they are crafted into something)

7. If the raw substance of whatever we want can be used without further processing, can the beads be used just like that?

Yeah, individual stars have been drilled through to make beads and put into bracelets, or entire strands to decorate the outside of houses. In fact its those beads which are the most common craft made from the stars considering how easy it is to make/do.

8. How specifically can the purposer define the parameters of the beads purposed form? I assume that it has to be within the bounds of reality, and that Ionus stars materials are not structurally superior to normal materials, but for, say, thread, could you specify the approximate thickness of the fibers, again, within the bounds of plausibility?

Within the bounds of reality. General rule, if the player has seen or crafted something he/she can replicate it with the beads. Meaning there can many different types of Ionus Star Fabric, ranging from cotton-like to silk-like all based on what the purposer purposed the stars to be like and then wove them to make whatever. (If that didnt make sense please tell me haha)


I have a question, if my character has no crafting abilities can i still make an extremely amateur poorly put together thing that not even a mother would pretend to love. If my character put a lot of effort into their piece of epic horribleness would they get xp still even though they clearly suck at life?

Yes, yes, yes (yes again)! Everyone has to start somewhere. Just remember its the details and show of effort that gets you points. If the product ICly 'sucks' or is novice in craft, that is what I expect when someone has literally no crafting skills. That is just playing realistically. Again, yes you will earn xp even if you dont have any xp if you show the process of creating whatever you want in detail.

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Kassius Selacs on December 3rd, 2012, 12:22 pm

Last question! (For now)

9. What kind of shops or stalls will show up to take advantage of this? I mean obviously there will be people selling their Ionu's stars products, but would there be stalls specifically for the buying and selling of unpurposed beads, or craftsmen you could pay to make Ionu's stars whatevers for you and stuff like that.
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on December 3rd, 2012, 12:35 pm

For now haha. Please dont limit yourself to questions you want to ask to me. Ill gladly (maybe) answer 1000 questions in a row. It will take a while, and I would hope you're finished after I take the time to do it all, but always feel free to ask away.

9. What kind of shops or stalls will show up to take advantage of this? I mean obviously there will be people selling their Ionu's stars products, but would there be stalls specifically for the buying and selling of unpurposed beads, or craftsmen you could pay to make Ionu's stars whatevers for you and stuff like that.

You can find stalls in The Bizarre. You can buy unpurposed beads for about 3-5 sm a bead without negotiation. As mentioned before PCs can sell beads for about 1sm a bead, higher or lower based on color and brightness. Know that black beads do not occur naturally in Alvadas and have to be made by mixing all the colored beads together. So black beads/black star items will cost quite a bit for the effort it takes to make such products. Star products are sold at the cost of at least 4-8 times (can be negotiated down) the price of the item on the price list. For crafting the item for with stars its at least 10 times the price to have the crafter craft the item you want with stars. You can get a discount if you provide the stars (Prolly normal selling price: 4-8 times).

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Jilitse on December 4th, 2012, 7:22 am

I like shiny things. I really do. I am very excited to joing the seasonal quest! But first I have questions.

1. How many items can we create?
Already I am thinking of creating a really nice shiny muffler for Jil, but maybe I could also tinker a bracelet or two? But wait, I think I also want to drape strings of colorful lights inside my shop. Can I do all of this, provided that I spend time star-catching?

2. How long does it take to get a handful of Ionus stars? From what I imagine it, maybe we could come up with devices to help catch the stars?

3. If black is rare, how about white? What determines the color of the beads we harvest, or is this something we could decide by ourselves?
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on December 4th, 2012, 9:40 am

Good questions! Im just about done planning the SQ for Winter.

1. How many items can we create?
Already I am thinking of creating a really nice shiny muffler for Jil, but maybe I could also tinker a bracelet or two? But wait, I think I also want to drape strings of colorful lights inside my shop. Can I do all of this, provided that I spend time star-catching?

You can create as many items as you want, granted you spend a reasonable amount of time star-catching

2. How long does it take to get a handful of Ionus stars? From what I imagine it, maybe we could come up with devices to help catch the stars?

That really depends if you are going to catch them yourself or hire people to catch them for you, or buy them from the market. Just make it a reasonable amount of time and I dont think we will have problems. You can come up with any number of devices to help catch stars :) That is a good idea actually. Have fun with that! (I can see Jili cashing in with those inventions)

3. If black is rare, how about white? What determines the color of the beads we harvest, or is this something we could decide by ourselves?

The player is free to dictate what color of star they catch, just Black is made and doesnt occur naturally within Alvadas. The color stars that are present are all the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors. Primary being the most common, followed by Secondary, followed by Tertiary.

Primary Colors= Red, Blue, Yellow.
Secondary Colors= Green, Orange, Purple.
Tertiary colors= Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green

Of course you could mix together colors to create a rarer color, like Red and Blue to make Green, but those stars would have to be purposed first and therefore the color only becoming apparent in the product.

Black is created by mixing all star colors together.

White you could stumble upon, but its one of the most rare ones. Even rarer than the Tertiary colors.

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Sinoa on December 5th, 2012, 4:45 am

my character is a pycon and we eat clay...Ionus stars can become clay.... evil things are brewing in my head so many evil things :P
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Licearsvansan on December 7th, 2012, 11:35 am

Technically Alvadas is the place to try new and strange culinary delights.
Speaking of turning stars into edible substances, is it possible to turn them into something like bread?


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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Jilitse on December 7th, 2012, 12:07 pm

I just sent a PM to everyone who had themselves listed in this season's attendance thread
I hope you accept the invite :D
I. Vox Populi, Vox Dei
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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Fallacy on December 7th, 2012, 1:02 pm

You cant turn the beads into bread, but you may very well turn them into ingredients for bread. When doing this keep in mind how small the beads are and how many beads you would really need to make a whole loaf of bread out of stars. Remember the beads turn into base components for whatever you want to make them out of. For bread you need lots of things: yeast, water, flour... and in the correct measurements too!

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[Alvadas OOC Thread] Hallucinations Sold Separately

Postby Licearsvansan on December 7th, 2012, 1:14 pm

Yeah I figured as much, one other thing I just thought of. How bright can the beads be. Like lets say in pitch black darkness how much light can they give off at most. An inch, a foot, a meter? If they are noticeably glowing even in the day time I would assume they give off a similar amount to a glow stick, but in a city of illusions I imagine not all things act as they should and I just want to be sure. (This may have been answered, if it is I'm sorry I just pulled an all-nighter)


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