Timestamp: Early Spring, 510AV Location: The Threaded Hide- Endrykas Purpose- Establish Income Status- Self Modded, Closed The Ankal's son entered the pavilion and wandered past the boltss of cloth and garments arranged neatly on tables, to the side where the various leather goods were displayed. The Threaded Hide was familiar to Vanator, having purchased both garments from the Wovengrass' and leather items from the Heidecraft family. It was the latter that he sought that morning. A man approached Vanator, clad in a leather apron, his face as etched and leathery as the products he produced. "How can I help you, the young one's usually mind the shop, but it seems someone has made sugarbread and they all suddenly disappeared." He laughed, Vanator politely joining him. "Well, actually, I wanted to discuss some business." Van began, putting on his best negotiating smile. "I do quite a bit of hunting, I enjoy getting out into the grass and all. I usually bring home more than I need, or even those few of my Pavilion with me. I am looking for someone interested in purchasing some hide on a regular basis." He let his eyes linger on the leatherworkers dark gaze. It was a tactic that his father used, he said it conveyed confidence and sincerity. The merchant smiled. "Well, what we do get comes in irregularly, would be nice to get some regular-like. But it can't be all hacked up." His finger shot up accusingly. Vanator balked for a moment, as if the man somehow knew of his occasional use of his battle ax to finish a kill. "No, of course not, good clean hides!" Vanator promised. "Fine then, when you get something bring it around to the back. If its good stuff, I will pay you fairly for it." |